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Evolution 2016 Fighting Game Chamionship Tournament of the Year - July 15th - 17th

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I needed seats. It was impossible to find an open seat.

The smell on Sat was way worse than Friday. There was a large group of people who clearly were wearing the same clothes from the previous day and didn't bathe.

perhaps they never left the venue


You guys I'm so happy right now. I'm at EVO and I am just thrilled.

Joe deserves this so much.

I'm actually in the process of completing a documentary ABOUT Long Island Joe.

I want to share a link to the teaser trailer but I don't want to break any NeoGAF rules about self promotion or any of that stuff....

am I allowed to post the trailer? i'm just so hyped.


You guys I'm so happy right now. I'm at EVO and I am just thrilled.

Joe deserves this so much.

I'm actually in the process of completing a documentary ABOUT Long Island Joe.

I want to share a link to the teaser trailer but I don't want to break any NeoGAF rules about self promotion or any of that stuff....

am I allowed to post the trailer? i'm just so hyped.

It's relevant to the thread. I would go for it. It is a documentary. How bad can it be???
You guys I'm so happy right now. I'm at EVO and I am just thrilled.

Joe deserves this so much.

I'm actually in the process of completing a documentary ABOUT Long Island Joe.

I want to share a link to the teaser trailer but I don't want to break any NeoGAF rules about self promotion or any of that stuff....

am I allowed to post the trailer? i'm just so hyped.

Should be fine if you don't make a thread I think.


It's relevant to the thread. I would go for it. It is a documentary. How bad can it be???

Okay, I'll post the link. Mods, if this isn't okay, please don't ban me! Please just let me know to remove it and I'll do so. And if anyone wants to make a thread about it, please feel free. Joe is such a fantastic guy and I just want people to be able to learn his story. (We go super deep in this doc into stuff he has *never* talked about publicly.)



Evo is too big for it's own good now and the Smash 4 community has a right to be upset given what we know because it sounds like they were treated as a joke despite having to second most entrants. I even had people complaining on my twitter timeline.

Toss in the ASW games as well. 1 hour is too much of those games, if you can call them games.

ASW games get outdated too fast for my liking.
Okay, I'll post the link. Mods, if this isn't okay, please don't ban me! Please just let me know to remove it and I'll do so. And if anyone wants to make a thread about it, please feel free. Joe is such a fantastic guy and I just want people to be able to learn his story. (We go super deep in this doc into stuff he has *never* talked about publicly.)


It looks intriguing. Do you follow Joe during Evo only? Or has this been a longer term thing?
Even aside from the Smash 4 issues the SFV streams weren't much better; outside of commentator preferences there was just ridiculous downtime constantly, some quality/artifacting/transition freezes etc. At one point SFV had 3 streams and none of them had a match actually being played which is kind of impressive.

I mentioned before that I was kind of glad I wasn't able to go for the first time this year since it seemed like it would be a potentially rough transition year with size and venues, kind of sad to see that panned out that way for attendees. Kind of crazy that they got such a bigger venue and it was still packed with all kinds of logistical issues. Honestly curious to see what they do next year; are there even bigger venues they can get, do they cut games or go to 4 days or what.

Yeah, it seems like there were problems across all games, even SF. I can't believe they let the CapcomFighters stream go on as long as they did with that strange artifacting/freezing problem. And the streams being all over the place with matches making it extremely difficult to keep up.

And then other games getting snubbed pretty badly like KI. Didn't they only pools streamed and then finals?

Also I don't like the idea of separating smash from Evo because then it just further splits the fgc and smash communities into two communities with their own superiority complexes instead of one big community with shared interests.

It took years before smash became common at fgc events and I don't think we should regress backwards.

There are those of us out there who are both Smash fans and fans of other fighting games like SF, Tekken, Mahvel, MK and the like, and Evo is a celebration of all of that, so splitting the communities like that would be a bit disheartening.


Honestly, that Evo continues to let Melee run their forever-taking format blows my mind. I thought all Smash was boring, but no, it's just Melee. I don't know anything about the series, but Sm4sh was decent enough filler while I was waiting for Tekken's top 8 last night. It certainly seems quicker than Melee, but is it still too long? I could believe that Evo doesn't want two Smash games as part of the official lineup. But then, I think that'd be true of any similar games. And I think Nintendo checking out after one Evo probably didn't help.

Maybe the sheer enormity of SFV is what made things difficult and things will more or less go back to normal next year...

Splitting off Smash should happen if the communities want to be split off. If it were forced on them... Man, factional conflict would erupt. Smash players would be demanding anime got spun off, SF would be telling Tekken to leave because 3D games are dead, Tekken would be accusing the American games of having bought their way in, Marvel's top players would have to be evacuated for their own safety. And at the height of the drama, Catherine players would storm the stage and force everyone to wear sheep costumes.


Mrs. Harvey
I think even if people took showers, it would make no difference. When temperatures are that hot and you stick so many people in a confined space for 8+ hours, people are going to smell no matter what. Add to that people are going to be going to the bathroom and eating all day. I can only imagine.


This is the first year where I've watched EVO that I've been so busy with watching it's been hard to do anything else. Was planning on playing Overwatch while listening to podcasts but I gotta sleep since everything starts again early tomorrow.


pretty sure there would be pokken. wasn't one of the japanese players beating up on small children at a pokken tournament (in game)


Gross. I'd be the guy calling people out if they smelled. Wash your ass.

Maybe you should keep your delicate nose at home. Even if every single person showered and put on deodorant before they left it still isn't guaranteed to smell ideal. Especially with some players leaving their hotel at 6-7am and staying until after midnight. someone could build up a sweat during the day for a variety of reasons like going into the heat, running for their matches, playing intense matches all day, or even just from genetics. And some buildings have poor ventilation and are over capacity.
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