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Ex-Ravens cheerleader charged with raping teen boy

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This is not an illegal act in every poster's country that is reading this. Get off your high horse.

You don't see any kind of problem with this kind of behavior? Because the power imbalance between a teenager and a 40-something year old woman is too vast. It is wrong.


Not gonna lie, 15 year old me would've enjoyed that and not considered it rape
Older me doesn't really see it as rape here either. He said, "nope" to intercourse and she didn't force herself on him.

Where's the part where it said rape was committed? From what I read there was no indication that the boy gave no consent. It sounded like he definitely did give consent.


Quoth the raven 'mmmnnmnmoremm'.

Also, no fucking clue why guys are all freaking out about the fact that people say their 15 years old self would like to get their dick sucked by a cheerleader. What make a rape a rape is that there is an unwilling partner, statutory rape is a practical legal tool because we generally don't believe minors are capable of making such decision, but if a grown ass man look back and make that theoretical call, what's the problem exactly?


Not gonna lie, 15 year old me would've enjoyed that and not considered it rape
Older me doesn't really see it as rape here either. He said, "nope" to intercourse and she didn't force herself on him.

Statutory rape law disagrees.. When you have a 15 yr old son that gets oral treats from someone your age or older, you gonna go "atta boy"???
Quoth the raven 'mmmnnmnmoremm'.

Also, no fucking clue why guys are all freaking out about the fact that people say their 15 years old self would like to get their dick sucked by a cheerleader. What make a rape a rape is that there is an unwilling partner, statutory rape is a practical legal tool because we generally don't believe minors are capable of making such decision, but if a grown ass man look back and make that theoretical call, what's the problem exactly?

The issue that I have with it is that it's largely bravado that tends to undermine that predatory behavior is occurring. Further, it's often just conditional on things that should be largely irrelevant to assessing whether or not wrong-doing occurred: namely that we can agree that teenage boys are in a position to give consent when the woman in question is totally hot amirite bros! What's a sex crime? Not gettin' any!
but I'm getting the impression that, even if legal, some would be still be against it.

I don't see what would be problematic about this. Let's say there there is some hypothetical location where statutory rape laws don't exist. Do you honestly expect someone who vehemently opposes sexual molestation of children to simply drop their objection to an act because local ordinances allow it? For instance, if you told me about some country where a ten year old could legally consent to sex with an adult, do you expect my position to be "oh, well, nevermind then. I guess it's ok since no laws were broken."


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I would still be against it, but if there's no legal remedy then that's about it. I should not have been so snarky, sorry.


you can't put a price on sparks
I've seen this a couple times in this thread, and I want to google the meaning, but I also really don't want to.

It just basically means you are attracted to post-pubescent children who have developed their sexual features. typically ages 13+.

pedophile is pre-pubescent. people get them mixed because pedophile is more "infamous" i guess and its easier to lump all of something into one category.
Told him she would be willing to have intercourse. He decided to leave.

That's too far, lady!

I guess she's just attracted to young boys because I'm sure she could have found more suitable people to do sexual favours with.
Considering I experienced a form of predatory seduction from a woman older than me, and I was 20, I don't think people blaming the 15 year old really understands some of the psychological and emotional components involved. I feel so bad for the kid, and her children.


The issue that I have with it is that it's largely bravado that tends to undermine that predatory behavior is occurring. Further, it's often just conditional on things that should be largely irrelevant to assessing whether or not wrong-doing occurred: namely that we can agree that teenage boys are in a position to give consent when the woman in question is totally hot amirite bros! What's a sex crime? Not gettin' any!
I see what you're saying, and you know what, on second thought, it's better to focus on the fact that a 47 year old people should not go around fucking kids rather than what you would or wouldn't do at the age of 15.

I still think there's nothing wrong with an individual commenting on the age they wish they have had sex, but yeah, this thread is probably not the best place for that discussion.


I was offered sex lessons by a woman who was maybe 25 when i was 16, i was defenetly up for it, she even tried to have sex with me at a pool but it was too cold and i just couldn't perform lol. The next day i decided against it and she never mentioned it again. I was a really horny teen at that age but i was well aware of what i wanted. At that age, i was trying to have sex with anyone who'd be willing lol.

My point is, i know there a rules for a reason but i think age is such an arbitrary way to go about it, people don't all mature at the same age.

It's still ilegal and creepy, even worse considering she also bought them alcohol.

I mean, kids this day are already having sex at that age, a kid can be judged as an adult for commiting a crime. I'm just rambling here, what she did was wrong and should have consequences, but having been in a similar situation at a similar age, i don't think we should see it as a black or white issue.


What is up with the people who always come into these threads and say nice or cheer the behavior. Flip the sexes, is "nice" still your reaction?


These chicks must get a kick from the underage angle. I can't fathom why else they'd do it. It wouldn't be hard for this lady to find herself under any number of young men in their twenties, so why not do that instead?

Gotta be fiending for underage kids. Weird.


Junior Member
These chicks must get a kick from the underage angle. I can't fathom why else they'd do it. It wouldn't be hard for this lady to find herself under any number of young men in their twenties, so why not do that instead?

Gotta be fiending for underage kids. Weird.
And the power differential. It's hard to say what made her do it but it's easy to assume a lot about the cheerleader, married to a billionaire, writing books in her free time on how to live your life in a better way.

But psychiatrists would have a field day analyzing why she's attracted to a little boy she can control. And she failed. He turned her down at one point. She probably feels like a failure on multiple levels.


Every single one of these threads, even aside from the people coming in and saying "Nice!" and getting banned, or skirting it with "I would have loved that at that age" and being hit-or-miss as far as being banned, the fact that every single one of these threads we always have people coming in with "Well, I don't think this should be illegal" or "This isn't illegal where I live" or such like that, and the thread getting derailed with that - every single time.

It might behoove some people to read through The Rape of Men thread.


Thank you.

Gets old seeing "pedophile" being used for very obviously post-pubescent teenagers. It just makes no sense to use it here.
Yeah, it would be a shame if one group of people with illegal sexual desires were lumped in with that other group of people with illegal sexual desires.


Yeah, it would be a shame if one group of people with illegal sexual desires were lumped in with that other group of people with illegal sexual desires.
The legality or not of the activity is completely irrelevant here. There's an obvious and very large difference between someone attracted to sexually mature and active teenagers as opposed to kids who haven't grown a single hair down below.
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