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Ex-Ravens cheerleader charged with raping teen boy

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The legality or not of the activity is completely irrelevant here. There's an obvious and very large difference between someone attracted to sexually mature and active teenagers as opposed to kids who haven't grown a single hair down below.

And that distinction affects you in what way?


The legality or not of the activity is completely irrelevant here. There's an obvious and very large difference between someone attracted to sexually mature and active teenagers as opposed to kids who haven't grown a single hair down below.

What kind of ephebophile defense force post is this?


And that distinction affects you in what way?
I can't fathom this internet sentiment of 'I refuse to use words according to their established definition and I will ascribe sinister motives to you for doing so'. It's bizarre.

You don't need some latent desire to fuck teens in order to know that two different words have two very specific meanings, and shouldn't be used interchangeably.

What kind of ephebophile defense force post is this?
I think you mean 'English language defence force'.


It's amazing how different this thread would be with a 40 y/o player and a 15 y/o girl. This is fucked up no matter how you look at it.
Yeah, practically speaking, I don't know how it can be ambiguous. It's a middle aged person creeping on a high school kid. Regardless of people's sexual attraction to high school kids, you just don't do it if you are well beyond that age range.


What is up with the people who always come into these threads and say nice or cheer the behavior. Flip the sexes, is "nice" still your reaction?

I didn't really have an issue when 51 year old Doug Hutchison married 16 year old Courtney Stodden. I did kind of think "Good for her" that she found someone. They seemed happy together.

I think at 16, at the age that you should be a senior in high school, you're old enough to make decisions. The law agrees since they were legally married.

15 is stretching it but it's weird that there could just be as little as a one day difference between this Ex Ravens cheerleader being a horrible pedophile woman that we need to put in jail and throw away the key according to posters here and Doug Hutchison being a decent man in love.

How do some of you feel about Doug Hutchison? And the law in that case?


I can't fathom this internet sentiment of 'I refuse to use words according to their established definition and I will ascribe sinister motives to you for doing so'. It's bizarre.

You don't need some latent desire to fuck teens in order to know that two different words have two very specific meanings, and shouldn't be used interchangeably.

I think you mean 'English language defence force'.

No, it's not that bizarre.


The reason is simple. They remember being 15 and desiring older women. Did you look at playboys at 15? I bet you did. Every kid I knew at 15 did. All the popular kids in my 11th grade class flirted with the hot teachers every day.

You can say it's a bad reaction to have because the kid may be traumatized but don't act like you cant possibly understand why someone would have that reaction. Or that they're bad people for having that reaction because they're remembering being in 11th grade.

When the same situation would be legal if the kid was 16 or if it happened in France, can you not understand why the law seems arbitrary to some?

In this case there's really no grey area though.

Getting kids drunk, stalking them online, fondle them while sleeping ect. You can get arrested for that even in countries with more liberal sexual laws than america


I would have been thrilled if that was me, but I realize everybody isn't me and the situation is wrong regardless. But I was a bad boy and would have been all up in that pedophile, tbh.


No, it's not that bizarre.

It absolutely is. Suggesting that some people cling to the distinction in order to justify their attraction to inappropriate targets is one thing, but an outright refusal to recognise that they are two different words describing two different things is just another entirely. There's a third term that fits between 'em too - hebephilia. Refusing to use these words properly is akin to using the word 'depression' to describe 'schizophrenia' to my mind.


It absolutely is. Suggesting that some people cling to the distinction in order to justify their attraction to inappropriate targets is one thing, but an outright refusal to recognise that they are two different words describing two different things is just another entirely. There's a third term that fits between 'em too - hebephilia. Refusing to use these words properly is akin to using the word 'depression' to describe 'schizophrenia' to my mind.

And I'm sure that when you're out with the lads and someone calls another person a pedo as a joke you correct them?


The Everyman
It absolutely is. Suggesting that some people cling to the distinction in order to justify their attraction to inappropriate targets is one thing, but an outright refusal to recognise that they are two different words describing two different things is just another entirely. There's a third term that fits between 'em too - hebephilia. Refusing to use these words properly is akin to using the word 'depression' to describe 'schizophrenia' to my mind.


The discussion in this thread != "being out with the lads making jokes"

Come on now.

The point is that I don't think he would correct them. It takes a bit of a special connection to a word to call it "tiring" for them to be misused in a thread about the rape of a young boy.


The point is that I don't think he would correct them. It takes a bit of a special connection to a word to call it "tiring" for them to be misused in a thread about the rape of a young boy.
Oh, stop. I do the same for a whole host of misused terms. Clarity in communication is quite important to me. Too many misunderstandings can be prevented with more effective and precise use of language.


The point is that I don't think he would correct them. It takes a bit of a special connection to a word to call it "tiring" for them to be misused in a thread about the rape of a young boy.

sheesh. you sure are clinging to that slippery slope for dear life.
Yeah, practically speaking, I don't know how it can be ambiguous. It's a middle aged person creeping on a high school kid. Regardless of people's sexual attraction to high school kids, you just don't do it if you are well beyond that age range.

Tell me about it, I have no idea how people think this is okay.


And I'm sure that when you're out with the lads and someone calls another person a pedo as a joke you correct them?
Nope, of course not. Just as we'd use 'cradle snatcher' to describe a 30 year old woman banging a 20 year old guy. That's because the conversational tone used between friends on a night out is totally different to the conversational tone on a message board full of faceless strangers.

To turn your earlier question around, why does it bother you if people use the correct terms for these disorders? (Because being attracted to 15 year olds is fucking weird once you're over a certain age).


Nope, of course not. Just as we'd use 'cradle snatcher' to describe a 30 year old woman banging a 20 year old guy. That's because the conversational tone used between friends on a night out is totally different to the conversational tone on a message board full of faceless strangers.

To turn your earlier question around, why does it bother you if people use the correct terms for these disorders? (Because being attracted to 15 year olds is fucking weird once you're over a certain age).

It doesn't. It makes me question motives when, in a thread about a crime committed against a 15 year old, someone's bigger priorities are being precise in the descriptions of the offender's sexual desires.


It doesn't. It makes me question motives when, in a thread about a crime committed against a 15 year old, someone's bigger priorities are being precise in the descriptions of the offender's sexual desires.

bigger priorities? they just casually dropped some knowledge.

here's the conversation:
Do you ask the same question of men? If a 45 year old man has sex with a 14 year old girl for example, do you assume he just had no available women his age?

Because I assume he's a pedophile.

The term you're looking for is ephebophile.


I assume this doesn't change my point, however. I assume he's an ephebophile, and not just someone who can't find a woman his own age.


May contain jokes =>
These threads are always the same and always super frustrating because I don't think it's really that complicated. You can believe that all of the following are true:

1) Many (most?) teenage boys would indeed be thrilled to get a blowjob from an attractive older cheerleader. I think many of those would not have lasting psychological damage from the event. You can even be fairly sure (as I am) that you'd have enjoyed such a thing as a teen and wouldn't have considered yourself victimized.
2) Some teenage boys would be psychologically damaged by the encounter.
3) But really what matters legally is that the older woman is clearly psychologically damaged herself, displaying predatory behavior, and is committing a crime and should be treated as such.

You can flip the genders of the entire statement around whatever way you please. This is illegal and I think it's illegal for a good reason. We as a society have decided that teens are not capable of providing true informed consent. The adult is clearly predatory and her behavior should not be applauded. On the other hand while the terms "rape," "child [to describe the victim, who would not typically be called a child otherwise]" and "pedophile" are technically correct I do think it's slightly disingenuous to discuss cases like this in those terms.


It doesn't. It makes me question motives when, in a thread about a crime committed against a 15 year old, someone's bigger priorities are being precise in the descriptions of the offender's sexual desires.
Because someone used the wrong term in the first place. Imagine you opened a thread called 'Man Murders Wife'. Then imagine the first post said 'Matricide is just awful'. Would you question the priorities of anyone that corrected that poster?


It doesn't. It makes me question motives when, in a thread about a crime committed against a 15 year old, someone's bigger priorities are being precise in the descriptions of the offender's sexual desires.
There's really not much to discuss. She's obviously messed up in some ways, took advantage of a junior, is likely to serve jail time, and... Yeah. That's about it.

Please forgive me if I'm not particularly interested in treading worn ground.


I think people underestimate the affects of something like a much older woman seducing a teenage boy.

It's not always about whether or not they feel traumatized.

I think it's kind of weird that people assume only a teenage boy would actually "like" sex with an older person. Teenage girls also have sex drives.. and attractions to older men.. and don't FEEL traumatized by their affairs.

It's about how it affects you.. when an adult, someone much older, treats you as a sex object.. when you are in the middle of developing some of your core maturity you'll bring into adulthood..

Tends to skew your view o yourself.
Oh no. It's a trap.

In many other topics you can say all kinds of outlandish things and make crass/disrespectful statements toward men and women with nary a ban-hammer.

But these threads are ban traps. These topics do not allow open discussion and if someone accuses you of "victim blaming", you're sent off to Salem for two weeks. Making immoral or amoral comments will also you get you sent away, which is inconsistent with other parts of GAF.

Open discussion with contrary viewpoints is not allowed, so honestly these topics should just be closed/deleted on sight and save everyone the trouble. Generally only one type of opinion/viewpoint is allowed in these topics, so what's the point of discussing them? Post the news story and lock the topic.

Regarding this actual news story, unlike some of the other teacher/student sex stories recently, this one definitely sounds predatory to me. Sounds like she was just luring him in and bribing him with alcohol. From the information released, it doesn't sound like he wanted her advances, especially since he ended up reporting her. Pretty clear he was uncomfortable with the whole thing.
Thought this was a thread bump at first. Reminds me of the 40 year old NFL cheerleader who tried to jack off a 12 year old at a party, because she said she was shitfaced and didn't know he wasn't a man.

It is easy to conjure up a Stifler's mom fantasy when reading a story like this, but putting myself in his shoes, I could imagine this situation being extremely intimidating. She's a total creep.


The legality or not of the activity is completely irrelevant here. There's an obvious and very large difference between someone attracted to sexually mature and active teenagers as opposed to kids who haven't grown a single hair down below.

they still wanna fuck kids, so who gives a shit?

Two Words

I'm sorry, maybe I'm messed up, but 15 year old me? Would have been thrilled.
Yes, it is no secret that a lot of teenage boys would not turn down sex from attractive women. The problem is that 15 years old are not typically prepared for the consequences of sex. I would not trust a 15 year old to handle contraception or STD risks or actual cases of pregnancy well. That isn't even getting into the potential harm of early exposure to sex and how it may change their perspective on it.


Open discussion with contrary viewpoints is not allowed.

I see plenty of people discussing alternate viewpoints and not getting banned.

It's the more crass/stupid comments in sensitive subjects that get bans.

And it looks like GAF is FINALLY doing something to stop the endless expressions of guys letting us all know how far they'd cram their penis in women, or that they achieve erections for them, etc.. as that seems to be ban worthy now.

Thank you GAF overlords.. there's nothing more off putting to me than that shit lol.


I didn't really have an issue when 51 year old Doug Hutchison married 16 year old Courtney Stodden. I did kind of think "Good for her" that she found someone. They seemed happy together.

I think at 16, at the age that you should be a senior in high school, you're old enough to make decisions. The law agrees since they were legally married.

15 is stretching it but it's weird that there could just be as little as a one day difference between this Ex Ravens cheerleader being a horrible pedophile woman that we need to put in jail and throw away the key according to posters here and Doug Hutchison being a decent man in love.

How do some of you feel about Doug Hutchison? And the law in that case?

18 is the normal age for a high school senior. Sometimes 17 and sometimes 19 based on what month they were born. But not 16.


you can't put a price on sparks
Yeah, it would be a shame if one group of people with illegal sexual desires were lumped in with that other group of people with illegal sexual desires.

16 and 17 are consensual ages in many states and would still qualify as an ephebophile in those instances.

Not everything is black and white.


18 is the normal age for a high school senior. Sometimes 17 and sometimes 19 based on what month they were born. But not 16.

The only people 18 in my high school were people who failed a year.

I got kicked out of a rated R movie in my senior year because I was 16.

I remember being annoyed in my first semester of college that my friends and I all could not go into an 18+ club because we were all 17.
The only people 18 in my high school were people who failed a year.

I got kicked out of a rated R movie in my senior year because I was 16.

I remember being annoyed in my first semester of college that my friends and I all could not go into an 18+ club because we were all 17.

Really? I remember being one of very few 17 year old seniors when I was in high school.


you can't put a price on sparks
The only people 18 in my high school were people who failed a year.

I got kicked out of a rated R movie in my senior year because I was 16.

I remember being annoyed in my first semester of college that my friends and I all could not go into an 18+ club because we were all 17.

Did they start your school at an earlier age? People born in the winter months would be 18 by the time they graduate high school. Unless they get put forward a year
I don't know if there's any national variance, but around here I think the age cutoff is in September. And the starting age for kindergarten is 5. I'm not sure which day in September it is, but let's just say September 1. If you turn 5 on August 31, you start school the next day. If you turn 5 on September 2, you don't start school until next year. Working up from that, the typical age for a senior is that you start the year as a 17-year-old and turn 18 at some point during the year. If your birthday is early to mid summer, you'll graduate as a 17 year old.


I don't know if there's any national variance, but around here I think the age cutoff is in September. And the starting age for kindergarten is 5. I'm not sure which day in September it is, but let's just say September 1. If you turn 5 on August 31, you start school the next day. If you turn 5 on September 2, you don't start school until next year. Working up from that, the typical age for a senior is that you start the year as a 17-year-old and turn 18 at some point during the year. If your birthday is early to mid summer, you'll graduate as a 17 year old.

Yeah, trying to think of what high school in the US has seniors at 15? Pretty sure that's not the norm.


And now we get to argue over the definition of "kids"...

Look, it's a matter of accuracy and a matter of degrees. Obviously this case would be far worse if the kid were prepubescent for a large number of reasons, hence I find the use of really broad and vague terminology problematic.


Why are we trying to measure how 'bad' this is/could have been?


you can't put a price on sparks
I don't know if there's any national variance, but around here I think the age cutoff is in September. And the starting age for kindergarten is 5. I'm not sure which day in September it is, but let's just say September 1. If you turn 5 on August 31, you start school the next day. If you turn 5 on September 2, you don't start school until next year. Working up from that, the typical age for a senior is that you start the year as a 17-year-old and turn 18 at some point during the year. If your birthday is early to mid summer, you'll graduate as a 17 year old.

This should be pretty much the norm unless there's some private schools that bump up a year so kids can go to college a year earlier than most people.
My coworker told me this story today because he has dealt with this woman personally. He used to work IT at a local utility called Constellation Energy and this woman's husband was the CEO at the time.
Why are we trying to measure how 'bad' this is/could have been?

because of the legality of age of consent in certain countries, which could fall under the scope of "ephebophilia" vs "pedophilia" which are distinctly different depending on the area.


because of the legality of age of consent in certain countries, which would fall under the scope of "ephebophilia" vs "pedophilia" which are distinctly different depending on the area.

Okay...but that doesn't matter. Because it was illegal where it took place.
And now we get to argue over the definition of "kids"...

Look, it's a matter of accuracy and a matter of degrees. Obviously this case would be far worse if the kid were prepubescent for a large number of reasons, hence I find the use of really broad and vague terminology problematic.


I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, I agree that there is utility in delineating between things. Terms exist, and there's nothing wrong advocating for clarity in language. In that sense, I don't have a problem with distinguishing between ephebophile and pedophile, as these are both real words that have a real meaning.

However, I will also admit that I sometimes find the push for the distinction counterproductive. Both refer to predatory behavior of underage partners. And "pedophile" is often used as the more well-known catchall term that people are more familiar with to refer to that sort of behavior. Now, if it's a technical sticking point, I'm more than happy to acquiesce and use the proper terminology. But I would only do so to be more technically clear. I can't begin to tell you how little interest I have in using the term for mitigation purposes so as to allow for the fact that one isn't "as bad" because the partner in question had pubic hair and the other didn't.


This should be pretty much the norm unless there's some private schools that bump up a year so kids can go to college a year earlier than most people.

It is the norm. I have no idea where dude was at where 16 is the age of seniors and 18 year olds are people who have been held back.


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