Last night we trap a Kraken with a group of randoms at Stage 1.
I was playing Markov and we had an Abe and a Val, meaning the Kraken would basically not get in the air at all. So the moment the dome goes down I start quickly throwing some mines before engaging. At that point the support, a Cabot starts shouting at me "OMG KLYKA DO DAMAGE WTF ARE YOU DOING" which I just respond to with "placing mines, give me a sec here" He proceeds to shout at me that "placing mines against Kraken is a waste of time that I suck and that I need to shoot the fucking monster."
So I placed my mines and go Lightning Gun and start laying into the Kraken.
He is going after our Abe who has been throwing stasis everywhere and Val has been doing a great job tranqing. So Abe gets focuses and the Kraken on the ground comes after him and Abe goes "oh look at those neatly set up mines over there" and runs into them. Kraken just jumps after Abe and at that moment Cabot uses his damage amp for the first time.
Four damage amped mines go off in the Kraken's face, taking down what was left of his armor and bringing him to half health.
I throw some more mines he runs into and we finish him up in less than 40 seconds or so.
All I said in Lobby after was "7k damage with mines" which the Cabot responds to with "Sorry about that mate".
I then called it quits for the night