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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"He's right over there."

At the cell they mentioned, past the scattered crowd of people sitting around, is a man behind bars sitting at his bed. A balding man, with wrinkled skin and pores and weighed by gluttony. He looks over to the visitors he has, and says to them, "Talking to me won't stop the revolution. Mind yourselves elsewhere."


((Anticipating an Intimidate from Dreadstone))

Stricia strides up to the bars and looks down coldly at the fat old man. "Your revolution has kidnapped a friend of ours. If you know what's good for you. You will tell us everything you know about them."

((Aid Another Intimidate))

Stricia Intimidate Aid Another: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25

((Great, my first crit ever and it's on a lousy +2 to someone else *mumble mumble*

Edit: Should be a +3 on the roll btw not +5))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone locks eyes with the defiant prisoner as he squats down to look him in the face like some sort of obsidian gargoyle given life. He idly traces patterns on the pommel of his greatsword with his right hand as he sizes the small man up. "If it won't stop your revolution," he says evenly as he leans in closer to the bars, "then there ain't no harm in you spillin' your guts and tellin' me what was so important 'bout those papers an' who they were for."

His fingers stop fidgeting on the pommel as he grips the hilt tightly. "Less of course you want to take this somewhere private where we can talk 'bout this more candid like."

Intimidation check:  1d20+12=19
Having a genuine look of shock, he unleashes concern, "Kidnapping!? The revolutionists would never..."

He asks the tiefling, "You honestly think they'll release me from the cell just for you?"

<You both have succeeded at your intimidate roll, however I am just not feeling the dialogue used for it at all, but I have an idea: keep the rolls you made, and give this man a reason to feel intimidated.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone grins at the intransigent prisoner. "Do you like dogs?" he asks, somewhat incongruously with the previous line of inquiry. "I got me a dog like you ain't never saw. Meanest son of a bitch there ever were, he'd chew off his own leg if it meant he could take a bite out of someone he didn't like. He's angry as a hornet's nest and twice as nasty."

The smile vanishes from Dreadstone's face as his arms shoot between the bars of the prison cell and grabs the prisoner by his tunic. Standing up to his full height, he drags the pockmarked man up along the bars with him. Leaning in close, he snarls, "My dog? He don't like who I don't like. And right now, I don't like you. And you can bet your soft little ass that I can have you transferred to my custody quick as you like. Which means we can go out back and have ourselves a meet n' greet session with the most ornery cur the Abyss ever let loose on this plane..."
Knowing something like this might come up today... well not exactly like this, Draco prepared a special little brew to help him out, and takes a drink while bad cop and badder cop get started.

((Extract of Eagle's Splendor, gives me +4 cha(so a +2 to my cha based skills)))

"I don't think he's joking, how about you just tell us about the papers so we don't have to clean the mess his dog is sure to leave behind?"

Diplomacy(add another +2 is my trait is in effect): (1d20+9+2+1d6=30)
Wincing and shivering at the pull into the bars, he yelps "Fine! Fine! I'll talk! They're what'll allow a victory! I've ensured the revolutionaries will be able to drive the Keep out of this city!"


Disgusted by the secretary's betrayal of trust Stricia maintains her cold tone. "How? What was in those documents?"


Stricia reaches out and picks up an unattended sword resting against a wall underneath a torch (probably belonging to some inattentive guard just finished with his shift). Maintaining eye contact with the sniveling creature in front of her Stricia bends the sword in two through sheer strength. "Our patience is wearing thin you treacherous filth. Out with it! And tell us how the rebels contacted you and how you delivered the documents while you're at it!"

((Stricia's Sunder CMB and unarmed damage should be enough to break a one handed weapon with no real problems))
<Room description-wise this jail is more modern in design than your medieval dungeon so you can expect plaster walls and lamps instead of damp heavy stone and torches (and it's also daytime still, light shining through barred windows and a windows outside the bars) and the constable probably wouldn't have a sword hung (and for various reasons, I doubt an actual dungeon would do that either.)

But I'll let it slide.>

Silence fills the room. The shattering of metal clattering and darting from the break of the blade brings terror and wariness over people residing in the hall. Guards step over to watch over the group's actions carefully.

As the adventurers grow more and more hostile and violent, the imprisoned man's jaw trembles and his voice barely manages coherency, "Itwasa ma-ma-m-map! I left them a...!!"
Alf stands quietly against the wall, observing what is occurring without comment. One corner of his mouth is upturned, while his lips form a shallow frown. His brow is crinkled. His gaze is primarily fixed on the scene playing out with the fat man, but occasionally he steals a glance at some of the other prisoners and guards.

An impatient sigh punctuates his demeanor.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Sounds like he is trying to say 'map'. I guess if that's all he knows we can toss him to the dogs."
<Before you guys up and leave in defeat, I'm not done giving you info. I am looking for strong roleplay to get the last bit to happen. I am playing this random fat man dramatically, and I am having him act accordingly to what your character's attitude comes off as.

This is not the first time I've put roleplaying as more important than game mechanics (though the mechanics are still important in determining how I feel a situation should be played out), and along that same note plans for storytelling (or even entire quests) have taken priority (as much as I hate to do that)>


((The last time I role-played to advance a conversation it ended in pretty much full failure and I don't know how many more different ways I can come up with to threaten this guy. I'm already stretching Stricia pretty far and that's just because of the Forrester kidnapping))
<Yeah, I wasn't looking to punish Stricia then, I was looking for a bail out so that the scene wouldn't become a back and forth between arguments that got nowhere, and for this scene Stricia already went pretty far with some success, no reason she couldn't continue that.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone thrusts his free hand into the air in a bid to silence his companions and regain momentum in the interrogation, though his grip on the man's tunic remains ironclad. "Look at me. Look at me," he says in a stern, even voice as he attempts to refocus the captive's attention upon himself.

"You stole a map. A map of what? For who?"
His attire being taken into grip is actually more business appropriate than a simple tunic. Eyes are forced to meet the whites of his. Gulping, the secretary asks without expecting answer, "Y-y-you will simply find out anyway... won't you? It's..." He hesitates once more, and with a harshness in his breath finally lets it out, "It's a map of the drainage channels under the city's ground."

Finally, after hearing that the officer that has grown accustomed to speaking with the party steps forward to say, "The drainage? You mean the sewers? Those are tunnels which we throw trash and our waste into.. Nobody ever goes down in there." He soon asks with a bit of wonder in his voice to Dreadstone, "Do you think-?"


"Where else would we find a copy of a sewer map? The mayor's office?" Stricia snaps stepping back. "We need to figure out what the rebels could be planning! They could come up anywhere!"


((The grates seem to be what we need then. Should we head there or do more research? I guess we should be fast not stealthy though still wouldn't want to get lost down there. Then again Dreadstone's probably a great tracker.))

Mike M

Nick N
((The grates seem to be what we need then. Should we head there or do more research? I guess we should be fast not stealthy though still wouldn't want to get lost down there. Then again Dreadstone's probably a great tracker.))
((I invest points in Perception and Stealth, and he's got Darkvision, but I don't have any feats or traits directly related to tracking. Gnaw's got Scent, though, I think that relates somehow.))


((I invest points in Perception and Stealth, and he's got Darkvision, but I don't have any feats or traits directly related to tracking. Gnaw's got Scent, though, I think that relates somehow.))

((Don't know how much the sewage will mess with Scent for Gnaw and Alf. Quite a lot I'd think. Do Draco or Nico have any tricks or spells? This is a Survival check right?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko gestures to the others to huddle over and whispers the logistics of sewer tracking and how he might be able to assist.

((Light (and to a limited extent, Detect Magic) are the only two spells in Niko's current repertoire that I can see being of direct use in tracking something through a sewer. He also has levitate and invisibility which would be of more use in surmounting obstacles. However, Ozzy has low-light vision and scent in addition to having the camouflage of blending in as a critter scavenging in the sewer. He can also speak with me upon returning as well as telepathically alert me to dangers from a distance.))

"It seems to me that our choices are follow-up on a stakeout of the house Alf found or head straight for the sewer. Or we could split our party again to cover ground on both leads. Eitehr way time is of the essence. I will say that for the sewer, we could be in for a lot of trouble without a solid grip on our bearings. We should try to get a map, if another exists."

He looks over at the prisoner with narrowed eyes.

"It's possible he gave away the only one. What do you think, Dread?"


"It is... suspicious that the mayor did not let others know what the contents of the documents were. Nevertheless I could run there to see if they have another map and then meet the rest of you at the grates. I can run very fast if need be" Stricia says in the huddle.

Mike M

Nick N
"Sewers are the priority," says Dreadstone. "Even assumin' this meetin' has somethin' to do with the uprisin' and isn't just a group of folk gettin' to thinkin' they're more important than they are, whatever they're plannin' will have somethin' to do with what we find down there.

"If there are Drow 'round here, they'll be down there, makin' it our jurisdiction. City guard can stake out the meetin'."

Dreadstone releases his grip on the prisoner, his thirst for intel satisfied for the moment. "We're gonna need them scryin' stones."


((Makes sense to activate the stones when we confirm something is wrong. Even if we get jumped at the grate Dreadstone can be in a sniper position to activate the stone and get the word out. Also we should tell the soldiers to be on alert at important areas of the town.))
<I don't know how the scrying will prevent ambushes considering you're being watched from all the way rrom Emerald Bay. I must not explained well enough how it works

You tap the stones together
A third stone in emerald bay is lit, letting the academy know to scry you
You are scryed>


<I don't know how the scrying will prevent ambushes considering you're being watched from all the way rrom Emerald Bay. I must not explained well enough how it works

You tap the stones together
A third stone in emerald bay is lit, letting the academy know to scry you
You are scryed>

((I'm not talking about preventing ambushes, just letting emerald bay people know that we are being ambushed if that happens or that the grate is messed with and Rosewood is being infiltrated and we're going in after them if that happens, or not bother them if nothing's happening and the grate is fine and no one is around))
Having been leaning on the wall idly for some time, Alf straightens himself and steps forward. "I know Drow scent well. I can track well enough in sewers without map. I go get Lady from the wagon and meet rest of you at the sewer grate outside city. If you want to find map, so be it. Either way, I will wait at entrance until everyone arrive. No need for key; if need to, rip door off hinges."

He pauses to see if there are any objections, and if there aren't, he leaves the constabulary.
((I invest points in Perception and Stealth, and he's got Darkvision, but I don't have any feats or traits directly related to tracking. Gnaw's got Scent, though, I think that relates somehow.))

((As a ranger, you should have half you level added to your survival skill when "following tracks". However, if you don't have any points in survival, that won't help much(still better then what i have right now, until i pick up the ability to track with perception).))

"Sounds like a plan Alf, though I think a key would be more helpful then you think... only one way to find out."
"I don't know about superhuman strength, but there are a lot of ways of getting past locks in an emergency."

When somebody suggests to have the soldiers be on alert, he says, "I will do my best to have some of my men be on the lookout for suspicious activity, but the soldiers in the city are bound to their own chain of command. Keep in mind we're all tied up still, I'm afraid you'll be on your own for the most part."

Getting up he motions them to come, "Nobody ever goes into the sewers, because there's nothing down there for them, but it's possible something might have crawled down there."

He'll lead them around to a supply room where he brings out a bow, "This might come in handy. I forgot how and why we confiscated this but I'm sure nobody will complain if we gave it to you."

<Dreadstone gets a free +1 Longbow, because I looked at his character sheet wondering why he was still at Masterwork.>


((One last thing from Stricia))

Before leaving Stricia compensates the officer for the broken sword. Somewhat embarrassed by her actions she mutters an apology as she does so. ((-10 gp))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko dispels the aura around his clothing and secures the potions and pockets in his cloak and bandoleer in preparation to enter the sewers. "Ugh this will no doubt be disgusting." His face initially screws up in disgust at the thought of stepping through the muck, but quickly softens as his thoughts fall on their kidnapped friend. "But it is necessary." He calls upon Ozzy as they exit the constabulary and asks the weasel to be prepared to scout ahead of the party.

Mike M

Nick N
((Because I wanted the Adaptability thingy and couldn't afford both it and a level up.))

Dreadstone looks over the bow he has been given and nods approvingly. "It's a good piece," he comments. "I wager I'll put it to better use than whoever you took it from."

As they exit the constabulary building, he puts his fingers to his mouth and gives a sharp whistle. Gnaw comes bounding out of a nearby alley, freshly disheveled and smelling of something foul. "Ain't you gonna enjoy where we goin' next..."
<Uqualek is free to be told what you want him to do, so just tell me OOCly because I want to skip to the sewer now. Are you taking the west entrance to the sewer or the east entrance? Again, no party splitting during this section.>


((Considering how urgent the situation is for the characters I think it's fair to say they would go to the grate closer to the constable's office))
<This is seriously not that big of a deal. I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to start on the left or right side so I can get started; I have no way of taking a ruler and determining which is closer>
It is now growing into night time. Glowing lights from the city as the persistence of the townspeople give fight to the darkening sky in that direction, giving visibility to the air around the lights.

The barred grate blocking use of a ladder discourages entry into the man-made swamp, but the investigator within the ranks can easily remove the locks in the absence of the intended key.

Inside it is dark, and the smell is bad, but the ground seems cleaner than one would expect. The group seems to be standing in an empty room where there is a tunnel to the west, and a locked door leading to another tunnel to the north.

Your current position on the map. I will be adding to this map as you go along. Welcome to the dungeon crawl.
Alf wrinkles his nose and steps out in front of the group. "Never found such strong odor before," he says uncertainly. "Might be harder to track than I thought..."

Nonetheless, he crouches down and does his best to try and find a Drow scent amid all the interference, in order to determine which direction yields the best chance of finding them.

Tracking drow by scent (1d20+15=17)

((Womp womp womp))
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