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fable help please


when you leave bowerstone, where the hell are they holding the weapons you purchased?

errrr....dammit! you have to be strong enough to use heavier weapons?


In your inventory...

And yes, some weapons require extra points in strength. They're listed as such though.


Chili Con Carnage!
Do you get better and better with heavy weapons as you build your strength? my character is strong enough to hold it (its not red in the inventory) but he still seems pretty weighed down.

Not that it matters, i have my kickass legendary Katana that does more damage than the big weapons anyway :D


Take heart, BeOnEdge - when you do beef your guy up you can use hammers bigger than anything Malice ever dreamed of. It's almost comical, in a super-cool way. I bludgened this poor soul accross a river with it. :)
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