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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead

Have you ever fought a Wraith in a dome that didn't want to fight? Good luck trying to catch it, even with the 25% speed reduction.

And you guys think the audio cue is such an important tool for the monster, it's not. In all the monster games I've played since the first alpha, I never used the dome call as my cue to retreat. As soon as I spotted trapper with smell, I was already getting ready to run. The audio cue is just a confirmation that the dome is coming down. You should already be running when you hear it.

The change will make a difference, but not as big as you think.
There are several nerfs to the Wraith that will assist the Hunters in tracking her down when domed. Traversal nerf, the ability to shoot the Wraith out of cloaking while using Decoy, and the decoy cooldown time, to name three.

Second paragraph, you're missing the point. Like you said, if you're using the cue to attempt to jump out of the dome, then you're doing it wrong. Any trapper worth his or her salt will deploy it right on you, which won't allow you to escape with the Goliath or Kraken. The Wraith, however, can easily traversal x3 and warp blast out of it even if it's being deployed on top of them. Hence, the removal of the sound cue and traversal/warp blast nerfs.

For the record, I don't even play Hunter or Wraith so I don't particularly care. But the evidence of an advantage for Wraith is clear as day and in the process of being addressed. I don't understand the denial.
I also just enjoy the game a lot
So do I - ever since the private alpha. But my feelings on the gameplay don't affect my objectivity or lead me to dismiss opinions with 4chan shit posts.
Played on a team with a level 1, level 2, and level 4 tonight. Was fucking brutal. "hey what does support do??"

The worst one was the level 4, because he actually talked like he knew a lot about the game. Mother fucker picks Laz and doesn't even use his lazarus device. Revives us all using X. We get to the relay as of course the monster is stage 3 and I notice I have a strike and the other two have two strikes. What the hell.

But that guy controlling the monster and me were being switched every game so every time I played on their team and they annoyed me I got to spend the next game beating the shit out of them so it made me stick around.


There are several nerfs to the Wraith that will assist the Hunters in tracking her down when domed. Traversal nerf, the ability to shoot the Wraith out of cloaking while using Decoy, and the decoy cooldown time, to name three.
You can already do this. The change is that the Wraith will appear for longer after the patch. But like in my previous example, people don't take advantage of this which is why they lose.
Second paragraph, you're missing the point. Like you said, if you're using the cue to attempt to jump out of the dome, then you're doing it wrong. Any trapper worth his or her salt will deploy it right on you, which won't allow you to escape with the Goliath or Kraken. The Wraith, however, can easily traversal x3 and warp blast out of it even if it's being deployed on top of them. Hence, the removal of the sound cue and traversal/warp blast nerfs.
I don't see how removing the sound cue will help with Wraith dashing out. The traversal nerf will though.
For the record, I don't even play Hunter or Wraith so I don't particularly care. But the evidence of an advantage for Wraith is clear as day and in the process of being addressed. I don't understand the denial.

So do I - ever since the private alpha. But my feelings on the gameplay don't affect my objectivity or lead me to dismiss opinions with 4chan shit posts.
You don't understand because you don't play as either sides being discussed. You shouldn't be talking about Wraith balance when you never play as or against one.


Wraith is OP it's as simple as that. It takes considerably less skill to use and win as. The win percentage proves this as well. Devs have all the data and and making significant changes to the Wraith which also acknowledges that it is OP.

I think Wraith is conceptually flawed however because most hunters don't enjoy a monster who can cloak and send out a decoy that take away 9/10th of your health if hut by umit.


The Wraith is a weird little thing when you are used to fighting Goliath and Kraken.

I feel that the nerfs on him will help pub hunters to catch him more and thereby make the game a bit faster as well as make bad wraith players unable to coast through games.

At the same time the buffs to warp blast are fucking amazing and will allow good wraith players who don't really use decoy much to fuck up hunters even more.


I still play occasionally with friends.
Only problem is to find a monster in evac as a 4man team sometimes.

Oh and fighting the Wraith at this state just is not fun at all.
Even with 4 people you can talk to it's too hard to catch, catch up and when you catch it, it can hide too well (decoy, cloak etc.).


I feel I've actually become not very fun to play with. I just expect too much.

I think I'll take a break this week.


Any monster will seem too good in the right hands.

That includes the Wraith. Against good teams who know the Wraith you have no room for error.
You can already do this. The change is that the Wraith will appear for longer after the patch. But like in my previous example, people don't take advantage of this which is why they lose.

I don't see how removing the sound cue will help with Wraith dashing out. The traversal nerf will though.

You don't understand because you don't play as either sides being discussed. You shouldn't be talking about Wraith balance when you never play as or against one.
I don't play as Hunter or Wraith because I don't enjoy playing as or against Wraith. Much like the majority of the user base that is currently leaving the game until the patch arrives. Once they nerf it I'll branch out a bit more. Until then, I'll be racking up Goliath and Kraken wins.

Anyway, the patch notes can literally have the header "NO MORE OP WRAITH" and you'd still be here beating your chest about how it's not OP. It's impossible to have a conversation with people like you or Kyka when you ignore the text of the posts you're quoting. Kudos for not resorting to memes like he does, though.


I don't play as Hunter or Wraith because I don't enjoy playing as or against Wraith. Much like the majority of the user base that is currently leaving the game until the patch arrives. Once they nerf it I'll branch out a bit more. Until then, I'll be racking up Goliath and Kraken wins.

Anyway, the patch notes can literally have the header "NO MORE OP WRAITH" and you'd still be here beating your chest about how it's not OP. It's impossible to have a conversation with people like you or Kyka when you ignore the text of the posts you're quoting. Kudos for not resorting to memes like he does, though.

It's "Klyka" actually.

I also have a feeling that after the nerf/buff people will come back expecting to suddenly put lots of Wraith trophies on their walls and still get dunked a ton and will go back to "wraith still OP, I'm out" mode.

Hopefully I am proven wrong though
I'm a level 1 on ps4. Got the game for 25$. Looking for some good peeps to play with and learn from. Drop me a line. PSN: NowhereFaded. 35 yr father hubby job ect.


Played with a full team of friends and it was amazing. Against lesser skilled people it was just domination. Game is fantastic, it's a shame most of Gaf seems to dislike it.
Anyone know of a way to reset stats/get a new account on PC? My friend just got the game but because of my level we are taking forever to find games
Hey guys, call me out of the loop but..... Who is this?



Hey guys, call me out of the loop but..... Who is this?
That's the EbonStar soldier bug. It happens when someone on your team dies, then ragequits, the next guy that joins the game will sometimes spawn as the EbonStar soldier. He spawns with Parnell's shotgun, Hyde's minigun, and the assault shield.
That's the EbonStar soldier bug. It happens when someone on your team dies, then ragequits, the next guy that joins the game will sometimes spawn as the EbonStar soldier. He spawns with Parnell's shotgun, Hyde's minigun, and the assault shield.
oh okay.
weird that you load up as an assault class in place of a medic, alongside another assault character


Got my ass handed to me 3 times tonight as Wraith. Just like every previous monster, people are starting to figure out how to play against it.

The Foul

Worth repeating, I think Evolves problem is 2K, straight up. 2K has proven over and over they do not have the business sense outside "milk franchise, make bank" to make a game like Evolve last.

It'll be interesting to see if Blizzard can charge full price for Overwatch while retaining a player base. Hopefully they've learned from Hearthstone and SC2 that players are everything, there's no point to any of it if they're not playing. There's better ways to seperate people from their money in 2015, but 2K as usual are content to brute force as much as possible up front because they know themselves they are unable to play the long con, even when a game like evolve gives them the legs they need to do it.

I tried to get a decent match over the weekend and gave up caring.
I think 2K picked up this project after it was most of the way done and funded and saw it did not stick will with test audiences at all, and realized they need to make as much money as they can as soon as possible before people abandon it. Hence the mountain of DLC and preorder bonuses.


Is the current state on Ps4 pretty bad in terms of number of users? Im asking as i was just at my local gameshop and hour ago, and noticed a pile of 2nd hand copies of Evolve at the trade in corner. Counted close to 20 copies.


Is the current state on Ps4 pretty bad in terms of number of users? Im asking as i was just at my local gameshop and hour ago, and noticed a pile of 2nd hand copies of Evolve at the trade in corner. Counted close to 20 copies.

Far as I heard none of the consoles have any problems.
And while the PC numbers are low,you still always find games pretty much immediately.

The game is not for everyone and I think a lot of people who bought it didn't quite know what they were getting. I can understand there being lots of second hand copies.
Man just had an incredible game. Was going against a premade team with Laz, Hank, Mag, and Markov. I just got elite for Goliath so I wanted to check out the unlocked skin (looks awesome btw). I picked damage resistance for the perk, because we were on a very small map with lots of choke points and I figured I'd get domed more than usual.

I'm able to hit stage 2 fairly easy, but I am noticing that the game just seems to be playing like ass. I am constantly stopped in middair by seemingly nothing when leaping, I constantly have to sit for 2-3 seconds tapping the L trigger repeatedly before I eat wildlife. And sometimes my monster will run 5 yards away from wildlife when I hold L, trying to climb up something. It really made maneuvering around and traversing the map a real pain in the ass.

This team was pretty good. The trapper and assault would really branch out, as would the medic sometimes. I was able to catch the trapper alone and pounce and get him down to about 25% health. But then Hank would swoop in and shield. I eventually got domed but downed the trapper. Laz revived, but I ran. They chased forever, and I would get maybe 40% armor, then get caught again. The map really favored a well coordinated team. I was able to down Maggie again and this time kill her off. For some reason assault ran off to set mines, which allowed me to eat Mag and prevent the Laz revive. So naturally, I then down Laz. Finish him off, and run. I hit stage 3 right as they dropped off the reinforcements, and rather than stay back at the relay, they attacked.

I don't think I ever got my armor up above 30%, and my health was maybe at 40%. The fucking corpses on the ground just took so long to time right so that my guy would actually eat them. They dome me again. But one rock throw fucking destroys Mag. I wait on top of her body, getting a good rock throw in on Hank to weaken him, fire a couple times, make them think I am going to camp the body. Then Hank drops back a little so I smash his ass into the ground. Laz is reviving Mags but I don't care. I finish Hank off and eat him. So now they all have strikes except Markov. But they are tough to fight. Hank is really using that shield well. Markov always makes sure to set mines up so I basically kill myself while trying to kill them.

I run to armor up a bit more, and now time is becoming a factor. I'd just finished engaging them, so it was frozen at like 1:24. I try to find whatever scraps are left on the map, mostly just little one bite critters, a couple of two biters. I catch Markov alone looking for me and pounce his ass but NO of course the pounce is broken somehow in this bizarre match where nothing seems to work properly.

I backtrack a bit, pick up some more armor, then notice only three of them are on me, and Hank is off alone, probably guarding the relay. I make a beeline for it, and catch him a bit outside of it with about 46 seconds left. I melee him and breathe fire, then go for the pounce. He tries to cloak but too late. Right as his squad arrives and shoot me off, he's down. I smash and rock on him, leaving him almost dead. I charge the others, then desperately try to make it back and smash on him again in case Laz is there.

No Lazarus. What's going on? Hank dies. Maggie is low on health and goes next. Just myself, Laz, and Markov. And of course, Daisy. But still no Laz in sight. Oh, there he is! He is stumbling to the left of me, as if someone had just tossed him. I leap smash. I rock throw. No damage taken off. He's invincible. What in the actual fuck. Markov is lighting my ass up. I have maybe two bars of health left. I pounce him. He's down, and dies. I begin to work on Daisy while Lazarus is still glitched out. She is down. I begin to kill her off when it flashes monster wins, all hunters dead. My heart is pounding. This is like.. last minute drive of online sports league championship caliber feels, in some random game of Evolve.

They all leave. I feel kind of bad they lost that way, but I was dealing with some glitch BS all game myself, and I know after charging them, I'd have leap smashed back to Hank in time to kill Laz anyway had he been over there. It must have been my charge that sent him tumbling, and he just glitched.


Man just had an incredible game. Was going against a premade team with Laz, Hank, Mag, and Markov. I just got elite for Goliath so I wanted to check out the unlocked skin (looks awesome btw). I picked damage resistance for the perk, because we were on a very small map with lots of choke points and I figured I'd get domed more than usual.

I'm able to hit stage 2 fairly easy, but I am noticing that the game just seems to be playing like ass. I am constantly stopped in middair by seemingly nothing when leaping, I constantly have to sit for 2-3 seconds tapping the L trigger repeatedly before I eat wildlife. And sometimes my monster will run 5 yards away from wildlife when I hold L, trying to climb up something. It really made maneuvering around and traversing the map a real pain in the ass.

This team was pretty good. The trapper and assault would really branch out, as would the medic sometimes. I was able to catch the trapper alone and pounce and get him down to about 25% health. But then Hank would swoop in and shield. I eventually got domed but downed the trapper. Laz revived, but I ran. They chased forever, and I would get maybe 40% armor, then get caught again. The map really favored a well coordinated team. I was able to down Maggie again and this time kill her off. For some reason assault ran off to set mines, which allowed me to eat Mag and prevent the Laz revive. So naturally, I then down Laz. Finish him off, and run. I hit stage 3 right as they dropped off the reinforcements, and rather than stay back at the relay, they attacked.

I don't think I ever got my armor up above 30%, and my health was maybe at 40%. The fucking corpses on the ground just took so long to time right so that my guy would actually eat them. They dome me again. But one rock throw fucking destroys Mag. I wait on top of her body, getting a good rock throw in on Hank to weaken him, fire a couple times, make them think I am going to camp the body. Then Hank drops back a little so I smash his ass into the ground. Laz is reviving Mags but I don't care. I finish Hank off and eat him. So now they all have strikes except Markov. But they are tough to fight. Hank is really using that shield well. Markov always makes sure to set mines up so I basically kill myself while trying to kill them.

I run to armor up a bit more, and now time is becoming a factor. I'd just finished engaging them, so it was frozen at like 1:24. I try to find whatever scraps are left on the map, mostly just little one bite critters, a couple of two biters. I catch Markov alone looking for me and pounce his ass but NO of course the pounce is broken somehow in this bizarre match where nothing seems to work properly.

I backtrack a bit, pick up some more armor, then notice only three of them are on me, and Hank is off alone, probably guarding the relay. I make a beeline for it, and catch him a bit outside of it with about 46 seconds left. I melee him and breathe fire, then go for the pounce. He tries to cloak but too late. Right as his squad arrives and shoot me off, he's down. I smash and rock on him, leaving him almost dead. I charge the others, then desperately try to make it back and smash on him again in case Laz is there.

No Lazarus. What's going on? Hank dies. Maggie is low on health and goes next. Just myself, Laz, and Markov. And of course, Daisy. But still no Laz in sight. Oh, there he is! He is stumbling to the left of me, as if someone had just tossed him. I leap smash. I rock throw. No damage taken off. He's invincible. What in the actual fuck. Markov is lighting my ass up. I have maybe two bars of health left. I pounce him. He's down, and dies. I begin to work on Daisy while Lazarus is still glitched out. She is down. I begin to kill her off when it flashes monster wins, all hunters dead. My heart is pounding. This is like.. last minute drive of online sports league championship caliber feels, in some random game of Evolve.

They all leave. I feel kind of bad they lost that way, but I was dealing with some glitch BS all game myself, and I know after charging them, I'd have leap smashed back to Hank in time to kill Laz anyway had he been over there. It must have been my charge that sent him tumbling, and he just glitched.

Love stories like these (minus the bugs). This game is full of them (great moments) and it's sad when bugs/bad teammates takes away from the experience. This game is gonna live long because it has so much variety in both strategy and things that can effect that. I'm digging it on PC.


Just jumped into a game in progress into a Wraith Stage 1 bot in the middle of a dome, in the middle of the four hunters with 2 points in decoy and 1 in warpblast.

I got out of that first dome with barely more than half my health and then played a hella adrenaline filled round of hide/run/attack until I managed to beat them 18 minutes in with 1 health bar remaining.

still shaking.


Playing as Hank with my team down, one bar of jet pack fuel and cloak all used up. I have no health left as the battered Wraith turns from its last victim and hurtles straight at me using warp blast. Anticipating the move I boost backwards out of the cave while calling down orbital barrage. I go down, bleeding out under the Wraith as the bombs start to drop, obliterating the monster and earning my first ever draw as the hunter team go crazy.

There are so many great moments to be had in this game. Would love to hear more tales from fellow GAF players.


I actually quite enjoy playing pub in evacuation. Just unlocked bucket and after a few days I already had most of his unlocks done.
Playing as Hank with my team down, one bar of jet pack fuel and cloak all used up. I have no health left as the battered Wraith turns from its last victim and hurtles straight at me using warp blast. Anticipating the move I boost backwards out of the cave while calling down orbital barrage. I go down, bleeding out under the Wraith as the bombs start to drop, obliterating the monster and earning my first ever draw as the hunter team go crazy.

There are so many great moments to be had in this game. Would love to hear more tales from fellow GAF players.

Oh man, this is awesome. Wish you had recorded it!
As usual, after a game is out for a while you can better coordinate your likes and dislikes.

The thing most disappointing for me is the jetpack. I can see how it fits balance-wise but feels like a bait-and-switch when compared to the trailers. No lengthy flying around and airdodging but a precious few boosts to avoid hitstun lock.
hey guys!
i just made a YouTube video about my EbonStar soldier experience! Hope you guys have a chance to watch it!

i ebonstar

it was a funny and strange experience for me so i thought i'd turn it into something i havent seen others do yet.



Anyone still playing on XB1?

I play occasionally. I'm juggling dying light, zombie army trilogy, and this game. My tag is same as my name here, add me and shoot me a pm of who you are.

I had a good match where I beat the hunters in 5 minutes at stage 1 with the kraken. It started out normal with me searching for food to eat. I noticed one of the giant monsters laying in the water near me as I was feeding so I decided to make use of it and stay in that area so the hunters would find me. They came and threw the dome up not annoying this was my trap. When they got there, I flew from in front of the pond to the cliff behind the pond causing the monster to attack one hunter. While that was happening I cycled through lighting, mines, and throwing blasts from the air. It went from 1 hunter down to 2 in a instant so I finished them off. There was one nearby still trying to revive his downed teammates that I left as a lure so he was easy pickings. After he was dead I finished the downed teammate and hunted the last guy, he couldn't out run me after I headed in the direction I saw him flee in. It was a easy kill before the hunter respawn timer could hit 0. The whole team quit out after that match. I killed them in order of assault for being dumb and chasing after me alone, then the medic who was tied up with the monster in water getting damaged, next the trapper who rescue failed, finally the support who I guess was a newb and didn't cloak.


I'm liking this game a lot...play mostly as the Monster so the issues with the team aspects of the Hunters don't really effect me

when attacking the relay at Stage 3, does the relay take damage if the Monster is taking damage from the Hunters?...twice now I've had the relay almost destroyed when it seemed that it wasn't taking any more damage even though I was continually striking it...I was ignoring the Hunters shooting me because I knew I had the relay...but the Hunters ended up winning
I'm liking this game a lot...play mostly as the Monster so the issues with the team aspects of the Hunters don't really effect me

when attacking the relay at Stage 3, does the relay take damage if the Monster is taking damage from the Hunters?...twice now I've had the relay almost destroyed when it seemed that it wasn't taking any more damage even though I was continually striking it...I was ignoring the Hunters shooting me because I knew I had the relay...but the Hunters ended up winning

i'm pretty sure thats the case the monster needs to turn his attention back to the hunters if they start damaging him as he attacks the relay


Oh man, this is awesome. Wish you had recorded it!

So do I! I was so pumped and involved with how the endgame played out I completely forgot about recording it. When it comes to grabbing screenshots and footage I always seem to remember too late, as an older gamer I'm just not used to having the option on console. I've missed so many great gaming moments I could kick myself.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I wish they would change that...me taking damage should have nothing to do with the relay getting destroyed

I get why they did it as they didn't want the monster to be able to rush in, ignore the hunters, and focus on the relay while tanking damage.

It works similar to the pounce where everything beyond incapped pistol shots will knock you out of it.


I actually quite enjoy playing pub in evacuation. Just unlocked bucket and after a few days I already had most of his unlocks done.

I just jumped back into evacuation the other day and have had much better experiences there with pubs. PS4 here. People seem to be more experienced and know their roles better. Also, more mics.
So I got this game on Saturday. I started out rocky, as does everyone, but now I am level 13 I think. I freaking love this game. It is so intense, and after every round, despite what time it is I want to go again. And again. Aaaaaaaaand again. Every round is unique, and every map increase the uniqueness. So far, I have really only done hunt mode online, and have had more than a few choice matches.

I am not good as the monster, I need to do some cpu battles to get a better grasp on it. BUT....I have taken out the entire team as a level 1 monster about 3-4 times now, and that feels dang good at least. One time, I don't remember the map, but I skirted along the outer edge stealthily thinking I was safe. as I was feeding on maybe my second kill, I see the hunters b lining it for my location. I slink along some water, and hide at the base of a small cliff in some bushes. They split up, and as the lone hunter is nearing my hiding spot, I rock throw them, then charge them, then wail on the till they go down. From there it was a mix of charges and rock throws, with some good old fashioned fisticuffs, and before I knew it I had won! I thought I was totally boned, but it was quite the opposite :D

As for the hunters...I found I love the support class. Assault is fun, great damage potential, but I am not the keenest on their explosive attacks - mines, grenades, etc. The tracker is ok, I can see their class becoming much better with the tier 2 & 3 people, from seeing them online. I'm garbage as the medic though, I really don't care for Val. Once I unlock Laz I know it will be MUCH better. That means I need to stop playing as Bucket though....which is hard because so far he is my favorite. I lvoe how his head AI is constantly fighting his body AI, and how his moveset is based around the parts of his body.

I had one very long round, about 26 minutes, fighting the Kraken. I swore I spotted them with my UAV about 9 times, and got ridiculous amounts of damage on it throughout. The cat and mouse in that round was fantastic....once we would catch up, each squadmate would fall in their roles, but that Kraken was just tossing us around everywhere. It eventually got to level 3, and after some skirmishes we ended up being close to the power relay. One skirmish later, I was the only one left alive, but I was not near the Kraken as the barrier fell. I weighed my options, and saw 37 seconds left on the timer before backup arrives. I ran (well, was chased) around the main facility, where I turned a corner, jumped down a ledge, and cloaked, and waited. I saw the Kraken jump down RIGHT after me, run a bit, and stop. Turn, turn turn...looking in my direct...oh shit...turn turn...and then it takes off back to the relay. HOT DAM. Dude has about 1/4 life left, and some armor. My cloaking field still had some juice left, so I go to the relay that is being pummeled on, and I start throwing out my sentries. One. Two. Three. By the beginning animations of the fourth, the Kraken realized he was being hit, and started to turn. All 5 sentries out, on one side, I rocket boost into the Kraken's vision to try to keep my guns up. I send some rockets into his face, boost away, and get chased. As I am getting hit and trying not to die, backup arrives with the three other teammates where they bring him down in seconds. It was an amazing round, that I wished I at least recorded the last bit, but I remembered far too late :(

But again, I love this game. As I was playing, as corny as it sounds, *I* was evolving as well. I saw my strategies change, saw my gameplay change. I am seeing others getting better, as I level up, seemingly so do they. I know that won't always be the case, but such is life. There are so many moments in the game that can change the tide of battle, in an instant. All of my love is coming solely from hunt mode, I can't wait to fully dig into the others.

Edit: PS4 here, with a mic, if anyone wants to add me


So now I hear we're playing a Pay 2 Win game. Unbelievable hit job the media has performed on this game. Whom did Turtle Rock piss off?
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