That theme on the character select screen completely caught me off guard. Forgot they were adding it. Nostalgia! Gahhhh
Need to get back into the game i got demotivated when I kept losing my stuff everytime i log on but it seems things are better now?
Yeah the days of voxel wipes seem to have passed.
So is this thing a game yet? Or is it basically MMO minecraft?
Thinking about dropping that $50...
Sapphire is the new burled wood.
I still just have a shed
Really,just a shed here, nothing to see
I still just have a shed
Really,just a shed here, nothing to see
Hahahaha, awesome. Is the music that faded in an event you can create for when someone passes a certain point or enters a certain range or something?
Can you have more than one claim?
Not yet, but it will be added,yes. you can expand your claim .
the possibilities are epic![]()
Davegeorgeson: PvP? Oh hell yes. But there's so much to reveal there, I can't start now. But trust me on this...if you don't want to participate in the PvP, you do not have to. Many, many folks won't want to, and we recognize that. But for those that like PvP, it's going to be glorious. (I'm sorta biased, of course.)
Dave Georgeson just posted this in Twitch chat:
sct ‏@sctx Feb 7
@j_smedley My god if we get some sort of passive animals and farming/breeding/etc I dont think I would ever stop playing.
John Smedley ‏@j_smedley Feb 7
@sctx yes. yes. and more yes.
Not quite a survival game... but it could maybe evolve into a big playground
Like... Minecraft + Harvest Moon + Dragons Dogma
Not quite a survival game... but it could maybe evolve into a big playground
Like... Minecraft + Harvest Moon + Dragons Dogma
Everquest: Second Life
Probably already mentioned, but reading through the "Coming Soon" section in the FAQ:
"Underground Biomes Underground is pretty much undeveloped right now. The caverns arent in and we havent separated the resources out into tiers of depth. Thats all coming soon and is in-progress."
The islands are 2 miles across and 1 mile deep. Think about that. The vast majority of every island is underground.
Is anyone else getting a glitch where your character will start flickering up and down (kind of like you're jumping, but quicker and higher and just flicking back and forth without any animation) while trying to walk or run? Or is that just me?
Tried turning my settings to low, even though I know my computer can handle more than that, just in case that was any part of the issue, but it's still doing it.
Likewise, when I right-click my claim flag, on the map screen where I would move it around to try to place a claim, things move at a snails pace and I can't seem to move anything anywhere there either.
3rd Gen i7 Quad Core, 8GB RAM, geForce 650m 2GB
I probably should get registered for their Alpha forum.
Nah, happens to me all the time. I find using the grappling hook a few times will correct it.
Whereabouts do I find/get/craft/whatever a grappling hook?
Oh, and, I finally laid down a claim! And it's actually in a nice area too (grass, trees, etc.), as opposed to out in the desert at the edge of the map like I had been looking at first. Yay!
This may sound silly, but what does the "size" modifier do on a pick? The speed is obviously how fast it strikes, is the size how large of an area you are mining with each strike?
Is anyone else getting a glitch where your character will start flickering up and down (kind of like you're jumping, but quicker and higher and just flicking back and forth without any animation) while trying to walk or run? Or is that just me?
This usually happens because the server is trying to catch up to what you are doing. I think it has to do with internet speed. If you stop and let the area load for a few seconds, it goes away.
Well, I mean, I have a 45Mb connection, would have thought I would've been alright. Granted it is wireless, but the router is only a few feet away. But, I suppose stuff like that can fluctuate. And, of course, it is just an alpha.
The other thing that's happened a couple of times over the past half hour or so, is that it keeps overheating my computer - even with all the graphics settings on low. My laptop under regular use (like right now with just a web browser open) usually sits at around 45C. However, like 3 times over the past half hour while playing EQ, it's pushed it over 100C, which trips the shutdown. So, it will shut down, cool itself down, and restart. Will be at 45C again, but then after 10 minutes or so it will be back at 100C and shut down again. No idea what's going on with that.
Bleh. I think that's enough for tonight. I'll poke around at it more tomorrow, and probably check out their forums and such too.