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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<I might have to start the battle tomorrow, as I'm growing sleepy.

Jackben, you should have a new PM from last night if you haven't seen it yet.>

Mike M

Nick N
((God damn it Leeroy. God damn it.))

Dreadstone Initiative: 1d20+2=19
Gnaw Initiative:  1d20+4=5
((Bad doggie.))

((Battle order:
Drow Fighter


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko quickly casts a glance over the field and concentrates, draining the un-tapped kinetic energy in the sewer to a boil before releasing it in a spell. A golden glow shimmers over the rest of the party and their animals as the sorcerer casts Haste and channels it into Stricia, Dreadstone, Draco, Alf, Lady and Gnaw.

Mike M

Nick N
((Unless there are rules permitting ranged attacks through squares occupied by allies (surely they break line of sight, right?) DS will move to B8 and attack the spider. Kind of a weird angle, gonna guess he's not quite within the 30ft range for Point Blank?))
((Unless there are rules permitting ranged attacks through squares occupied by allies (surely they break line of sight, right?)
<I believe Precise Shot or some other Ranger feat allows you to shoot through allies, though it might just be allies in melee combat.>

EDIT: <Yes, you would be within 30 ft for Point Blank.>


((If you can shoot the sorcerer I think that would be best. This fighter guy is no joke based on the damage he dished out to Alf and I think Stricia will have to deal with him.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Use haste while you can to dish out some damage and spread out. I anticipate a debuff, AOE or mass dispell from the sorcerer.))

Niko narrows his eyes as he spots a sleekly clad Drow that is suspiciously without martial armament. 'Judging by his attire and stance, he must be a magic user.' He cracks his knuckles in anticipation and calls out to the sorcerer in a taunt. "Nice place you got here. And just the right kind of smell I would expect from your kind."

As Niko's gaze passes over the giant arachnid, his skin pales and his fresh bravado begins to evaporate. "What in the name of...we need to squish that thing before it gets any bigger."

Mike M

Nick N
((If you can shoot the sorcerer I think that would be best. This fighter guy is no joke based on the damage he dished out to Alf and I think Stricia will have to deal with him.))
((Hm, fair point. Dreadstone will move to C2 and target the sorcerer, but y'all better keep that fighter off me, or I'm in a heap of trouble.))

The preternatural swiftness of Niko's hastening magic courses through Dreadstone's veins, feeling like a current of light compelling him to act.

"Caster!" he barks, running past his humanoid companions. The fighter may be better equipped, and the spider an even greater physical threat still, but Dreadstone knows from years of experience that nothing can mess up your day more quickly than a magic user monkeying around with the given odds.

Flattening himself up against the wall, he draws a bead on the sorcerer and lets fly a black fletched arrow.

Dreadstone shoots a whole fistful of arrows at that sorcerer.

Attack 1 vs Sorcerer:  1d20+9+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=25
Damage:  2d8+6+2(Haste+Manyshot)=19

Rapid shot: 1d20+9+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=24
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Haste)=5

Attack 2:  1d20+4+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=20
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Haste)=7

Haste Attack:  1d20+9+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=28
Confirming critical:  1d20+9+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=28
Damage:  3d8+9+3(Haste)=26

((Think I did all that right, these combat feats are getting complicated...))


((I thought you wouldn't have to move and shoot over Alf no problem. Treat him like cover or something. Anyway editing in attacks

Five foot step south to get in range

Full Flurry, first is stunning fist attempt, second is power attack, third is vanilla, haste is stunning fist attempt. Expend Ki for Fifth Attack which is Stricia's new and Improved Grapple (No aoo, +2 to cmb). Stunning fist is Fort save 17

Attack rolls
Strica attack rolls normal,power,normal,haste,ki: 1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24
1D20+7 = [16]+7 = 23
1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28
1D20+12 = [13]+12 = 25

Damage rolls
Damage rolls for flurry and haste in order.: 1D8+5 = [8]+5 = 13
1D8+9 = [1]+9 = 10
1D8+5 = [5]+5 = 10
1D8+5 = [7]+5 = 12


Stricia moves in to the fearless fighter with the astoundingly powerful weapon and, taking advantage of Nico's spell, goes into a precise dance of attacks. A left jab aims right at his exposed windpipe, followed by a slightly wider swing of her right fist to his face. Taking advantage of balance and speed the punch turns into a downward elbow smash and then a leaping twisting knee lunge designed to knock her foe's breath away. Not finished Stricia uses her ki to continue the lunge into a grapple, seeking to trap the fighter in a suffocating arm and head lock and keep him from swinging that sword ever again.

((I will, uh, accept those rolls))

Mike M

Nick N
((I thought you wouldn't have to move and shoot over Alf no problem. Treat him like cover or something. Anyway editing in attacks))
((There appears to be a block in the way, I wouldn't be able to see the sorcerer without moving from what I can see.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, edited in my changed action. I thiiiink I did it right? Rapid shot comes off your highest BAB attack, right?))
<The Drow Fighter is knocked unconscious, the Sorcerer is killed on the Rapid Shot hit, so you can hit the spider with the remaining hits if you want.>
Alf is still getting used to this strange new body, and as such is unable to properly dodge the magically-charged knife that manages to poke a hole between his ribs. He prepares to clutch his attacker's head in a vice-grip with his jaws, but before he can blink, his monk-teacher has already neutralized the target.

He turns his head toward the other chew-toy, just in time to see him get lit up with a bevy of arrows from the other hunter in the party, and suddenly Alf is feeling downright sluggish.

There is the matter of the enormous spider on the other side of the room, though - a spider considerably larger than him even WITH his unexpected size increase. Exchanging a glance with Lady, he and the smaller wolf charge forward together at the ominous arachnid.

Lady's Charge attack, Damage, and Trip Attempt (1d20+8=27, 1d8+2=3, 1d20+5=18) (I manually added another 1 to the attack for Haste because I forgot about it til after i rolled)

((Seems that I don't actually get any extra reach for being large. Frown-town.

Charge Attack (incl. Haste and Bull's Strength), Damage, and Trip Attempt vs CMD (1d20+14=29, 1d8+8=15, 1d20+13=14)

((Edit: I just found out that bite attacks get 1.5 strength bonus to damage, so add on another 4 damage to that attack please))
Bite vs. Alf plus Grab attempt (1d20+11=22, 2d6+8=16, 1d20+15=23)

Answering the fierce beast's aggression, the massive spider sinks its rounded fangs into the rubbery part of the neck, and begins to lift the smaller creature into the air, attempting to lock him into its deadly vice. If it succeeds, it will begin injecting a hot liquid into the body.

<Make a fort save, DC 18, failure renders you unconscious for 1d2 minutes.>

((Edit: I just found out that bite attacks get 1.5 strength bonus to damage, so add on another 4 damage to that attack please))
<Source? I will happily apply a 1.5x strength bonus on damage for a 27 strength creature if that's the case.>
((http://paizo.com/prd/monsters/universalMonsterRules.html Ctrl + f for 'natural attack' and it should be the 2nd result. Also it seems that this ONLY applies for creatures whose only listed attack is Bite, so there's a chance that this might not apply for this spider :)

Also, to confirm this is true for Dire Wolves, this http://paizo.com/prd/monsters/wolf.html lists a generic Dire Wolf as having a +6 bonus to damage while only having a +4 strength mod.

My CMD is 23 on the nose, so unless Haste gave me a bonus that I don't know about, I'm Grabbed.

Fortitude Save (1d20+8=28)

I'm at 8 HP, so if anyone else has healing capabilities then that would be keen))
((Generally, if a creature only has one natural attack, it is treated as a two handed weapon for str and power attack. Haste gives a dodge bonus so it does apply to CMD.))

Making use of the haste given to him by Niko, Draco dashes around the giant spider(As well as through giant wolf) to give it a taste of his mithral scimitar.

Tumbling(VS monster CMD): (1d20+13=28)

Attack;Damage: (1d20+9=11, 1d6+5=6)

((I forgot haste but a +1 isn't gonna make much of a difference though. Maybe if he were still flatfooted...))
<What an iffy rule, because the bite is the spider's only natural attack but that wasn't accounted for, but I'll accept it. I already accounted for the extra damage you deal and you take an extra 4 damage.>

<@Draco: You succeed on the Acrobatics roll and do not provoke. You also miss your attack no matter what.>

EDIT: Just gonna remove a bunch of confusing text and simplify what I'm saying.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's first two arrows against the sorcerer strike true, and the Drow magic user goes down in a font of blood gushing from his chest. Stricia having administered a savage beating to the fighter--who seemed absurdly lumbering and cumbersome against her limbs--Dreadstone pivots to his left and fires three arrows in succession at the giant spider.

The first two stick themselves into its chitinous hide with little discernible effect, but the third seems to find something vital as a burst of internal fluids erupts from the wound. But the spider instead decides the transformed Alf is the more immediate threat, wrapping its legs around the enlarged wolf and sinking its fangs into his neck.

"Gnaw!" Dreadstone shouts as he readies another volley of arrows. "Flank, boy! Flank!"

With a savage snarl, the slavering attack dog bounds forward to join Lady and Draco in encircling the oversized arachnid, sinking his teeth into the exoskeleton of its head and crushing it between his jaws.

Bite vs. giant spider:  1d20+4+1(Haste)+2(Flanking)=26
Damage:  1d4+1(Haste)=5
<That wasn't enough to kill it, but I'm gonna end the battle because 2 hps of damage is not worth another post on (or a spell).

Lemme work on something a bit and I'll start on the aftermath. May even be tomorrow.>


Feeling somewhat stupid for holding a clearly unconscious drow in a grapple Stricia lets him fall with an unceremonious thud and rushes to Alf's side. "Are you alright?" she asks. It's apparent the fighter and the spider hurt him terribly.
After sinking his teeth into the beast and holding back a retch from the putrid liquid that leaks into his mouth, Alf yelps in surprise as the spider threatens to lift his half-ton form into the air like a rag doll.

He performs an emergency barrel roll to narrowly escape its clutches and prepares to counterstrike, but is once again trumped by Dreadstone's eerie accuracy with that bow of his, dodging again as the spider's carcass crumbles all around him. He does not, however, escape a bath of unspeakable bodily fluids, causing even Lady to recoil away from the stench.

Out of danger for the moment, Alf steps out to the hallway and shakes the mess off of him as best he can. Once he is marginally cleaner, he returns to the others and mostly stays out of the way as they inspect the room.

When Stricia approaches, he gives her a toothy grin and activates his healing powers, restoring all of the damage done to him during the battle. He nuzzles her shoulder appreciatively, while still trying not to get her covered in goo.

((Burning off some Cure Light Wounds to heal me up. Will do the math when I get home))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone wears a smirk that threatens to burst into a full-blown smile as he shoulders his bow and surveys the room. "And that's how it's done," he remarks aloud.

Gnaw stands over the slain spider corpse, jaws and tongue working in a vain attempt to excise the foul taste from his mouth, glowering at his humanoid companion. "Don't you look at me like that," Dreadstone admonishes. "Never told you to eat its head..."

As Stricia tends to the wounded Alf, Dreadstone sends the sword of the unconscious Drow clattering across the floor with a kick before proceeding to strip him to his small clothes and tying him up.
<Alrighty, I can continue on. I hope you guys enjoyed the very pleasant and easy battle. :)

Found on the fallen opponents are these items:

- A Short Sword named Storm's Candle (a +0 Magic Weapon with 1d6 Fire Damage and 1d6 Electric damage) and a +3 set of Rosewood Armor from the Fighter
- A Rod of Ice from the Sorcerer

At the war room table seem to be some maps and tokens describing a plan of action. Upon further inspection of the plans, it finally becomes clear what the rebels plan on doing. The apparent strategy is to dig into the sewers and use it to flank, splitting a force from a camp hidden in the forest in the north to attack the Ruby Keep soldiers from both below and from the shadows of the city in addition to taking out any Keep VIPs if possible.


Stricia returns Alf's affection with a smile and a pat as his wounds heal. She regards the dead spider. "Gnaw doesn't like it, but I wonder if Otyugh will. We shall let him know on the way out." Turning her attention to the documents she says. "Emerald Bay should know of this. Perhaps we should contact them."

((Can we tell how many people are at the hidden camp? And how far along their plans were?))
<as brief the description was, I told you everything the plans contain, unless you want to succeed at a perception DC 9999 check to find out from where you are standing now.>
When propped up, tied up, and slapped awake, any queries are met with both an irritated but at the same time defeated, "What more do you want!? The proof of our attack is sitting on that table like a low hanging fruit and that isn't enough for you?" Indeed, detailed plans on attack and even the location of the attackers would be valuable information for the military on how to best be prepared for it.
"If you put two and two together, then maybe it was. I don't know why you're talking to me when you can figure these things out yourselves if you heard everything said. Kill me if you're so upset with me fighting in battle."
After a moment, he smirks as this conversation, "It is good to see your priorities in place. Where I get my sword is much more pressing than what we plan to do to this city for you humans."


"You must know of other places where you rebels have strongholds. We already know of the prison you took over. Is there any other place where your group would keep a civilian prisoner?" Stricia tries to get the information she's really after. A place where they could look for Ms.Forrester
"You honestly think The Orphans would keep civilians prisoner? You're daft if you think we would stoop so low. We give homes, not imprison. And the prison? There are murderers, thieves, and military there. None of these innocents you claim we take." He ends up revealing info about the prison in order to build credibility.

Stricia tries to get the information she's really after. A place where they could look for Ms.Forrester
<This is why you need to pay attention to information I'm trying to draw attention to, which is the stuff on the table, because it actually does describe a location of a rebel camp that you didn't know about before.

Just because I only spent a couple of sentences describing something, doesn't mean it isn't massively important.>


((I don't think asking this guy about it means we haven't noted the importance of the camp))

Stricia sighs. The higher ranked members of the rebel group seem to be kept in the dark about things she would have expected them to know. "What is the purpose of the Orphans?" she asks. "What is your quarrel with Ruby Keep? And why are so many of you drow coming to the surface in their service?"

and with that she has asked all the questions she has in her quest for the truth behind the rebellion.
<Nevermind. I kind of went off the fritz there.

EDIT: In fact I'll just remove any suggestions entirely because I have not been acting right, regardless of reason.>
<I am very much on an emotional low right now... in-character reactions to a scene coming up shortly is going to greatly influence how I feel even further and will leave me thinking.>
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