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Ex-Ravens cheerleader charged with raping teen boy

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It's really hard to draw the line. Would it have been ok if he were 16? 18? Would it have been ok if she were younger? Is it ever ok if two people younger than 18 sleep together?

We as a society had to draw a line, we picked "18" in the U.S. as the magic age, but I think everyone understands that's somewhat arbitrary.
Per Maryland state law, yes it would have been legal.


Well, I'm obviously going by the worst possible interpretation of what happened.

But he lied about it, his suit was never found, blood was found in his limousine and the other two guys were acquitted.

Although I guess that's beside the point of this thread.

Afterwards he found Jesus.


I'm sure a lot of teenage boys (and older men) would look at a story like this and think "lucky bastard", but that's only when they have the fantasy of it, where they don't know the whole story and porn influenced imagination is filling in the blanks.
The reality of a situation like this, especially for a 15 year old who's not fully understanding of the consequences of his actions, will be very very different. Suddenly this much older person is manipulating you, pulling you out of the fantasy and into their fantasy instead and all of a sudden you're little more than an object to someone who's become very predatory. A situation like that has the potential to be absolutely terrifying.


Putting her mouth on his penis doesn't sound as bad as getting hit, beaten, and over-powered to do it. So I'm kinda giggling with what Bravocado said from the perspective of a "15 year old deviant". Mainly thinking because oral is usually more pleasurable for the receiver more than the actual performer.

Rape is definitely bad though, no matter who, no matter how, and the rest of the details are just downright sleezy and gross. Eugh, I hate that line too, "We'd have fun together!" *WINK* It's certainly good he "optioned" to leave when offered sex.

I'm also surprised these stories happen so much... I mean, it's fucking illegal... is it worth being caught? Find a 20 year old, it can't be that hard, can it?
Well, why do some men creep on high school girls? Because they're pedophiles. She likes them young. It's not just purely a physical thing either... there's probably elements of power desires involved in that mindset.


Is this what people on GAF refer to as victim blaming?

If it was still at that online point (away from being physically in contact, and hopefully using some report/block button available on many of these sites) I think it's important to teach all that such action and behaviour isn't appropriate as much as when we're taught as kids to not take candy from strangers.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was victim blaming. Truly something strange that i don't understand happens when these sorts of online issues or "leaving bread crumbs" happens. From "hey cutie...." to "Like this [naked] picture of me?" to "Wanna hang sometime, it would be fun". I'd like to think I wouldn't be pulled in, but I'm a little older and wiser... it's certainly frightening when it happens to a younger generation who may not know as well, or to anyone for that matter. It's gross and highly innappropriate.
Ray Lewis killed two men.

Terrell Suggs assaulted his partner and kid.

Ray Rice knocked out his girl.

Molly Shattuck raped a boy.

Rotten organization, top to bottom.

It almost seems as if someone put a curse on the (then) Browns when they left Cleveland to go to Baltimore.

I'm kidding, obviously.


Just wondering, how do we treat victims in cases like this? If the victim doesn't feel bad about being raped, could treating him like a rape victim eventually make him feel bad (i.e. telling him he was raped / taken advantage of) when he otherwise wouldn't have been harmed?

I assume this doesn't change my point, however. I assume he's an ephebophile, and not just someone who can't find a woman his own age.

People can be attracted to a large spectrum of ages and looks. In order to be classified as a pedo or ephebophile I believe it has to be exclusive or a requirement. This is similar to how some men have sex with other men but are still technically not homosexual.
Mother of 3? Victim was friends with her son?? 15 goddamn years old??? What in the fuck. Throw the book at her.

This one?


wonder how long till the insensitive posts praising the kid for some reason...

Horrible woman, poor kid

The reason is simple. They remember being 15 and desiring older women. Did you look at playboys at 15? I bet you did. Every kid I knew at 15 did. All the popular kids in my 11th grade class flirted with the hot teachers every day.

You can say it's a bad reaction to have because the kid may be traumatized but don't act like you cant possibly understand why someone would have that reaction. Or that they're bad people for having that reaction because they're remembering being in 11th grade.

When the same situation would be legal if the kid was 16 or if it happened in France, can you not understand why the law seems arbitrary to some?
Ray Lewis killed two men.

Terrell Suggs assaulted his partner and kid.

Ray Rice knocked out his girl.

Molly Shattuck raped a boy.

Rotten organization, top to bottom.

You're describing the NFL and not just the Ravens, right?

Because you have to be describing the entire NFL.


Just wondering, how do we treat victims in cases like this? If the victim doesn't feel bad about being raped, could treating him like a rape victim eventually make him feel bad (i.e. telling him he was raped / taken advantage of) when he otherwise wouldn't have been harmed?

Your question reminded me of the interview with Chris Brown where he bragged about having sex at the age of 8. He saw it as a positive experience, which made him believe he was desirable at such a young age by older girls, and helped him become a "beast" at having sex. Of course, we all know how he turned out, but with that said it is still his view on the matter.


It is an interesting topic of discussion. While the law is the law, it's also important to discuss things with the victim, as the experience did happen to them and their perspective is important. A lot of boys at this age have a very skewed perception of sex, which is often times influenced by media consumption and the people that are around them. In the teenage phase, having sex at a young age is seen as a rite of passage that transitions them into adulthood, and if it's done by an older woman, then it's an even better experience. But a lot kids don't understand that there are those who deliberately use younger people for sex and take advantage of them because of their naivete and willingness. But as we've seen in this thread, there are kids and adults that don't view sex with an adult and a minor as a bad thing. Which also goes back to the adulthood experience.

But it's not about making them feel bad or ruining a supposed 'good' experience, it's about educating them on how people in a position of power will take advantage of the ignorant. Especially when it comes to sex. Since the kid in this particular instance bailed when she offered him sex, even he knew something was wrong. Of course, this was after she got him drunk and went down on him.
Ray Lewis killed two men.

Terrell Suggs assaulted his partner and kid.

Ray Rice knocked out his girl.

Molly Shattuck raped a boy.

Rotten organization, top to bottom.

Now that Andy Dalton is the new owner of the franchise, maybe we'll see some positive changes going forward.
Damn, all I can think of while looking this cover is "pedophile."

She done fucked. She was married to a billionaire? :lol

AND the mother of 3 kids? Jesus.

She's not a pedophile, though. Just likes sexually developed young males. There is a term for liking young post-pubescent teens, though. Can't remember what it is.


47...he probably saw her naked and it wasn't what he was expecting. Guess she ain't no Kim Anh...j/k

but for real. This lady done fucked up. The first article doesn't give a estimate on her jail time though just the bail release amount.


You'd have been thrilled to be raped?

Not gonna lie, 15 year old me would've enjoyed that and not considered it rape
Older me doesn't really see it as rape here either. He said, "nope" to intercourse and she didn't force herself on him.
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