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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Did all of us take the 8 damage without Lightning Reflexes or was that just Stricia? I thought it was just Stricia but I want to make sure))

((I thought it was just me as well. I would like some Mage Armoring though Jackben :) ))
<Only Stricia because I was basically going to trigger the trap last night before you guys stated you were following after, but was too tired to continue RP.>

Within the room and in range of his magic detection, Nicholas determines a source of magic hidden underneath some ruined books set simmering by the explosive trap. Unearthing them reveals two scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds.
((Oh my bad. I'll edit that part out then.))

Niko scoops up the scrolls and casts Mage Armor on Stricia.
<Oh, speaking of getting closer...>

Now that the smell of apples has halted for the time being, the scene of people can be smelled, though it is not the same person as the drow that was picked up from the bridge.

There are no other traps in the room.
<It is stronger northward.

For the forum lurkers only:
So much for that a +2 priced magic item they could sell had they gotten it.
Alf yips just enough for everyone to hear and uses his paw to point to the northern door. As soon as the others are done rooting around in this room, he will lead the way.
The sense of feeling in the air grows dull as they search carefully deeper and deeper away from the surface, aware of the dangers present once it is realized that something is not right. Voices arrive from the distant corridor, echoing stout, concise and humorless discussion that is spoken almost hurriedly. Heard from rooms away are these words spoken...

"Our people have failed to receive a shipment from the Dwarves. Apparently the mountain dweller merchants have fled the scene which we were to meet them."
"Yes. We lost control of when we can go out onto the roads in secret. It was a matter of time but our insider was caught sooner than expected."
"We need to come in contact with the Dwarves and continue to have them selling for us whenever we can, we don't want the Keep to be the major buyer of their wares."
"Selling for both sides.. They surely do well to profit from our battles."
"Until then, we'll have to take account possible weapon shortages and come up with tactics that make the best use of what monsters we have now."
"We can only hope that the sacrifices of our brothers to keep the throne's men we captured imprisoned will be enough to distract the Keep's efforts."
"I still doubt the validity of that plan."
"It was improvised as we did not expect to take anyone alive. We put our least capable and... least level headed people to take up the task, and as few as we could."
"Least level headed... Adel and Yunge?"

Soon the voices quiet down for a little bit, but after a moment some vague commands are given, and some flickering lights appear towards the end, around the turn of the corridor, and soon a large flash of light beams from the distant reaches with a zooming noise. Niko knows instinctively this is a magic spell.
Alf pauses, his ears perking up as he listens to the words of his enemies.

The flash of light is cause for concern, and Alf's instincts tell him that the time to fight has come. He takes stock of his surroundings.

A single approach, with precious little in the way of cover. Stealth does not seem to be an option here.

In Alf's estimation, that means the best tactic would be a shock-and-awe approach, and hope to take them in the resulting confusion. With no way to discuss that with his friends right now (and really, it would be unwise to speak at the moment anyway), he locks eyes with each of them, doing his best to convey his intent to charge, but waiting for reactions before taking any action of his own.


((Can we tell from here how many there are? If not probably best for Dreadstone to scout closer and get a shot off before the rest of us charge in))
<The only thing you can determine was that two people were talking. Everything else is unknown.>

<Also, you can whisper among yourselves a reaction and comments to what you had just heard and you won't be penalized for it. In fact, I kind of don't give a crap about the gameplay right now considering this is a major development.>


"The rebels were behind the monster smuggling and the disruption to the trade routes." Stricia whispers to her comrades. "Who are these dwarves?"


((Well Stricia knows what dwarves are. These particular dwarves that are selling weapons to the drow is what Stricia is wondering about via RP. Stricia has no knowledge local))
<Well, that was directed to the other players, whose characters are native to the continent (and have played the previous game). They only need to roll Knowledge Local if they aren't sure on their assumptions.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Sounds like we have some new targets in our search. This seems to corroborate the Southport tip about smuggled monsters. By the looks of things they've likely used a teleportation spell of some kind, but we should proceed with caution."


((Deadphoenix, are you fine with Stricia taking the slippers? I think the only other thing to do is attack?))
Draco can assume that the Dwarves might be from Iron Hill due to their recent culture of entrepreneurs taking on the trade routes to sell weapons that were forged from the ores mined in the mountains, but he wouldn't know anything about their behaviors or specific practices.

<Going to wait until Dreadstone posts before I continue you guys along. TBH I'm a bit disappointed that more dialogue wasn't sparked from this.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone and Gnaw stop brooding in the shadows as they contemplate how totally grimdark they are and catch up to the rest of the party.

There are few environs that Dreadstone could name that he would prefer to be in less than the sewers. The desert in the height of summer, or maybe chained to a desk in a small office somewhere where the unending demands of corporate bureaucracy keep him putting out fires all day long and prevent him from playing make believe games with pen pals he's never actually met.

"Confound it, the monster smugglin' was part of this mess too," he mutters. "And now Iron Hill is tryin' to play both sides? How big a web are we caught in here?"

Unslinging his bow, he nocks an arrow and stands ready. "Maybe we ought think 'bout payin' Iron Hill a visit when we're done here to see if we can't cut the rebellion's arm supply off at the knees..."

He looks around at his companions. "Quick and quiet like. Don't kill 'em less they don't leave you no choice."
"Stopping by Iron Hill won't do use any good unless we have some really good evidence to back up our claims... Or a witness, but that would require us being one of these guys back alive, if they didn't already all just teleport out."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone chuckles dryly. "I think you might be surprised at how far you can get on threats and insinuations when evidence is hard to come by."
"If this was just a couple worthless thugs, sure. We are talking about merchants here, possibly ones that Ruby Keep is dependent on for goods and lining of the nobles pockets with gold and platinum to keep things like this quiet. But hey, if you want give it a shot, I'm not gonna stop you, 'Boss'."


"Your military" Stricia notes drily "Has not shown itself particularly competent at keeping valuable prisoners imprisoned.

In fact, as I recall, leaving some alive last time led to our driver being kidnapped and our foes learning a whole lot more about us then we did of them."
Alf emits a low growl, trying to be quiet enough that any nearby enemies won't hear, but loud enough that the party hears him.

Talk, talk, talk! That's all these humans ever did! Most times that was fine, but here they were, in the middle of a potentially life-or-death situation with enemies at arm's length, and all they can do is talk politics!

Once he is sure that everyone has heard him growl, he and Lady prowl forward as quietly as they can, whether the rest of the party comes with him or not.

Stealth (lol) (1d20+2=16)

Lady's Stealth (1d20+9=14)

((The frustration above is purely in-character, and probably has a lot to do with Alf's inability to talk while wildshaped))
<You'll soon find that there's technically another room around the corner, and that room points south to another with an opening large enough where the room you're about to go into can easily be watched. Are you sure you want to proceed?>
((If you're saying that we might be able to get a look at the room where the people were talking before going inside, then yeah Alf will try to do that. Basically I'd want to go to whichever room seems more likely to give us more of a tactical advantage))
<I am saying that the enemies aren't around the corner in the next room where they would easily be jumped, but running in leaves you in a position where you can easily be seen.

This has no bearing on stealth checks, but I want to make sure you understand everything so that you have better control of your character.

Let me jump on my desktop to update with a map, and you'll see.>
((Understood now, thanks))

The moment Alf realizes that there could potentially be some issues with positioning in the next room, he lurks near the entrance to the room and attempts to motion for the others to come check it out.


((Stricia is pretty stealthy but it's probably best if Dreadstone scouts before the rest of us go shock and awe))

Mike M

Nick N
"Firstly," Dreadstone hisses to Stricia, "it's as much my military as it is yours. We done been conscripted, remember?

"'Sides, you might recall I quit, so let's put this notion that I somehow hold their capabilities in high esteem to rest right quick. But we still need 'em alive, because they know things that we don't. Chargin' into the wild blue yonder without knowin' what's comin' is a right good way to end up dead, if we have a chance to interrogate these sons of bitches, we need to at least try!"

The agitated wolf-form of Alf catches his attention, the shape changed man apparently trying to get everyone to follow. "I'll take point," he says in a hushed voice, his controlled demeanor abruptly reasserting itself. "Fall in behind me, be ready for anythin'."

He pulls his handheld signal mirror from his pocket and skinks along the wall. The bricks are wet with moisture and stink with years of accumulated stench from the foul contents of these tunnels, but Dreadstone needs to exercise caution. Under normal circumstances, he would be at a distinct advantage in the dark, but these were Drow that they were dealing with. At least they still possessed numbers and the element if surprise.

Reaching the corner, Dreadstone angles his mirror to catch a glimpse around the other side.

Stealth check:  1d20+15=24
Within the mirror are the warped reflections of two drow guarding a table, a Fighter, Sorcerer combo.

Only after a sweep for confirmation does it occur to him that the two in there are not alone.

Mike M

Nick N
((On my phone, so not sure where in the 23m video is relevant :) Do I need to roll Perception here, or is this dramatic pausing for RP? We can presume Dreadstone would signal everyone his findings))
((On my phone, so not sure where in the 23m video is relevant :) Do I need to roll Perception here, or is this dramatic pausing for RP? We can presume Dreadstone would signal everyone his findings))

<Kevin Smith is telling you that you see a giant freaking spider.>


((I hate spiders. But I think we need to take the sorcerer first. Stricia can try to sneak to the entrance and then we jump the sorc in the surprise round? Of course Stricia might fail the sneak check so Dreadstone could unload and the rest of us rush in.))
Alf is very interested in Dreadstone's mirror and the way in which he's using it, but there's no time to dwell on it, on account of the hostile reflections he's looking at.

He closes his eyes for a moment and concentrates, using the powers that he still doesn't entirely understand to fortify his muscles and make himself stronger.

When he does this, though, he unexpectedly begins to grow - not just the size of his muscles, but the amount of actual space he's taking up. To his surprise, his body lengthens to about ten feet, widens to [to be determined by DM], and suddenly his head is higher than anyone else's in the party.

Stunned, he looks himself over, and wonders whether what just happened alerted the enemy to their presence...

((Sorry if this is a Leroy Jenkins moment here guys, but it was too good to pass up :) I cast Bull's Strength on myself and activated Wild Shape to become a Large-sized Dire Wolf))
<Make a stealth check for turning larger. Pretty much anything somebody does will be a stealth check as long as they are close to being noticed.>
<Welp, I hope you guys don't mind me moving you all into the room with the enemies (because I didn't make a map that would have you fighting between rooms), because it's time to roll initiative.

Let me draw a couple of things and I'll have a map later today.>
<Oh yeah, I was gonna give Alf "Leeroy Jenkins" as a trait whenever he did it again (this makes like, the 4th time I believe. Yes, I noticed and I counted), it just happened a lot later then I anticipated.

I'll be leaving for town soon, so I won't have everything ready right away.>
<I'm not ready to start the battle (I procrastinated on something), but I can roll inits now.

Huge Spider: 11
Drow Fighter: 21
Drow Sorcerer: 3 (he might as well have a heart attack and die)>
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