Libertarianism is a scary mess of an ideology.
Most economic philosphies take self interest into account, though.
Is that why all attempts at making a socialiststate have become borderline failed states plagued by corruption?
For example?
Venezuala, for a current one.
State capitalism.
Same shit with the Soviet Union.
Lmao, state capitalism. Literally just means "failed socialist state" at this point.
Is that why all attempts at making a socialiststate have become borderline failed states plagued by corruption?
Yes, but Nordic countries aren't socialist.
They're more social democracy.
Socialist are Venezuela and the rest.
I hope Chavez is rotting in hell.
That's a good video.Penn Jillette on Libertarianism, Taxes, Trump, Clinton and Weed
It was posted Aug 20 and is 18 mins. He gives a pretty good explanation of what Libertarianism is to him.
The sharing economy is a good gut-check on whether you have any libertarian leanings.
Do you consider the taxi medallion system a good thing? Have services like Uber and Airbnb (which only exist by ignoring regulations) been a net positive or negative for society?
Libertarians are against any aid from the government (anti food stamps/anti welfare/Obamacare/social security/public education/etc.)
It's basically anarchy for rich people. IF you are rich enough to afford all those services yourself, or able to hire an army of lawyers to sue when you are wronged, it's great.
Everyone else gets screwed.
I don't think that's as good an example as you think it is.
Uber's entire business model revolves around residential drivers using their vehicles for commercial purposes that are nearly ALWAYS underinsured for the purpose.
Uber's "Surge pricing" is damned near predatory- leading to situations where stranded concergoers were charged hundreds to make it to safety.
Uber is currently experimenting with jacking up pricing on people whose phones are about to die, after determining those users are less sensitive to surge pricing for obvious reasons.
There definitely needs to be more taxi medallions than there are, but the taxi industry is nowhere near as busted as Uber is.
AirBnB for what it's worth has a significant and pervasive problem with racial discrimination in renting from hosts using the service:
Both of these services are flawed at best, and need significant regulation and oversight before they're an acceptable alternative.
Seems a little ironic that you start off saying my example does not work as a libertarian gut check, then proceed to show it working perfectly on you.
Yeah, the sharing economy as it exists is not utopian,
but neither is the status quo.
For instance, the fact that you brought up the possibility for racial discrimination with Airbnb but did not think about Uber's role in eliminating the chronic racial discrimination issue with taxi pickups is pretty telling
1.) Racial discrimination AND disabled discrimination in taxi pickups is flat out illegal. When it happens there are legal avenues to rectify that. This doesn't exist for AirBnB. On top of that, taxi services have had phone based reservations and pickups long before Uber was a twinkle in silicon valley's eye, and app based pickup now for YEARS.
The only issue comes when trying to flag down one at night from a street corner, which Uber doesn't do at all.
Try again, pal.
What dream world is that? I had to flag down cabs for my black coworkers almost every night after work.
Yes it is illegal it is also almost impossible to prove.
The phone reservation system is a joke. In 30 minutes a cab may or may not show up. Uber isn't perfect but I've been able to avoid the hell that is DC cabs for 3 years thanks to them.
Libertarians such as Gary Johnson are mostly what a reasonable Republican should be. They are not Jesus freaks and would probably agree with most of the reasonable things the left would want such as equal pay., woman's right to choose, and so forth.
it doesn't work as a "gut check" because those services are seriously flawed, libertarian tendencies or not. They aren't an acceptable alternative to taxis or hotels, at all.
this is putting it lightly.
the status quo is far superior, personally. I don't need to worry about racial discrimination at Hilton, because the civil rights act makes that bit of business illegal. It does not apply to AirBnB reservations.
1.) Racial discrimination AND disabled discrimination in taxi pickups is flat out illegal. When it happens there are legal avenues to rectify that. This doesn't exist for AirBnB. On top of that, taxi services have had phone based reservations and pickups long before Uber was a twinkle in silicon valley's eye, and app based pickup now for YEARS.
The only issue comes when trying to flag down one at night from a street corner, which Uber doesn't do at all.
Try again, pal.
For example, surge pricing is not predatory. It helps increase supply of drivers during periods of high demand.
The whole idea of "don't like something? Vote with your wallet" really works for those who can afford alternatives and can afford to wait for the changes brought about by a free market.My basic problem with libertarianism is that it demands freedom, but ignores that no money = no freedom. So the poor lose, as ever. I do not believe for one second everyone can thrive if we all had more freedom. Freedom for the wolves, etc.
it doesn't work as a "gut check" because those services are seriously flawed, libertarian tendencies or not. They aren't an acceptable alternative to taxis or hotels, at all.
The whole idea of "don't like something? Vote with your wallet" really works for those who can afford alternatives and can afford to wait for the changes brought about by a free market.
But they're not?
Surge pricing is complete bullshit, taxis at least are standardized and don't penalize customers for using them when people need them most.
Still da best political cartoon on this
when highways, bridges, subways and tunnels are left in ruin... then they will be begging k to back out of Libertarinism
Many people have lots of shit opinions. Doesn't change much at all. Uber and AirBnB are convenient, but that convenience comes at a cost I find unacceptable. If Hotels and Taxis were to vanish overnight and the only alternatives were Uber and AirBnB, we'd all be worse off, not better. Those two services are highly flawed and not an acceptable substitute. they exist alongside of but cannot replace traditional services.
Charging concergoers stranded in a natural disaster hundreds of dollars to evacuate isn't predatory?
Charging customers with phones who are about to die 2 to 10 times more than those who aren't isn't predatory?
Surge pricing is complete bullshit, taxis at least are standardized and don't penalize customers for using them when people need them most.
So from from other people's perspective you might have the bad opinion. Like I find your logic to be pretty faulty.Many people have lots of shit opinions. Doesn't change much at all. Uber and AirBnB are convenient, but that convenience comes at a cost I find unacceptable. If Hotels and Taxis were to vanish overnight and the only alternatives were Uber and AirBnB, we'd all be worse off, not better. Those two services are highly flawed and not an acceptable substitute. they exist alongside of but cannot replace traditional services.
Charging concergoers stranded in a natural disaster hundreds of dollars to evacuate isn't predatory?
Charging customers with phones who are about to die 2 to 10 times more than those who aren't isn't predatory?
Surge pricing is complete bullshit, taxis at least are standardized and don't penalize customers for using them when people need them most.
Libertarians such as Gary Johnson are mostly what a reasonable Republican should be. They are not Jesus freaks and would probably agree with most of the reasonable things the left would want such as equal pay., woman's right to choose, and so forth.
Seems a little ironic that you start off saying my example does not work as a libertarian gut check, then proceed to show it working perfectly on you.
Yeah, the sharing economy as it exists is not utopian, but neither is the status quo. Whether you choose to focus on the positive aspects, the negative aspects, or take a more balanced view is indicative of your underlying openness toward basic libertarian principles. For instance, the fact that you brought up the possibility for racial discrimination with Airbnb but did not think about Uber's role in eliminating the chronic racial discrimination issue with taxi pickups is pretty telling, even if you hadn't signed off with a call for "significant regulation and oversight".
Still da best political cartoon on this
Pure socialist countries always fail once the first leader dies.Yes, but Nordic countries aren't socialist.
They're more social democracy.
Socialist are Venezuela and the rest.
I hope Chavez is rotting in hell.
It's fine if you think it's impossible, but we still have to deal with the morality issue.
How does it become moral to take money from someone who has done nothing wrong?
Everyone is 100% in agreement that it would be illegal and immoral if I robbed a bank and donated the money to the school system, so at what point does this change, and for what reason?