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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Draco says he'll help Wolf find Lady any way he can... tomorrow. Someone gave him a pretty good beat down and he needs his rest.

((Some how I missed that investigator doesn't get survival as a class skill... that does kind of explain why I've been ignoring putting points in it so far. I guess later on i can spend a talent so that i can use perception for tracking instead, but i still find it weird.))

((Suddenly ninja posts, oh well, i'll stick with what i said before.))
<Keep in mind that Dortumn is going to want them to come back to the arena to receive supplies and prepare to leave once morning comes. If anybody is wanting to help Lone Wolf find Lady, I'll give them a couple of hour window after waking up early to do so.>


Stricia knows how important Lady is to Lone Wolf and will help as well. She reasons that the prisoners have waited this long for a team to be recruited to rescue them so one more day won't matter but Lady just went missing so time is of the essence. Chalk her up to be fatigued as well. Though she will get four hours of sleep if Lady is not found by that late at night.((perception check and diplomacy check rolls editing in.))

Perception and diplomacy (+1 as she got that cha bump in Emetald bay)

1d20+11=29, 1d20+1=14

She will ask around for the whereabouts of a wolf much like the ones she fought in the final and will also ask Dortumn to use his influence with the city guards to help search for Lady with the argument that one of his new team will be pretty much useless until she is found. Someone must have seen something.
((I'm assuming her disappearance is plot-related, but in case there actually is a chance to pick up on something, please assume that I'm using Scent, rolling Survival, Perception, and the whole nine yards in my efforts to find her))

Lone Wolf emerges from the confines of the arena in good spirits, which is a shock to him, what with his embarrassing defeat at the hands of Stricia. The prospect of going on this mission is incredibly appealing to him, and he looks forward to telling Lady about it and hitting the road.

"Lady?" he calls for her. It wasn't unusual for her to wander off and entertain herself while he tended to human business elsewhere. Usually all it took was a single call, and....

This time, there was nothing. He begins to worry, prowling the area.

"Lady?!" He stalks along the perimeter, weaving in and out of the dispersing throng of spectators trickling from the arena. "LADY!"


Nothing. No tracks, no scent to pick up on, no stray white furs.

"You seen wolf white fur?!" he frantically asks, repeatedly, to random passers-by. With every iteration of the question, his speech becomes less refined and more primal. More than anything he wishes he had it in him to revert to his own wolf form, where perhaps he'd have better luck, but that would have to wait.

He sees Stricia helping him, and though he doesn't have the time to show it, he is deeply appreciative; in his mind, this cements the idea that they are a part of the same pack, regardless of her abandonment of her earned leadership role.

His search continues fruitlessly through the night. He combs the campus, dithers in the docks, and meddles in the market district, and still there is no sign for her.

What will he do if she'd gone for good? Lady was the only packmate that didn't abandon him after he was transformed. He doubted he'd ever be able to put into words how much that meant to him. To lose her now.... This new pack he was now finding himself in simply couldn't compare.

When morning comes, the rest of the party finds Lone Wolf alone at a table, bags under his eyes and disheveled, a desperate, forlorn look on his face. He nods at Stricia, but apart from that he does not even react to their presence.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Son," he asks, with a faint note of exasperation, "does everythin' you do make such a racket? Seems to me like the proposition before us might be requirin' us to be movin' unheard and such. Awful hard to sneak up on someone if they hear you comin'."

As the mysterious tiefling addresses him directly for the first time, Niko's face lights up into a mischievous smile. "Your perception is quite keen, ranger." His smiling face takes on a solemn look as he whispers to Dreadstone. "I see you have discovered my curse. We are kindred souls, truly. We both carry heavy burdens in our past." He sighs, thinking upon the melancholy of existence."It is true...I suffer chronic ennui."

"I think I could learn to keep things under wraps with your tutelage though. Will you teach me how to be stealthy, master? No need to answer now, think on it and we can start my training in the morning." Nodding, he bids the others farewell to do some shopping before turning in for the night.

- - -

In the morning he finds Lone Wolf in quite a state. Draco and Stricia appear to have been helping him search for his missing companion. "Lady is gone? Hmm..." Niko kneels to the ground and releases Ozzy from his cloak. He makes a clicking sound with his tongue to inform the weasel of the situation and to search for scent of the white wolf. The small creature darts off to search for a few hours in the early morning before they are due to depart.

"I doubt my skills of perception are better than all of yours. But Ozzy can crawl in the spaces we can't and go where other animals oft go. If he catches her scent anywhere around, he will be sure to tell me."

Perception Check for Familiar:
1d4 &#8594; [4] = (4 hours)
1d20+1 &#8594; [9,1] = (10)

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone waves off Niko as he departs the viewing box. "We'll see. We only just made proper acquaintances, let's not all be in a rush to be apprenticin' yourself to me just yet."

In truth, he's not sure how much he can teach the noisome sorcerer. The water and sunlight of training and instruction were not much use without the seed of talent, and Niko seemed to possess the opposite of any sort of natural aptitude for stealth.

Still, it may be possible to walk a different path to the same destination... Being able to throw sound as Niko had demonstrated could be just as useful as not making any at all. More so, in some scenarios he could think of.

Dreadstone shakes his head, dispelling this line of thought from his mind. Getting ahead of yourself, he thinks inwardly. No sense in making the bed if the house is burning down.


Returning to his room at the inn, Dreadstone draws the curtains to ward himself from the ambient light and noise as the city outside indulges in their festivities over the tournament. Turning the knob on the room's oil lamp, he douses it's meager flame and plunges the room into darkness.

There are several reasons Dreadstone held a preference for conducting himself in the dark. First and foremost, there was the advantage granted by his unnatural visual acuity, one that he had brought to bear against his quarry on countless occasions. There was also the reverse side of that coin; the darkness cloaked and concealed him, hiding him from a world that did not welcome his presence.

But mostly, it helped him think. Gazing at his surroundings rendered in black and white, stripped of hue and saturation--it was one less stimulus for the brain to process, liberating just that much more of his mind to ponder the important things.

And ponder he did. This job for which he had been recruited unsettled him deeply. Dortumn was a military man, and as such seemed to have taken to assembling a team for this mission as though he were choosing from a pool of soldiers. He had picked the highest ranking finishers of the tournament, trusting fully in their combat expertise without giving regard to the fact that they lacked the common underpinning of shared training and discipline that a comparable team of soldiers would possess.

Lone Wolf, more of an outcast of civilization than even Dreadstone himself. Stricia, the competent fighter but so eager to abdicate responsibility. Niko, the flashy show off know-it-all with the highfalutin vocabulary for whom the wagon ambush had probably been the most dangerous situation he'd ever faced in his life. Draco probably came closest to fitting the bill for what this mission needed, but even his talents did not seem quite right for the skulduggery they would likely require.

They were largely rank amateurs, and every angle Dreadstone approached the situation from led to the same conclusion that this was a perilous job to take. He could still walk away, he reasoned. He had heard out Marcallus, he wasn't under any obligation to accept these terms.

Just walk away. Leave these kids to their fate. It is no concern of his.

"Gods damn it," he mutters to himself.


The chill morning air finds Dreadstone loitering about Dortumn's designated supply drop at the arena, scrawling away in his notebook.

Have decided to take offer extended by regent, he jots down. Feel I have moral obligation to keep others from getting themselves killed in process.

As the rest of the group approaches after their fruitless search for Lone Wolf's companion, he snaps his notebook shut and returns it to the interior of his cloak. Using his keen powers of observation and deduction, he informs the haggard and bedraggled druid, "You look like hell, son."
Lone Wolf's night becomes dark, the city buildings become black and the streets empty, and his voice echoes. Eventually the city guards stop Lone Wolf, telling him that his yelling is disturbing the peace and everyone's sleep. They forcibly escort Lone Wolf back to the inn, where he can no longer cause trouble.


The chill morning arrives. Dortumn steps out onto the front of the stadium only to see Dreadstone being the only one arriving timely, and asks, "The hell is everyone else!? Don't they know that we're ready today? No matter the quartermaster has reason to see you." This time Dortumn doesn't have to lead Dreadstone around, he decides to wait outside for the others instead, knowing that the ranger knows well enough to make his way to the arena.

Once Dreadstone does, he is met by a halfling looking up to him, literally, whose hair is as unkempt as they come and wears a full body working suit with gloves, a name sewn into the chest of his suit with the name 'Curly'. He holds an umbrella in one hand though seems to mostly be toying with it idly. Initiating the introduction, the little person lets in a muffled snort and speaks curtly, "You're the oh, so scary man with horns I heard about, right? Well, come on we don't have all day. I was ordered to bring in some extra equipment just for you." He gestures Dreadstone to hurry along.

Moving along the tables and stands they have, they see various weapons and tools laid about. The halfling ignores most of them, feeling they need no introduction, and pauses when he reaches a particular table, one with a half-orc dressed as a noble wearing a wig at it who appears to be writing something that wouldn't be much of interest to Dreadstone. Curly smiles and politely greets, "Good morrow, sir. I see your words flow well on the pages." Speaking surprisingly well mannered in response, the half-orc smiles and answers, "Why yes, my heart pines to immortalize the pleasant feeling of this morning day." The half-orc then takes the vial of ink he was using, and tosses it behind him. An explosion flares loudly behind him, but he acts as if it was not there. Curly looks to Dreadstone and snorts once more, then explains without question, "A bomb disguised as an ordinary bottle of ink. Makes for riveting poetry, don't you think? We're still formulating the quality of the ink on paper, of course."

Curly eventually leads Dreadstone to a collection of cages they have brought, their contents already apparent as the sounds of animals whining and barking suddenly boom when the two approach, "This is the equipment I was ordered to show you. As you know, an animal companion is standard military issue for both Rangers and Druids, and to take an economical approach we have begun issuing out animals that have been collected from the streets and we expect the rangers to train them themselves so that they don't grow attached to the wrong trainer." He snorts, starting to show Dreadstone around, starting with the largest cage up front... and by large it is about as large as a small building. Inside is a gigantic lizard that sits on two feet. Curly points with the umbrella, "This is a tyrannosaurus. I told them not to bring it but they did anyway. I'm afraid I can't give this to you because it wouldn't fit in the wagon." He continues on towards the more modestly sized pets, looking ahead and not towards any particular one, "Here you can choose a puppy or kitty to turn into your new weapon. You can do anything with them: bite ankles, tear off heads, or spill entrails. Be creative!"

Among the animals that are caged, are quite a few feral creatures that they managed to capture, notably four legged large cats and dogs. Most of them keep to themselves and at most would growl at Dreadstone to encourage him to keep distance.

Curly moves over to one of the cages, leaning against its height as he points over to the dog within. Snorting heavily, he points out, "We just got this one last night. Pretty white dog that was abandoned by his owner in front of the building. Oh, how one can be so cruel to just abandon their dog like that. Whoever owned him must be a heartless bastard that deserved to be bullied as a child." The wolf's fur inside is easily visible even in the shadow of the cage, and the face has a strange colored marking on it.

There is one animal in a cage that stands out from all of the other animals. When the ranger passes by it, the wolf inside scrambles to lash out at the tiefling, scowling loudly and seemingly intent on killing him already. This creature is a black and white breed, whose fur is a messy, unkept coat that expresses his brutal character. Curly runs over, as fast as his small legs can take him, and calls over, "Oh! That's Gnaw. He doesn't like anything except raw steaks. We brought him in when animal fighting competitions were cracked down on. He had a cruel owner who trained him to kill, kill, kill." He shakes his head and tsks, "Of course, we brought him in knowing how that would be useful as a military pet if re-trained right, but nobody has attempted to take him on yet."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Someone is going to get torn in half if Lone Wolf learns they put Lady in a cage. Also, nice 007 reference.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, that was awesome. Though I'd had DS address LW in the previous post, I'm guessing this is actually happening before everyone else shows up?))

Even in the recessed shadows of the back of the cage, the distinct markings of Lady are difficult to mistake. "Pretty sure I know a man who'd be more than a mite interested in knowing where that one got off too," Dreadstone says, pointing back at the caged wolf. Lone Wolf wasn't quite what he would consider a friend just yet, but not intervening on his behalf in this instance wouldn't sit right with him.

The snarling attempts of Gnaw to kill him from behind the bars of his enclosure returns his attention to the animal. He's not a wolf, Dreadstone realizes, at least not a full-blooded one. There's a wolf's ferocity in him, but also enough dog to temper a wolf's instinctual wariness of people. All predator, no inhibitions. A dangerous combination.

"Why don't you let this feller on outta there and see if we can't see what's what between us," he says to Curly with a sly grin.
<Yeah I decided to screw up time a bit just for a cleaner scene. The rest are free to meet up with Dortumn up front though.>

Curly looks up to Dreadstone, "Sure! But first I must procure the proper safety gear for being around dangerous equipment."

Cut to Curly carefully lifting the lock, now wearing a full plate armor crafted just for his size.
<Yeah Draco, all you'll really get is maybe that stray animals might've been taken off the street as usual and that somebody was looking for a dog last night.>


Stricia will stifle a yawn as she gets to the meeting place. ((does 4 hours sleep mean she's fatigued?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry for being a little spammy today, but since this is all occurring before everyone gets there, I figure it only helps move things along))

Dreadstone's eyes widen as Curly seems to find it necessary to wear full plate armor around the bestial dog. He's about to ask about accommodations for his own well being when Curly undoes the latch.

The die has been cast.

Gnaw--suddenly seeming less ravenous than he had a moment ago--pads out of his cage, his eyes fixed on Dreadstone. Dreadstone returns the gaze and crouches into a ready position. With a snarl, Gnaw leaps for Dreadstone’s throat, but is batted aside by the tiefling who shouts a single word in Abyssal in surprise at the speed of the animal's transition from tranquility back into lethal action.

Gnaw rolls as he lands, redirecting his momentum as his feet return under him and charging ahead again. Dreadstone attempts to knock the canine off balance with his tail, but Gnaw narrowly ducks the blow, leaping to grab the tiefling’s forearm in his jaws.

Dreadstone grimaces, snarling a tirade of fell words as he pries Gnaw’s teeth off his armor with the fingers of his free hand. The dog falls to the ground and immediately launches himself forward again into Dreadstone’s chest. Despite the additional balance offered by his tail, the impact topples Dreadstone to the ground and the two begin grappling on the ground, a storm of snarls and blows.

Eventually the two come to a rest; Dreadstone has the vicious dog in a submission hold, while Gnaw’s teeth are dug into the flesh of the tiefling’s arm. As though on an unspoken cue, the two release each other and separate, some means of communication having passed between them that the fight has concluded in a draw. Dreadstone leans against the wall of the kennel cage, binding the wound on his arm as Gnaw comes and sits down on his haunches beside him. The two look at each other for a moment before Gnaw stretches out his head and licks Dreadstone’s face with affection.

“I’ll take him."

Gnaw said:
((Lone Wolf is going to be at the meeting site, but I was sort of waiting to hear what happened with Dreadstone, Curly, and Lady before making a proper post))
Dortumn stands out, rubbing his hands together in the old air. A visible breath escapes his lips once he sees the rest of them come, and he says, "Are you all ready? The quartermaster is ready." When one of you explains Lone Wolf's predicament, he says without much empathy, "You'll just have to deal with it for now lad, we can get you a new dog."

He leads them out to the arena, going out with them. And out there Curly walks up to them, back into his working uniform and gloves as well as carrying the umbrella, but the lower half of him still plated in the metal armor, "Ah. It's the rest of you. Well, don't just stand there. Let me show you our supply." As he had said that, he taps the umbrella tip in the air towards them, and unexpectedly releases a trigger which makes a blade jut out towards them dangerously. Without blame, he holds up the weaponized house hold object and explains the device, "For wetwork operations."

The quartermaster takes everyone to the stands and tables they have set up, a vast array of weapons and tools laid out for them, "Weapons, if you need it. Safety gear as well," pointing the umbrella towards some armor, "as well as whatever tool you think you need for out in the field," which are objects such as ropes, kits, what have you. He then leads everyone two an open chest, filled with small leather pouches with two empty bottles in each of the pouch's openings, "Everyone on two feet take one of these. We will let you refill those with potions."

Once he has given a rundown on Ruby Keep's supplies that they are offering, Dortumn puts his arm around Lone Wolf's back to gently guide him forward and speaks, "This boy needs another animal. Might be temporary." Sniffing harshly, the short man curtly explains, "Is he an official registered Ranger or Druid which to he would be legally entitled to the rental, possible ownership, responsibility, and handling of a dangerous beast and licensed to bond with the animal to keep it under control?" Obviously having to look for an out, Dortumn says, "He's a Druid. Just let him try out a dog, we'll get the legal work done sooner or later." Responding, the quartermaster is reluctant to relent, "I'm afraid I will have to warn you of the legal repercussions as well as the risks to your current and future occupations should your judgement turn out brash. I will ensure you are held responsible as my superior should it be a mistake to allow an animal to be freed into the world without legal proof of the owner's ability to tame it."

<From here on out, any weapons and armor lacking magical enchantments are free as long as they are obtained from Ruby Keep. You will also now receive a 10% discount on store bought items anywhere else in Emerald Bay. Also, you will receive two flasks, both of which have Ruby Keep symbols on them and can be filled with potions that have level 0 or level 1 spell effects anytime you return here. You will still need to purchase any excess potions.>
Lone Wolf locks eyes with Lady inside the cage, and relief and joy wash over him like cool spring water. Life returns to his face and features, and he dashes to the cage; she meets him at the bars, her tail wagging happily as they reunite.

The relief is soon replaced by white-hot rage, and the cool spring water turns into molten lava as Lone Wolf stands to face (or, rather, look down at) Curly.

Trembling with a fiery anger the likes of which he has never felt before, he says, very slowly, through gritted teeth, and with emphasis on every word, "Let. Her. Out. NOW."
((Now when you say "any weapons and armor lacking magical enchantments are free as long as they are obtained from Ruby Keep." i take it that doesn't include expensive materials like mithral and adamantine, but does include Masterwork... or am I off?))

Draco tries not to groan out loud at the terrible pun and follows the halfling to the loads of gear they have laid out here. It is a truly beautiful display... He begins taking a mental inventory of what they have, though is specifically on the look out for a set of masterwork thieves tools(or regular...not sure why i didn't buy these when i have loads of disable device).
((Now when you say "any weapons and armor lacking magical enchantments are free as long as they are obtained from Ruby Keep." i take it that doesn't include expensive materials like mithral and adamantine, but does include Masterwork... or am I off?))
<Ah, I didn't consider that. I'll go ahead and rule that it doesn't include Masterwork.>
((cold iron is cheap, it just doubles the price. Mithral and adamantine however... can get a lot more expensive depending on what you are making.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko feels like a kid in a candy store as Curly offers up the generous stores of Ruby Keep for the team to make use of. "Most excellent of you to allow us to outfit ourselves properly. I think I'll need some hands-on experience with these to assess their use." A strange glint sparkles in the sorcerer's eyes accompanied by a nervous twitter underneath the his cloak. Ozzy the weasel pokes out of his collar and hops onto the ground before scurrying to hide underneath a nearby pile of debris.

Shrugging, Niko busies himself trying out all the gadgets, supplies and equipment being offered up for use regardless of its practical application or his lack of knowledge or training in how some are used. "I've always wanted to do this." Swinging a grappling hook around his head, he aims it toward the wall of the arena. CLANG. SNAP, SNAP, SNAP.Somehow the heavy metal implement flies wide of the mark, crashing into a set of bear traps that snap into the air as they are activated, the wooden surface of the table they rest on collapsing into splinters.

Setting his sights on a set of ropes, he levitates them into the air and practices tying various knots with his Ghost Hand. Impressed, he shows the others and begins to describe an elaborate pulley system that might be used to ferry the team up high mountains. This idea is promptly abandoned when someone points out the only knot Niko is capable of tying reliably with his magic is a noose.

He gives wig-wearing half-orc testing the explosive ink a double thumbs up before trying out a tactical somersault in full plate mail armor. "Can someone help me, I can't get up." After the armor is removed, Niko procures a few potions from the stocks of Ruby Keep and busies himself packing the silk rope into his backpack. "You never know until you try..."

((Grabbing a silk rope and 2 potions of Pass without Trace))

Mike M

Nick N
((I have a write up coming, but it'll probably have to wait until tonight because I've got quite the shopping list and need to add up the weight and see if I need to invest in a bag of holding or something (Though I suppose I might be able to bum off Draco's of it came to it)

What kind of arrows are available? Pheromone arrows could potentially be some nasty synergy with the animals (even more so if Lone Wolf has Scent ability), but I'm also thinking Bleeding, Slow Burn, and maybe Tripping arrows would be good choices.))
<You guys won't need to invest in a bag of holding, one is going to be installed in the wagon you'll get soonish (in fact if this affects Draco's need to have one, I'll let him get a refund). Said wagon also has a driver so you guys shouldn't need to invest in Ride or Geography checks just to get to places on the map.

Ordinary arrows are free, any that has an extra effect you'll need to buy in Emerald Bay. Also, I won't make you keep track of weight or ammo of ordinary arrows, but I will for special arrows.>


((Are we sharing gold? Dreadstone in particular seems to be behind everyone else as didn't participate in tourney))


((Well let's decide either way. Though Stricia will want to donate 10% of her winnings to a local orphanage for rp reasons.))
<... I actually don't even know if Emerald Bay would even have an orphanage, but I know another place where it would fit in so you'll have a chance either way.>


Stricia weighs the two Ruby Keep stamped flasks with unease. How had she ended up as an adjunct of a foreign army in an unfamiliar continent? Becoming a celebrity through winning a staged spectacle hadn't been a part of her plans either now that she thought of it. The feeling of being swept away inexorably by events outside of her control was concerning to say the least. Still she had hers filled with a potion of magic fang and one of enlarge person.

She approaches Niko once she feels like his somewhat immature displays were at a low ebb with a request. "Niko" she begins, dropping the master honorific that she uses by default with unfamiliar people, "If I was to provide to you a wand of mage armor. Would you be able to cast it on me as necessary?"

Her inquiries about an orphanage at Emerald Bay fall short to donate some of her winnings bear no fruit. She has never been in possession of the amount of money she has now due to her victory and feels obligated to use it to alleviate the suffering of those whose pain she knows too well herself. She vows to give 850 gp to the next orphanage she comes across.

Edit: She picks up a climbing kit from the display of common gear and places it in her sack. Her skills were already more than competent, but good tools were always welcome. Looking over the, to her, exotic weapons, makes her feel out of place. None of them are familiar to her. She sighs and is about to turn away when her gaze falls on a sword with a familiar half moon curve at the point.


A temple sword! She had trained with these extensively. Meant for more than just ritual they were traditionally used to defend against demon and fae attacks and were made of cold iron. As this one was! It surely had a story to tell to end up so far from home. But she was glad to take it up to surely add to its list of tales.

((edit I'm just assuming cold iron is fine as a material))
Just as the little half-ling is confronted by the tall, steaming man, is when he glances over to the noise towards the back and states immediately, "One moment! I have to tend to something."

The small quartermaster scurries over to where Niko is playing with the tools, the clashing of grappling hook triggering most of the bear traps in a chain reaction leaving him upset, and he moves to climb aboard a table and reach to pull the ropes down as they're being levitated, "These aren't toys!" He jumps off and steps to the man in the armor, starting to remove it, "Sir, protective inventory requires qualification and training to properly wear! Now please I would prefer that my equipment remains undamaged, even after you return from the field."


Dortumn is left to face Lone Wolf now, looking the enraged man in the eye, "What has gotten into you? Just show me the dog you want, I'll make sure you have her."
<I am gonna say that the Cold Iron would be an Emerald Bay purchase. Basically any modifier that isn't a base weapon or armor that increases its price would require you to purchase it.>
((Keep in mind with cold iron, if you want to get it enchanted later, it cost an extra 2k gp to do so the first time(so 4k to echant the weapon instead of the normal 2k). But other then that a basic cold iron temple sword only cost 60 gp(vs 30 gp normall) in all so you should be able to aford it no problem. honestly you might as well just throw in an extra 300 gp for the masterwork version. +1 attack bonus never hurt anyone(except your target)))

Draco decides to just pick up a set of thieve tools and a hand crossbow, plus ammo. Also CLW for the Ruby keep potions for now.

Mike M

Nick N
((Maaaaan, I had a writeup but now I wanna see Lone Wolf go off first as it might change what I was gonna do.

Totally at a loss for what to do for potions. Hmmmmm...))


((lets decide what to do about the good first so we know what we have to play with. If we are sharing then it would be nice to subtract the 850 before the split.))
((Lone Wolf barely cares about money at all at this point, so he would automatically agree to any split proposed, as long as he believed he wasn't getting cheated. Even then, it would be more about the cheating than it would be about the money itself.

He is also going to lend his flasks out, one to Stricia and one to Dreadstone, because he doesn't see any use for potions. I would roleplay that, but I don't really see a way to fit that into this scene))

Lone Wolf turns to Dortumn, only needing to lift his eyes slightly. "You have eyes? LOOK!" He points at Lady inside the cage. "You ride with her and me all day! She my partner! They KIDNAP HER!" He very nearly screams that last sentence; his heart beats heavily, his eyes are wide, he is struggling to control his breaths and his long, unkempt hair is very nearly standing on end.

He stops for a second, closes his eyes, and takes a long, deep breath. When he opens his eyes again, they are looking directly into Dortumn's. "Set. Her. Free. Now."
The stout Dwarf reaches his arms to brace Lone Wolf, "Calm yourself, boy! Of course I saw you with that dog, what I didn't see is the dog in that cage until now."

He moves over to disengage the mechanism that keeps the cage shut, and lets the door fly open, "Now calm down before I have to call the guards on you."


Attracted by the commotion Stricia finally notices Lady in a cage. She breathes a sigh of relief as she really likes the wolf and was worried about her. She also understands Lone Wolf's rage. "It would be wise to do as he says immediately" she states motioning Curly and Dortumn towards Lady's cage.
When Lady trots out of the cage, Lone Wolf crouches to meet her. The moment he pets her fur, his mood improves dramatically.

Once the commotion of their reunion dies down, he accepts the flasks presented to him, and immediately offers one each to Stricia and Dreadstone. "You take this. I not like using potions."

From this point forward, he ignores Dortum, Curly, and the half-orc, unless directly addressed by them (and even then, it's on a case-by-case basis).

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's muscles tense up as he watches the confrontation between Lone Wolf, Curly, and then Dortumn. He's not quite sure what Lone Wolf's story is, but he's gathered enough to know that the man might not understand the danger with which he is flirting. Assaulting a military officer is a good way to wind up behind bars yourself, and they would not be letting him out any time soon.

Thankfully, the situation resolves itself without further incident, and Dreadstone allows himself to relax a bit once more. He politely accepts Lone Wolf's offering of one of his flasks, though he returns the favor with a quizzical stare. Does he not know the true value of what he's giving away so freely? Or does he suddenly hold Dreadstone in such high regard? "You really are a stranger in a strange land, aren't you, son?" he asks quietly as Lone Wolf walks away, reunited with his missing companion at last.


Turning his attention to the supply table, Dreadstone’s eyes light up at the panoply of gear lined up to outfit this venture. While the manpower of the kingdom’s military forces might have been depleted over the years, it would appear that the army had held on to its impressive arsenal with unflagging tenacity.

His hand hovers over various items, fingers twitching as though he means to grab an item only to be distracted by another, equally tempting, target. Oh gods, to be properly outfitted again—with military grade equipment, no less! No needing to weigh the cost of material and supplies against a profit margin, no need to scrounge up second-hand consumer-level gear. This… this is a bonanza. A windfall that Dreadstone will exploit to his fullest ability.

The hovering hand becomes a clenched fist that disappears into his cloak and reappears clutching his notebook. Flipping to the back, he tears out a blank leaf and begin scribbling his list of desired sundries at a furious pace. He deftly steps out of the path of destruction wrought by Hurricane Niko as the sorcerer seemingly tries every item available only to decide on nothing more than a length of rope and a couple potions. Normally Dreadstone might take the kid for a buffoon, but he did stopper two bottles of a potion designed to conceal his passing. That was demonstration of some manner of foresight, given that Niko had previous acknowledged a desire to improve his capabilities at achieving stealth. There may be hope for him yet.

Dim, flickering hope.

Rope, silk-- 50ft
Manacles and fetters, barbed -- 4 sets
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Grappling arrow
Signal mirror
Signal whistle
Block and tackle
Glass cutter
Filter hood
Thieves’ ring
Bear traps – 6 sets
Camouflage netting – Forest green, stone gray

His list complete, Dreadstone folds the page neatly in two and passes it to Curly, Gnaw nipping at the startled halfling’s hands as he receives it. “I’ll be needin’ this delivered and packed into the wagon before we head out,” the gruff tiefling instructs before he turns on his heel to head out into the city to take advantage of the discount that has been offered him and his temporary associates. He probably would never have need of all the things he just requested of the poor, overwhelmed quartermaster, but it seemed axiomatic that it was better to take advantage and not require it than to require it but not have it.

Gnaw lingers behind, circling around his former captor as he bares his teeth and growls. “Gnaw!” Dreadstone calls once he realizes that the threatening canine is not following, “Heel! Come! Sit! Just… get over here!” The newly liberated attack dog departs with a final snap at the halfling’s face and trots over to Dreadstone’s side, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth and tail wagging as though he were any common, ordinary, idiot dog. Again, Dreadstone is somewhat taken aback at the dramatic shift in the dog’s attitude. Was he really this temperamental, or did he have guile enough to put on an act? “You’re just a puzzle wrapped in an enigma covered in fleas, aren’t you boy?” Dreadstone says as he pats Gnaw on the head. “We need to work on your manners.”

((Alright, I think for potions I'm going to go with Obscuring Mist, Bane, and Divine Favor))
((i believe normally, none of those spells can be used as potions. except maybe bane, but even then it would only cause the effect on the person who drank it(do not drink that). as for divine favor... potions can't have a target of personal. though i suppose i could see an argument made for obscuring mist...
On the other hand, we can actually use any spell for these(which would make them more like elixers, but w/e) opening up a lot of interesting possibilities.))
<I should clarify what I meant by 0-1 level spells I meant whatever could be made as potions (I had forgotten that the actual list of purcasable potions is much smaller). I haven't been really specific enough on this sort of thing.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Stricia approaches Niko once she feels like his somewhat immature displays were at a low ebb with a request. "Niko" she begins, dropping the master honorific that she uses by default with unfamiliar people, "If I was to provide to you a wand of mage armor. Would you be able to cast it on me as necessary?"

((Pretending you've already bought the wand, despite the fact that you might not have it yet.))

Eyeing the wand carefully, he reaches both hands up to accept it. "Yes I am familiar with this spell, as you know from our battle. I would gladly, Stricia." He moves his arm in the motion of casting a fishing line as he tests the weight of the wood. Satisfied, he stores the wand in his pack before he returns to his experiments with the military supplies.

Niko brushes himself off and sits in the corner after being told off by Curly. The sorcerer fiddles with the packing of his silk rope and potions. After wrapping the rope carefully, he deposits the potions in the bandoleer across his chest for quick access. Eventually Ozzy returns to the confines of his cloak and he spends the remainder of their time in the arena speaking in a hushed but excited tone with the weasel.
<Actually, you guys might be fine, I just looked up Elixir on the site and they tend to just be wondrous items that do stuff that aren't already done by spells.

I do agree with the d20srd list for potions you stock up on at Ruby Keep's supply though, and for creation of other potions you should probably buy it.>

guyz how do i find path in pathfinder?
<Only this class can find the path in pathfinder.>


((Alright minusing the 850 from the pool it seems like the total winnings were 19500 which, split 5 ways, is 3900 each. That should be alright with everyone for RP reasons as well as Stricia is a communal type and Lone Wolf doesn't care))

Stricia accepts the flask gravely as she is becoming acutely aware of the limitations of physical prowess in a world awash with magic and knows that Lone Wolf is full of the Divine Sort. She does give him a chance to recant.

"When I first left where I grew up and set out on my travels I too was determined to make it through with my own skills without resorting to artificial support. But an arrow from a bandit raid left me grievovusly hurt and ever since I have learned that there is no shame in making use of what tools this world provides." her tone grows a little more pointed. "Besides, potions is how I beat you in our fight." She holds the flask back out to Lone Wolf. "Will you reconsider?"
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