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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko winces a bit at the suggestion of a squirrel snack but holds his posture. "Could the slimer we saw earlier make it more difficult for this guy to eat? Given the smell of apples and friendly demeanor, it's quite possible rebels or drow have been feeding it."
"I made apple smell! To tell friends I'm hungry!" Indeed, this very room seems to be the source of the smell.

Draco might find a rat at most, considering that the cube had passed by the room already.
<Swimming: Only if trained
Acrobatics: No (and you have to find insects first) EDIT: In fact, catching insects I wouldn't rule as acrobatics, it's much easier to rule as an unarmed attack roll
Perception: Yes>
Stricia fails to find anything on the other side of the large gap, only another exit which is only evidently accessible by swimmers such as herself.


((Oh, since you said the exit was only accessible by strong swimmers I thought it was another water obstacle. If the water part is behind me then ignore the take 10 for swimming.))

Emerging in a new area Stricia takes a moment to look around her, examining the new room she is in and the door for anything hidden or any traps.

Room beyond water Search: 1D20+13 = [13]+13 = 26

If everything looks ok she will proceed through the door ((Using the stealth check from before))
Before Stricia proceeds into the next room, she notices a humanoid-like aberration clinging to the ceiling, but it had not noticed her (it's in the next room, not in the current room).


((Actually yeah, is the room beyond the water visible? If it is then Stricia will point it out to the others. Also is Stricia the only swimmer?))


<With metagaming and magic missile at the darkness cheesy strats you maybe could, but yes you would have to go across to even know something is there and to find a good angle to shoot at.>

((Hrm, ok, here's the plan I'm thinking of. Stricia waves at the group to let them know that there's something there. Then Stricia can start combat with a surprise shuriken attack with anybody who can swim coming across and others attacking from range. Stricia will back off to the water so the aberration has to come close enough for others to get a good angle to shoot.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I made apple smell! To tell friends I'm hungry!"

((I love this little alien guy.))

((Don't forget Niko can also levitate people across, though you take a small penalty to attack rolls. Given that Draco may have found a rat, Niko will wait for him to return to see if they can feed it to the creature.))

"We'll get you something to eat, don't worry." The sorcerer watches Stricia swim through the water to the other side and gesture towards the ceiling. He peers into the darkness to see if he can spot what she is pointing at.

Perception check: 1d20+5=18

If one of the dogs moves forward to swim, he will pass his hands over its fur, a faint green glow passing from his hands to its body. He has cast Light upon it to help illuminate the darkness on the other side.
<Even Dreadstone would have trouble seeing the creature because it is just too far away. Even Stricia signalling them would be hard to see.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
It's too dark to know what is going on after Niko watches Stricia swim to the other side. He shrugs and casts Light upon one of the dogs while he waits for Draco to return.


Stricia swims back carefully and relays her findings to the group. She describes the creature as best she can (to Draco as well when he comes back) hoping that they would be able to identify it.

"Do you know of the wall climbing creature across the water? Is it hostile?" She asks the friendly monster. "Oh, do you have a name also?"
"Oh? There's a wall climbing monster back there!?" It starts to flail its tentacles, "This is interesting!" In its excitement it neglects to give a name.


Stricia smiles at the monster despite the lack of help he is. "Can you tell us of these other friends of yours that feed you?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
"He is a clever little guy. He said he would give us more info if we feed him so I don't think he'll budge on that. Hopefully Draco found something he would like to eat."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone eyes the water with caution. Gnaw seems willing and eager enough to cross, but Dreadstone is hesitant. His training had been primarily geared toward urban combat, so they had reduced the emphasis on traversing natural obstacles that the field rangers received. Not to say he couldn't swim, but to do so while fully equipped and armor?

"Somehow it never occurred to someone up top that sewers would fall under 'urban,'" he mutters to himself.

He receives Stricia's news of a humanoid gripping the ceiling ahead with a scowl. "Well," he reasons, "at least he won't be takin' us by surprise, even if he does get a literal drop on us."

He turns and eyes the tentacled monster that smells of apples. It still seems to remain friendly, but turning his back on it runs counter to the tiefling's nature. Could it swim? If it was smart enough to be capable of speech, is it smart enough to be working with the ambusher ahead? "We're wastin' time," he whispers to everyone. "That thing's been waitin' to be fed for a while, he can wait a while longer. There's nothin' here for us to feed it anyway."

((I'm guessing Draco is the only one who knows anything about Dungeons right?))

((It's actually one of Dreadstone's class skills, but I never put any points in it : /))
The water-logged shapeshifter has been rapidly running short on patience ever since adopting wolf form. It was one thing to have water up to the knees; it was quite another to have it looming at neck level, threatening to fill your nostrils if you so much as crouch a smidge.

Noticing that much of the party is reluctant to cross the water-filled gap (himself being among them, having already failed at it once), Alf barks and tries to gesture with his head to go back southward, to find a path that isn't quite so impassable.
<I'm gonna have to skip out on Draco grabbing a rat then, we can simply assume the others meet him out there. It would have been like tossing a McDonalds Chicken McNugget at a large dog anyway.>

Waving with its tentacles, the monster yells out, "Be sure to bring tasty! I'll wait!"

Map, updated with new markings based on what you found

<You can go westward, or go back around to try a different path from where you entered.>


"Since we know where you are and that you're hungry, can you stop making the apple smell for a while? It would be much appreciated" Stricia requests of the monster.

((West sounds good to me. I would like to fight the monster before we finish though. Let's see how the rest of it plays out.))
((Damn it... should have shot the rat while I still had time. Oh well, my bad for waiting. Although, yeah, a rat is not much of a meal for a large creature))

Once the others enter the area Draco remarks, "No food here, at least not enough to feed that thing. And I take it you didn't find anything in there either?"

If someone mentions the other creature, Draco will ask for a description from Stricia so he can hopefully identify it.

Knowledge Dungeoneering: (1d20+8+1d6=21)


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko shrugs. "Doubt he is going anywhere for now. Let's see what else we can find around here." He walks a few steps west to see what lies in the direction.
Based on what he hears described to him, she might have seen a Choker, a creature that reaches down to grab victims from where it hides. Normally they are better hidden than this one managed to be.

Moving westward, they find themselves at another intersection. The south is a clear dead end, with water flowing into a barred off nothingness. The west leads to another door way, that when peered inside with a light shows another ladder leading back up, indicating the western entrance that they could have taken, leaving Northward as the most logical path to take.

Current map progress
The north seems fairly normal at first glance, but the darkness and keeping distance prevents truly examining it.

<I should have done something for April Fool's, but there was no way I was topping "Otyugh the friendly monster and best friend in the whole wide world">


((Yeah, I like that guy. I think maybe we can feed it the Choker later))

Not seeing anything unusual Stricia moves north with the rest of the party.
<You are free to move to another room on your own (as long as you understand the consequences), but don't describe the rest of the party as tied to your movements, especially if somebody feels they want to explore the room before moving on.>


<You are free to move to another room on your own (as long as you understand the consequences), but don't describe the rest of the party as tied to your movements, especially if somebody feels they want to explore the room before moving on.>
Alright, alright. Stricia moves ahead boldly.
<I'm too tired to brain, so I'll resolve Stricia moving ahead on her own tomorrow.

I finally figured out what I should've done for April Fool's today: dice gods to favor players that prefer Muun over Sarm.>


((Luckily Stricia does))

Coming out of a tight roll that barely avoids the dancing sparks Stricia stands up and brushes herself off. "Perhaps those who can see better in the dark should lead" she says a bit shakily.

She scans the room seeing what else it contains and wondering what is being protected.

Perception Lighning room: 1D20+14 = [9]+14 = 23
<I'm gonna delay that perception roll for a moment as I describe the room a bit more.>

Once light finally comes into the room, it becomes more apparent that this is a dump for trash, and a lot of junk has yet to be completely dissolved as of yet. It is possible that a lot of these could hold some kind of valuable item.

As for the trap, this room seems like a strange thing to protect.

There are two exits, one to the north and to the east after the tunnel bends.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Weird area to trap...but perhaps this could be a drop point for items simply disguised as trash. Or maybe it was meant to keep the slime cubes and Ser Otyugh from messing around in here."

Niko passes a gloved hand over his eyes and activates Detect Magic to look around.

He will also search the room for non-magical items of interest.

1d20+5 &#8594; [18,5] = (23)
The fur on Alf's back stands on end as the air fills with the stench of electricity. He tries to bark to warn Stricia, but it's too late, as jolts of electric discharge careen toward her.

Fortunately - almost impossibly - she is able to dodge them, but Alf will not make the same mistake twice. He immediately takes point in front of Stricia, preferring to put himself in harm's way before anyone else.

Alf does not take much heed of the trash in the room, but he does stop to try and sniff out any possible scent trails to determine the best direction in which to proceed.

Tracking by Scent (1d20+15=25)

((Did all of us take the 8 damage without Lightning Reflexes or was that just Stricia? I thought it was just Stricia but I want to make sure))
<Only Stricia because I was basically going to trigger the trap last night before you guys stated you were following after, but was too tired to continue RP.>

Within the room and in range of his magic detection, Nicholas determines a source of magic hidden underneath some ruined books set simmering by the explosive trap. Unearthing them reveals two scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds.
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