Man, just had the most exhilarating match so far. Day one of Evac, I am Goliath. Enemy team is full of human players and they are damn good. Bucket is using his UAV and is spotting me a lot, and they split up really well and cut me off more than a few times. I armor up on stage one and get enough meat to evolve but I cannot find a safe spot to do so. I am climbing a wall when the dome falls, I think they have me, but either by glitch or by lag (probably lag, the servers are garbage on Xbone right now) I finish climbing and then go through the dome to safety. They continue to chase me though and get half my armor down. I find a quiet area and evolve.
Right as I take control of the monster again, Hyde is on me. I run away, and the cat and mouse game begins again. For every 4 wildlife animals I kill, I maybe get a chance to feed on one, or part of one. But they are not as good at cornering me or cutting me off now. I have downed a couple of them once, and I have started hitting the big wildlife guys to get them riled up then running off and leaving them for the hunters in pursuit. I get full armor, but am trapped in a dome. I lose half the armor before downing the trapper, and its Maggie's third strike so she dies and I am free.
I run off trying to find wildlife to reach stage 3. I've been running around killing so many things and not feeding on them, I am worrying that I have simply ate almost all the wildlife on the map. I find a few more and get about 75% armor and meat up enough to reach stage 3. I start to evolve, but smell Hyde near. I say fuck it and sneak to a corner, and pounce on him. I get him to 25% health before his team shows up (this is a downside to splitting up). The trapper throws their dome, some fire and rock kills her and the dome is gone but I smell blood. Hyde has been healed to maybe 60% health so I go after him. He dies next. I made sure to completely kill and eat Maggie and then Hyde, even though the medic was Caira and there was no need to worry about that goddamn Lazarus device, I ate them anyway. To me it's kind of like teabagging in Evolve. Anyway, I target Bucket next and he goes down pretty easily. By now all my armor is gone and I am at maybe 70% health. The battle happened to have took place mostly in a long corridor on the back of one of the maps. It made their mines and turrets more effective, but also made my fire and melee attacks that much harder to escape.
Caira makes a run for an open space and I hit her with a rock and then beat her to death. By now I am realizing I completely forgot to kill off Bucket, and of course Daisy has revived it. I finish Caira off and devour her. Bucket is running for it. I chase him down and breathe fire on him. He expends his entire jetpack launching high, high into the air, and I just wait for him to come down and then do a ground smash. I check the timer... about 65 seconds. More than enough time to finish off the last hunter. It's Maggie, so of course she is just sitting in a wide open area doing nothing. But she does run when she sees me, but cannot outrun my fire. Goliath wins. 19 minutes IIRC. Hate mail from 2 of the 4 hunters post game asking why I suck so much. It just made the anticipation for day 2 of evacuation all the stronger. Apparently I get rewarded in day two with flooded areas of the map that now contain man eating eels. Awesome!
Game then disconnects and tells me server lost connection and boots me back to main menu. This fucking game.