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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


"We should scout" Stricia whispers to the others. "I have potions that can turn me invisible so I can be part of the scouting party".
It takes Leo a minute to notice that the door has been opened, but when he does, he ceases discussing owlbears, werewolves, and pizza with Niko and turns his attention to the rest of the party.

"Are we finally at the part where we go charging in against the enemy, Deadstone?"
<I do want some kind of marching order since you have to move in file down the stairs.

Actually, you guys should always have a marching order simply so that it makes it easier to place you guys on the map in battle.

Generally I'll try to place you guys in this order and change it up if the map design requires it:


And then when you want to move in single file it's 12345

Note that you don't always have to be standing next to each other, I just want to make sure everybody is in the same room during gameplay segments.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Shotgun position 4 for Niko.))

"Well done, Draco." He pauses by the entrance waiting for Dreadstone's word to move inside.

EDIT: ((how about Stricia 1, Tiberius 2, Draco 3, Niko 4 with Dreadstone and Gnaw making up the read guard at 5?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Stricia first, Dreadstone in the rear since he's ranged. In between Tiberius, Draco, Gnaw, Niko?

EDIT: Looks like Jackben and I had mostly the same thought, I just put Gnaw further forward since he's a melee range character))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods to Stricia. "You're on point. Leo and Draco, back her up. Niko, you're with me and the dog. Let's move."
Leo can barely contain his excitement. He's been stuck in nature for the past few days. Now it's finally time to wade into a dungeon and kill bad guys with his friends; he can't think of a better way to spend a day.
((I imagine it has something to do with crushing his enemies, seeing them driven before him, and hearing the lamentations of their women. Definitely not owlbear meat. Fuck owlbear meat and the bike it rode on.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko concentrates, siphoning up the leftover kinetic energies of the vegetation and various wildlife around the mountain and imbuing it into the muscles of him and his allies. ((caste haste)) After this he retrieves his wand of Mage Armor and prepares to use it before they march into the darkness.

UMD Check: Wand of Mage Armor (Target Stricia & Self): 1d20+15=20, 1d20+15=33


((Azih, save the potion as I will just cast mage armor on you with the wand. Also I have quite a few casts of invisibility I can use if we want to go that route, just let me know.))


((Niko's invisibility probably lasts way longer so let's go with that rather than the potion. Mage armor is fine as well with wand rather than potion))

Around this time, Leo realizes the haste is speeding up his voice too. Making an effort to slow his speaking, he says "Any signs of life besides us down here yet?"
((You don't need to use umd on a mage armor wand, since it is on the sorc's spell list even if you do no have it as a known spell yourself. And yeah, haste will last all of 42 seconds... So we better start running I guess.))

Draco lights his Ioun touch(assuming there are no lights in here already) so they can see. "Don't worry, I'm sure they will find us soon enough."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Yeah I did not really think that one through. Lol. Also no use for stealth if we have torches up, let's just see where this takes us))
((I think so. Unless there are lights down here, in which case Draco turns his off. But if there aren't, being stealthy doesn't help that much when you're blind so I'll probably keep it on.))


((Yeah ready here, Invisiblity will last seven minutes right? Even if there is no light Stricia has darkvision from potion))
<I should wait on Dreadstone, but honestly I think you guys are past the point of no return. Nobody made a perception (except until I after I noticed Stricia's edit, and even then it doesn't beat the enhanced DC of you guys moving too fast thanks to Haste).

Yeah, this is ending badly. Will write a post shortly.>
It seems odd... odd that one of the doors made of metal in the distant reaches away from civilization was well trapped, well equipped to deal with even some of the finest rogues while another only needed a bit of time to undo.

Perhaps it is an oversight, arrogance in assuming that the dirt cover was adequate enough to keep the second door hidden forever, or they didn't have the time or resources to trap the second door.

This eventually leads to the question, should somebody find this door, how do you discourage intruders from getting in if they break through?

Simple, put a trap after the door.

By the time Stricia realizes that one of the wooden planks stepping the stairs is loose and slightly raised compared to the others she's seen, she has already stepped on it with super speed. After a faint sensation of crushing glass with the wood, a hissing light fumes from under her, setting the corridor alight for just a moment with brilliant flame.

Touch Attack vs. Stricia, Bomb Damage (1d20=17, 4d4=12)

<Tiberius will receive 4 damage from splash damage.>
Leo winces lightly as the flames lick him, but he doesn't think it's anything too bad. If that's the best kind of trap the Orphans have, they might as well decapitate themselves before the group descends upon them.

"Ha! What a feeble trap. That was a jo-" At this point, he realizes the fire was weak because Stricia took the brunt of it. "Or not. You ok Stricia?"

While checking on Stricia, he'll scan around the corridor to see if he can spot any other surprises waiting for them.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63722]Perception: 1D20 + 4 = [12]+4 = 16

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone curses himself for his carelessness. Had he been in the lead, he might have spotted the trap, but Stricia lacks his years if experience. He should have known better.

"Leo, you just got bumped up to point," he barks. "Get her back here so we can take a look at the damage, they're probably gonna be on us at any second."
"Sure thing Deadstone! Oh, and we should probably hold off on the running fast too, at least out of combat. What just happened reminds me of a deathmatch I had with a speedy guy. He was all fast and magical and hard to hit and stuff, but all I had to do was stick my clotheslining arm out in time for him to zip by and POW! The fool took his own head off! Uh... I guess my point is we should all be more careful from here on out?"

Leo then helps Stricia walk to the back of the group, unless she refuses the aid.


"I am fine. Unharmed." Stricia says shortly, angry at herself for having missed the trap, but having enough time to realize the threat and dodge the blast.

((Stricia touch AC is OP.. er 19))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone let's slip a momentary sharp-toothed grin of relief to see that Stricia has escaped without injury, but his stern demeanor quickly reasserts itself.

"No way they didn't hear that," he says. "Element of surprise is gone, no sense in trying to stay sneaky about our approach now."
"Good, that's the way I like it!" Leo says in response. Now is the time to get into character; the great slaying is nearly upon them.

"LET US GO FORWARD INTO GLORY!" Roars Tiberious, taking Dreadstone's declaration as permission to abandon any hint of quietness or subtlety.


((Dodge bonuses stack right?))

Still angry at not getting a chance to scope the area silently and set up flanking positions Stricia moves downwards still at point.

((We're maintaining the original formation right?))
<Just as OOC information, the stairs seem longer than they actually are because I was allowing people opportunities to post despite only going down a story.>

Soon after the trap was sprung, the group is met with a door lit by Draco's ioun torch. After he unlocks it, the group finds themselves in a room dimly lit by a knocked over and abandoned lanterns. Most things in this room are small, carts filled with fresh concrete, bags of dry gravel, and pots for mixing are in here, though the room itself is still cave-like in being dug out with no walls built. It seems that the room was recently abandoned.

((We're maintaining the original formation right?))
"This room is rife with gravel and concrete. I wonder if the Orphans were trying to make stone monsters?"

Without straying away from the group, Tiberious will look around the room and see if he can get a look at what is beyond the other door.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63723]Perception (Room): 1D20 + 4 = [9]+4 = 13
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63724]Perception (Open Door): 1D20 + 4 = [5]+4 = 9
Regrettably, Tiberious is too hyped for impending slaying to be observant.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Well that could have gone better...sorry all. I'll try to not be so hasty in the future."

The sorcerer coughs into his fist and looks around the room quickly before shaking his head.

"Given the choice to chase whoever was just here and fall into more traps or proceed with caution knowing they are waiting for us, it seems like the latter is the only option that makes sense."


"If they left in haste then I find it unlikely that they left traps behind." Stricia says.

((Well Haste was my idea so I should take the L, didn't know it would lead to missing Traps as my Perception roll was decent))
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