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Ever woken up and not known wtf was going on?

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It's only happened to me like 3 times before, but there are these times when I wake up and my mind is just like totally not functioning correctly. One time I had this really, really panicking feeling and I started pacing around and walked downstairs. If I really concentrated, the feeling would go away, but then slowly started coming back. It was more than just a panic feeling though, it was like the feeling that I did something horribly, horribly bad and I knew that I totally fucked my life up and I couldn't go back and change it. Yea, a shitty feeling, and for some reason after I woke up and was conscious of the fact that I was definitely not asleep, I still had the feeling.

Hopefully never happens again.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, it always takes me at least 3 minutes to understand whats going on. So I'm sitting around trying to remember what day it is, what I have to do, and the such. I remember this one time there was a huge explosion near my apartment while I was sleeping, it was so loud that I actually felt the vibration and heard all the car alarms go off. I remember that so many things went through my head as it was happening, I was wondering if a bomb went off or some missile had hit the city. Turns out it was a lightning strike. :p


Firest0rm said:
Your wife rocks!

:lol I thought about posting the *exact* same thing. She does rock.

LakeEarth said:
Oh yeah, for sure. Ever get that dream where you haven't attended class all year, and the exam is coming soon, and your like "how come I keep forgetting to go to this class!?!?"

I always have those...shit, just yesterday I dreamt I was in high school and I had this big ass assignment that I forgot about. When I woke up I was actually worried about it for a couple of minutes. :p

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Anyone else have the same dream more than once?

Yep...not just one recurring dreams, many of them. There's this dream I have sometimes in a Silent Hill-esque mansion where I'm being chased by some "unknown" monster. I've had it at leas 2-3 times. I also have sequels to dreams I've had before.
AlphaSnake said:
Yeah, I still have dreams about fucking up royally in high school and I haven't been there for a year and a half now.
I get those quite a bit even university ones(I was only there for one year). They get me so worried but then I wake up.

J2 Cool

Today. I had a dream of a girl I havent seen in a year or so. She broke up with her bf, or the one she had before I last seen her, and I ask her out. Then after that thinks just kinda went black. I cant remember dreaming anything. Then all a sudden my sister goes "your still sleeping?" in a straight kind of voice. Not the loud yell I usually get from my mom. I open my eyes then for the first time feeling like there's been blackness for the last 8 hours. Took me awhile to realize I gotta get up live my life. Feels so weird to dream like that. Its so strong a dream you dont realize what your real reality is. So I shook it off and seen it was 2pm and went to get a shower.

Another one was from when my family had a short stint living in a hotel. I was dreaming I was driving on the highway at night. Then I guess I couldnt stop myself from speeding. At one point Im flying and Im able to catch myself and go the speed limit. Around a turn my car was up against the railing. Then all a sudden a cop is in sight. He hasnt busted me yet. My dad's in the car with me looking over and telling me to drive good. Next thing I know Im speeding again and the cop flips the lights. So now Im scared and I start trying to get away. Then all a sudden another turn and my dad screams watch out. I go flying at full speed into the railing. The railing breaks and Im off a cliff. All the slow motion feel of a crash there too and then falling with my dad in the car realizing I failed him. I wake up in a terror and its around 10pm after falling asleep around 4pm in daylight. I fell asleep on the queen size bed with nobody else having been in the room all day. Raining outside as it was in my dream and laying spread on my stomach with like 4 or 5 pillows around me and breaking a little sweat. Really creepy, especially waking to a soft rain and wind.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Dice said:
One time I had a dream where I woke up in the middle of the night to my sisters upstairs screaming and getting cut off, then a bright light seemed to lower from the sky shinign brightly into my room. So I got up and in the living room saw aliens floating my mom and brother through the wall. I jump attacked them but they pulled out something with two prongs that made my muscles tense and relax, but in a shockwave kind of way. I fell down on the ground, got up and ran a few steps but all the strength left my body and I fell down again and slammed my head on the ground but didn't feel it, and things faded to black as they approached.

Then I woke up still inside the dream it was like a a normal day... an entire, completely normal day in it's full length of time. My family didn't remember anything and I didn't say anything, so Iw ent through the day and I went to sleep inside the dream and had a dream inside the dream, woke up still inside my dream and had another full day, then another night, dream-inside-of-dream and then woke up for another full dream-day. Through each day I had headaches that got worse and worse, towards the end of the last day I got one so bad I was disoriented and fell out of a window.

Just before I hit the sidewalk I woke up for real. But when I opened my eyes I was falling into my bed from 2 or 3 feet in the air and it bounced me all the way across the room. I was really confused and didn't know what was going on, I tried to replicate the bounce but couldn't get the same distance. I was really messed up and didn't know what was real for a few weeks after that but I didn't tell anybody.

Then on a more serious note...

Another time I woke up and my mom and brother were watching the news talking about how a plane had flown into a WTC tower, then another one flew into the other tower, then a bit later the pentagon had a firey hole in it. That was pretty messed up.

Whoa, I totally know how you feel. When I was about 10 years old, I had a huge problem where I always thought I was dreaming. I don't even remember the dream that set this off, but it must have been something like what happen to you. I would go about my day and just get depressed wondering if this was really reality. I actually cried sometimes because you really have no way of knowing what is real...this eventually started getting into my dreams and making the problem worse. There was only one thing that stopped this problem, I realized that all my dreams are from a 3rd person perspective, but I see from 1st person in "real" life.

I've noticed a lot of the time that the tv can effect my dreams. I took a nap after I got home from work and heard like 10 minutes worth of Seinfeld. And sometimes I'll wake up and think about my dream, and then see something on tv that is basically the same thing.


my fiance does this shit to me all the time. she LOVES waking me up while i'm dreaming just so i'll say something stupid that makes NO SENSE whatsoever so she can laugh her ass off.


ConfusingJazz said:
I have done this a couple times. The phone wakes me up, so I go to my clock to turn off the alarm, fumble around with it until the phone stops ringing, then go back to bed. I ususally figure out what the hell I just did when my roommate goes, What the hell are you doing?

Haha, that sounds like something I'd do.


Has problems recognising girls
There was one time when I was drunk as a skunk, and all I remember was throwing up in the toilet upstairs, yelling to my brother and sister how good that felt, then proceeded to go down to bed to pass out.

Next thing I know I wake up not knowing where the fuck I was, other than it was as black as night. Tried to figure out where the nearest bucket/sink/toilet/anything was so I could vomit again, my brain couldn't function so I just stuck my head over where ever the hell I was and hurled all over the ground. Once my senses regained I found out I had been sleeping the other way around on my bed and totally butt naked. How I got to that I had no idea.

The best one happened to a friend of mine where he woke up and watched his alarm clock race through time backwards till it slowed down and stopped at the right time. Warped shit.


I woke up during a night of being slightly drunk, and I swear there were people making a campfire and eating marshmellows in the middle of my bedroom.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
One night "according to my father" I came into his room and started asking about robots. I dont remember anything about it.

he keeps his room door locked now


Another one I had was like the night before an exam, I had a dream about the exam... but the dream convinced me that there was a whole section of the class that I forgot to study for... and when I woke up, I had to convince myself that this mysterious section didn't exist. I actually went through my books and notes to make sure, around 4am in the morning. Had a hell of a time falling back asleep. Actually, I don't think I did.



Several times in my life I've dreamed of buying a shitload of games and new PC or a car and when I wake up I'm all excited about driving the new car or hopping on the new PC, then I realize I don't have it. :(


I remember one time waking up to answer the phone. It was a friend who had a huge problem. After he ended explaining it to me I answered: "And what the fuck do you want me to do about it ? "...TIIIIIII...

I returned to sleep and 5 minutes later I realized how rude I had been...I phoned him again and apologized for 5 minutes.
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