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EverQuest - what do you think of it?


I never really got into EQ, but I'd like to know everyone else's opinion of it. So what do you think of it?


Hates quality gaming
Until the difference of price in me buying a game and playing said game online is $0.00, all online gaming is worthless.


eq2 looks disturbingly like swg, and after swg im thinking more along the lines of can eq2 top wow... because wow is an amazingly well put together package of fun


I think EQ2 will self destruct, because despite claims of being able to quest for experience in the game, it still sounds like spending a few hours killing rats on a new character.


Best MMORPG there was ('cept UO golden era but that was ruined) but now it went down but it's normal after all these years.


Boring and overly confusing. Yeah, these things could be remedied with time, but I could never get my ass past level 5 or 6 without going nuts (I tried with different classes/races, but still...just nothing *stuck* for me. Have had a mild contempt for it ever since.


Best gaming experience i've ever had, bar none. Original Everquest /w the expansions Ruins of Kunark and Scars of Velious were gaming bliss that ~i~ have been a part of.


Gold Member
golem said:
eq2 looks disturbingly like swg, and after swg im thinking more along the lines of can eq2 top wow... because wow is an amazingly well put together package of fun

EQ2 is nothing like SWG. Think of SWG as UO in 3D with a Star Wars skin (or more technically, UO2 with a Star Wars skin). SWG and UO/UO2 share many, many, many game systems and architecture.

EQ2 is a class-based MMO as opposed to the skill-based MMO that SWG is. It's basically EQ with a very pretty graphic engine while being made less frustrating than EQ1 to attract people who either never played EQ1 or quit EQ1. Most of the things in EQ1 that drove away players have either been removed or heavily modified in EQ2.


Best gaming experience I've ever had. I played my bard almost everyday for 4+ years. The only thing that got me to stop was getting in the WoW beta and the last EQ expansion was a broken buggy mess. Most of my enjoyment came from raiding and doing stuff with my guild.


Best MMORPG I have ever played and I have played most of them. EQ just has something that all other MMORPGs strive for and fail.
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