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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


Stricia relays her findings to the rest of the group. "There does not seem to be anything dangerous here so far." she says.
Draco activates his Ioun Torch since its probably dark down here and points west, "That looks like a good a place as any to start." and begins walking in that direction.
Current position on the map

Opting to take the less gated route, the looming scent of a country fruit perfumes the damp tunnel. The tunnel is very large, with a small river of waste water flowing between the sides of the room that can be walked on with cross-wired walkways to get over the water if needed. On the opposite side of the tunnel, a gelatinous cube slides along the other wall; absent is its signature failed career floating inside, but rather it seems to be picking up various sludges, dirt, trash, and even rats. The cube does not seem to care about the party's presence, and can easily be avoided with proper navigation.

The tunnel zig-zags, and the smell of the apple grows stronger as the end is approached. There is another gated door to the north leading to a shallow pool of water, where the smell is strongest. An intersection can be seen to the west.

<You may explore the current room for any clues before moving on.>
There is a loose stone tile along the southern part of the tunnel. It is easily removed with no triggers installed under its weight. Inside are a couple of magical items kept under a blanket along with some miscellaneous belongings kept there.

<You get a pair of Feather Step Slippers and a Shawl of Life Keeping.>
Alf regards the gelatinous cube with a measure of respect. Though it has no eyes to look into, he knows a fellow Hunter when he sees one.

"It makes no sense," he says as they come to the latest room, scratching his head. "Sweet smell should not belong in this place. Something is not right..." He crouches down to stroke Lady's fur during the lull as Draco explores their current position, his brow crinkled and his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

((Hey KM, how long is my original scent roll good for? Does the 17 apply for the entire dungeon or can I periodically try again? Or even take a 10?))

Mike M

Nick N
((We need to kill the giant rat and get the key to the bonfire room before we go down to the part with the basilisks, or we're all going to regret it.))

Dreadstone and Gnaw bring up the rear guard. While the light from Draco's Ioun Torch penetrates the darkness in front of them, Dreadstone's darkvision penetrates it as it fills in behind them as Draco passes. Unfamiliar as they are with the layout of these tunnels, it would be an ideal place for someone to stage an ambush now that they have been lured down here. Caution is the name of the day.

The smell is foul, and even Gnaw whines in displeasure at it when he would normally revel in unpleasant odors. The scent triggers a distant memory in Dreadstone's mind of the Narrows of Ruby Keep, a slum of shacks and lean-tos of an ever-changing configuration that filled in spaces in the alleys between the buildings in the city. Home to the unwashed and unwanted, there was always the smell of human waste in the air that would repell all but those who had nowhere else to go.

That same smell is much stronger down here in it's more concentrated form, but it still reminds Dreadstone of nothing so much as long forgotten home.

Gnaw growling at the quivering cube of gelatinous brings Dreadstone's mind back to the present. "Easy boy," he says, patting the matted fur of the dog's head. "Nothin' to get yourself worked up 'bout." Eyeing Draco's find under the stone, he says, "Someone's been here and they expected to be back. Or they were preparin' for someone else to come this way. Everyone stay alert."
((We need to kill the giant rat and get the key to the bonfire room before we go down to the part with the basilisks, or we're all going to regret it.))
<Aah, Muun Reinhart's Life Story: The Official Video Game. Darkness everywhere, undead everywhere, death at every corner, forests to defend, and weird sun loving hippies that stop by.>
No other scent is apparent this early on into the tunnels, and the scent of apple makes it even more difficult to track by scent, making it a hindrance.
He shakes his head. "No good. Fruit smell is too strong and getting in the way. I agree with Stricia, we should investigate."

He walks to the door facing north and tries to open it.

Mike M

Nick N
The scent of apples tickles Dreadstone's primordial instinct. It seems unlikely that the revolution would be concerned with smuggling in mass quantities of fresh produce through the sewers, which can only mean that the scent is meant to cover something else. To conceal something distinctive.

With little other choice, he presses onward, sidling past the quivering gelatinous cube as it goes about it's autonomic business of scouring the sewer of vermin.
Without need to pick the lock, the door is swung open with a creak, leading into a room flooded at the ankles. Wading through the waters and dogs splashing through, they explore the emptiness for a moment until a large mass starts to shine from the light given off by the torch they have. It is an ugly, disgusting tentacled monster, carrying a toothed grin with a slimy tongue. Suddenly, it jumps a bit like a puppy seeking attention, "Hello! Hello! Come to give food?" Suddenly it is apparent that it is this thing giving off the scent of apples.



((Are we going to try to talk to this thing? Edit: Ah what the hell))

Startled by the appearance of the creature which looks equal parts absurd and horrifying Stricia says the first thing that comes to her mind. "What is it that you even eat?"
This is an Otyugh, denizens of waste and scum wherever it may be, thanks to their immunity to disease. They will eat just about anything, making them scavengers of sorts. The most notable trait that make Otyughs stand out is that they have just enough intelligence to understand and produce speech, in common at that, allowing them to communicate with humanoids.

With that, the creature answers Stricia's query, "Chewy, crunchy, gooey things! One thing I love most, dry squids! Bring me dry squids I'll give a shiny thing."
No attempt is made by the Otyugh to deceive the party (and even if it tried, it would be very obvious). It's just a lovable monster trying to make an exchange.


Stricia drops back into a huddle. "Uh I do not believe it to be lying. Maybe it even knows who has been passing by here if we make friends?.... Where would we find dried squid?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's studied impassiveness slips a smidgen. "Do I look like a fishmonger?" he whispers at Stricia's question. "Though if I had to guess, I'd reckon one of the sundry stores topside would have some, but best of luck tryin' to conduct trade given the state of things up there."

He looks up at the seemingly affable monster and sees that it has made no move toward them. "It don't seem particularly dangerous, 'least not yet. Never know what can set off somethin' like this, though. Just 'cause it can speak common don't mean it thinks like we do. We might want to double back to that locked door."
Lady creeps as close to the creature as she dares, sniffing curiously and confounded by what she smells. She looks back to Alf in confusion, making a short whimpering sound, which when taken along with her hopelessly wet and matted fur, conveys as pitiful a scene as one could imagine.

Alf is also a little confused by this strange talking creature, but not to the point of being upset. "Information exchange sounds like a good idea. I can take care of this; hunting animals is my expert. Better to take more natural form..."

Alf transforms into the form of a wolf and immediately begins hunting for a squid.

Hunting the Waters for a Squid (1d20+11=31)

((If scent is relevant then that's actually a 35. Also... natural 20))
"Dry squids here, I know it!" it says, bouncing on its three legs and flailing its appendages, "But none today! But maybe home somewhere!"

As the transformed druid scours the water to hunt for what he thinks the monster wants, he'll find that the water is mostly empty and murky most likely from the monster already having eaten everything here and from it making this section of the sewers its home. Eventually there is a gap in the ground where one has to swim across.


"Where do you usually get these dried squid from?" Stricia asks the creature wondering how they got roped into finding a snack for a sewer monster instead of hunting for rebels. ((Also Stricia is a pretty decent swimmer if need be, how's everyone else?))
((Alf is actually just going to swim over the gap and continue hunting. I didn't mean to limit the search just to the room we're standing in. Taking a 10 on a swim check would put me at a 15 if that's allowed.

This will change if it turns out anyone else is unable to, or just refuses to, follow))
<I think it makes the most sense as a homebrew solution, at least at the time of writing this post, that you can take 10 on swimming if it is calm water and if you are trained in the Swimming skill (and, of course, nothing is interrupting your swim). Otherwise I'll ask for rolling from characters swimming untrained or for harsher waters.>

Continuing the search only leads to distancing himself from the party and, after some time, finding himself on the other side of the room where another door can be seen.
((I didn't put any ranks in it so I thought that meant I'm not trained in it.

I also can't access my character sheet because mythweavers isn't working on mobile for me right now, so I guess there's a chance I did put ranks in it and don't recall))


"Are these squids hard to catch for you?" Stricia asks before a horrible thought occurs to her. "They are alive right.. they don't... float or anything right?"

In any case Stricia swims to the other side and tries to spot something that matches the description (Can take 10 on a 8 swim check right?).

Dried squid search: 1D20+13 = [1]+13 = 14


"Can you transform into a fish or something?" She asks Alf upon her return.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The sorcerer is transfixed by the bizarre creature before them. "Remarkable! It can speak common!" He studies it with fascination as it speaks, asking for a treat. "Dry squid..? Perhaps it means a rat." He retrieves his notebook and makes a quick sketch of the tentacled creature for later reference.

As the party moves about looking around the room, Niko stays by the door. He asks the creature a question and promises to give any dry squid he finds to it.

"Has anyone else come to see you? If I find a dry squid I will bring it to you."
"They float on walls. Easy catch if found!"

Noting the new man's question, he offers again, "I tell you all about others for food too." Extending a tentacle to the ferret squirming from the human man, the monster suggests, "Squirrel make good snack too!"


"Cockroaches." Strica says. "I think he's looking for cockroaches!"

She turns to it and asks "Are these squid crunchy and brown? Do they sometimes fly about before they scurry up walls?"

"And the 'squirrel' is off limits" she ends firmly.
<I neglected to draw any for my own drawing, but yes Otyughs have eyes. They even have Darkvision (just like pretty much anything that isn't a minority of core race choices).>


((Assuming it really is a cockroach, and since Stricia knows what she's looking for can Stricia take 10s on swimming, acrobatics, and perception, to get to the other side, snag a few, and come back? Catching insects is kind of a monky thing to do.... usually flies with chopsticks though, not roachers for sewer monsters))
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