Calling me a bitch eh? Dude everyone wants to see that match.. Get the sand out your damn vag.. Players first my ass.. I doubt it was about nerves for them.. It was badly planned and get over yourself..
Yeah you are a bitch for complaining that a match wasn't played on stream. A match that happens in many tournaments previously.
I never mentioned nerves, so why mention it?
The tournament isn't planned around streaming every match. The tournament was to host the largest fighting game tournament that included multiple games and internationals, while providing streams to viewers
Guess what? Its on schedule and ending on time. Just because ABC top player is playing XYZ top player doesn't mean they should halt the tournament, move the whole pool to another stream setup and play.
If you wanted to see all the hype matches, go to evo. Otherwise you can continue to bitch about not being able to see all the matches.
You seem to be taking a hard line on this and I don't think it is a correct one. Without the stream, you don't get companies being involved which means the players you are so concerned about don't get the prize pots.
EVO has not just been about the players there for a long time. The stream is a central part of the event and even carries a high cost subscription which has been increasing every year. You can't show every player, every time, sure. But showcasing Daigo or Chris G vs Justin just makes simple business sense.
They need to do better.
12 bucks is not a high sub cost wtf. Also if the FGC went back to the dark ages I wouldn't give two shits because I'll still be a part of it. I don't really give a shit about these random entitled stream viewers. These players were playing regardless of prize pots for more than a decade and if these players cared about getting paid they wouldn't be playing fucking Marvel.
EVO hasn't been about the players? O yeah, they just have a huge ass BYOC area for side tournaments for no reasons. O the tournament running on time and on schedule? nope, not about the players. Of course there is some business involved in EVO but to say EVO isn't about the players is ridic.