yellow submarine
JennyTablina said:Theres also a transcript from the cockpit voice recorder recovered from United 93 (canf find original link but heres the Wikimedia transcript) . The audio suggests that the hijackers were taken by surprise with the Passengers trying to ram into the Cockpit - try to roll the plane to stop the revolt, and then crash the plane when they realize they can't stop them.
IMO it makes absolute sense to me, I'm sure if there had been no other option, then they would of taken down the plane, but the passengers forced their captors hand before that was even an option. Unlike the people on the other flights, those on 93 seemed to have enough time, alongside calls to friends and family, to realize what was going on, or what might happen. They stopped being scared and confused, and realized that they had to do something - regardless if they survived or not.
Wow, reading that transcript made me have goosebumps. Unreal.