I understand that the concept of laissez-faire capitalism and strong private property rights are good for business and will basically make the country debt free, however the consequences can't be justified in my eyes. Libertarians are against any aid from the government (anti food stamps/anti welfare/Obamacare/social security/public education/etc.) If you cut those programs from the US, the poverty rate/racial disparity between the poverty rate, the wealth gap, and a lot of other outside factors that affect lower class citizens only gets worse. The argument that welfare/food stamps are abused is a myth and I'll post the official stats below. In what world are these politics helpful for this country's growth? How does it benefit someone who is lower middle class? I'm asking because I always here these arguments about helping business but how does that help me besides lower taxes? How does privatized education help when people can't afford to go there?
Link to foodstamps/welfare article (http://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2015/cb15-97.html) shows that over 60 percent use aid for 2 or less years.
Link to foodstamps/welfare article (http://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2015/cb15-97.html) shows that over 60 percent use aid for 2 or less years.