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Fable III |OT| King for a day...fool for a lifetime


Eric WK said:
If you ordered release date delivery you don't have anything to worry about. I've had it not update my shipping status until after midnight before and still got the game or item when I was supposed to.

Good to know. I've honestly never done release date delivery before so the fact that I never got an email about it today was making me worry a little. :D
I have ordered probably 10+ games with release date delivery (good ol' Amazon Prime :D) and I've always gotten the game the day of release. Sometimes I don't even get a shipment confirmation e-mail, but the delivery is always right on time.


Forkball said:
I'm interested in getting this for the PC when it's released. In 2011.
Are you fucking KIDDING me... :( I thought this was coming tomorrow on PC. Why did the delay it.... Damn, I was playing to much FNV too. 30 hours in 4 days. Was hoping for another game to take me away from NV. Damn it... :/


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, I wonder if the delay was due to technical issues or because they wanted all eyes on the 360 version.

It is very shitty that some of you guys have to wait, but at least they're not pulling another Alan Wake on you.


erotic butter maelstrom
les papillons sexuels said:

seems like the reviews are beginning to trickle in, seen a couple 9's.

This is the first I've heard of the site, but seems like they really liked it.


[in Fable 2] I found myself sometimes being randomly cruel and rather unforgiving to some people but in a matter of minutes, this thrust from power and wealth -- down into the roots of the monarch created something I haven’t felt in years: real compassion in gaming. The last title to really really make me care about characters to this extent and their well-being was Half-Life 2 so it is an absolute joy to mention Fable 3 in the same breath. Giving into this natural feeling finds you donating your hard-earned gold to those that are worse for wear, and generally trying to help those in need. People matter in this game and again without going into the story much -- they matter even more once you become king. Consider the game split into two parts: leading the revolution is part one, and your run as king in the second part.

oozing with hyperbole, but I'll take it


just some screenshots I took a little while ago (6hs)

chicken quest!


getting and testing new powers..


i was dissapointed about spells arrangements (jumpin/out from sanctuary every time) since i get this...



erotic butter maelstrom
Hmmm a 5.5/10

I'm not big on Destructoid, but it's refreshing. I was hoping to see a few less than positive reviews to shine a light on the flaws. You can't get much out of "OMG AWESOME 9/10".

Reading it now, and they do give a pretty solid explanation of the score. No worries.

Fable III isn't a bad game; it's just very disappointing. Lacking the sense of adventure of the previous games and making the most simple of elements more awkward and overdrawn, it feels like a step back for the franchise. It's a shame, because its narrative goals are truly outstanding and there's still a lot of simplistic role-playing fun to be had. These positives are outweighed, however, by a downsized sense of scale, cumbersome attempts at innovation, and a total neglect when it comes to fixing some important problems.


Snuggler said:
Hmmm a 5.5/10

I'm not big on Destructoid, but it's refreshing. I was hoping to see a few less than positive reviews to shine a light on the flaws. You can't get much out of "OMG AWESOME 9/10".

Reading it now, and they do give a pretty solid explanation of the score. No worries.
The review isnt good at all, they pretty much get hung up on comparing it to a game that doesnt exist, which was the promise of what Fable was "supposed" to be.


damn it all to hell.:lol :lol I guess I ordered the guide for this. I guess I can read about it for how ever long its delayed. I hope it comes early Janurary...:\


~Kinggi~ said:
The review isnt good at all, they pretty much get hung up on comparing it to a game that doesnt exist, which was the promise of what Fable was "supposed" to be.
Agreed. He seemed to dislike it because it was, you know, another Fable. What else did we expect?
Snuggler said:
Hmmm a 5.5/10

I'm not big on Destructoid, but it's refreshing. I was hoping to see a few less than positive reviews to shine a light on the flaws. You can't get much out of "OMG AWESOME 9/10".

Reading it now, and they do give a pretty solid explanation of the score. No worries.

considering he gave new vegas a 9... I think there's a little bit of discrepancy on how what he considers expanding on formulas.

First of all, Fable III does absolutely nothing to expand on its own formula.

I thought you become king in this one.

First of all, Fable III does absolutely nothing to expand on its own formula. Even though you're royalty, you'll still spend most of your time farting at people to win their approval and performing mind-numbing QTE minigames in order to earn cash. In fact, once players do finally become king, the game stops being a Fable title altogether, instead becoming a glorified choose-your-own-adventure book as you sit listening to a "Good" and "Evil" proposal and decide what to do, with only the occasional short quest to break things up. That's as much as I can say without providing spoilers, but suffice it to say, it's not good to be the king.

those seem to cancel out. It does nothing new! It does something completely new!

The Destructoid review does say that it's less epic in scale than Fable 2 (which, honestly, wasn't all that epic). If this is true, it's troubling.

Still, mostly rather good scores so far.


erotic butter maelstrom
The leveling system does sound kind of unappealing. We'll have to unlock the abillity to steal from people or to level up the gun ability.
I don't really see how that could be a good thing.

oh well
Sweet. Just got back from the midnight launch. I wish I had jumped sooner on the LE, because the packaging looked really classy. Overall it was a pretty laid back launch at my Gamestop and a lot less creepy than the Reach launch. I forgot Rockband 3 released tonight too. Seemed like the majority were picking up Fable 3. Can't say anything really about the game since I haven't fired it up yet. One bright note is the manual is actually full color and pretty decent looking, a far cry from the crappy black and white two-page inserts you come to expect these days.


Destructoid said:
As if that wasn't bad enough, Fable III suffers from some unbelievably poor design choices that take the previous game's ideas and makes them more awkward and tedious. For a start, there are no real menus in the game. Instead of going to a menu screen to equip items, select quests, and check character progress, pressing Start now takes you to a "Sanctuary" full of rooms that you must manually enter in order to do anything. If you want to equip a hat, for example, you have to load the Sanctuary, enter the clothing room, walk to the mannequins, find the right mannequin, select the mannequin, select the hat, and then finally wear the hat. Apparently it was too convenient to just hit Start, select the clothing option, and put on the damn hat.

Kotaku said:
Isn't there something with a butler in this game? Yes, the best addition to Fable III is one so daring I'm shocked it works. In most video games, you can press pause and access maps and text menus of items and attributes. In Fable III, you press pause and zap eye-blink fast into a sanctuary staffed by John Cleese. How walking into a map room to spot your quests or into a weapon room to change your load-out is an improvement is mind-boggling, but it is. Access to the sanctuary is lightning fast, visually charming, orderly, and technologically stunning. They got this very right.

Lots of solid reviews (and one particularly low, but that guy gave Vanquish a 5 so his opinion is invalid). After realizing just how much I enjoyed Fable II this past week, I'm definitely getting this now.


Yeah, tha tDestructoid review is just weird.
is like he barely played the game, and what he did played he didn't liked it, because they changed it or made it harder (to him).

I mean. One of his complaints is that now to befriend people, is harder because you need to do it individually and earn people's friendship too. So he didn't
liked that. He prefered the easy way of Fable II of performing random things to everyone and befriend everyone at the same time.

He barely mentioned any part of King-gameplay.

Oh! It was "Vanquish guy". Darn! I'm not that big of a fan of Vanquish and even I found his review to be just bad. :lol
Brad Shoemaker doing his thang! ill critique his review one sec

Now, in order to change your clothing or weapons, or look at the map, or check your quest log--to do anything managerial at all, really--your character has to bodily teleport to a small hub level and then physically run up to the wall in your armory to change your weapons out, or over to the map table to view the world map. It's nice to get a visual representation of things like new clothing before you use them, but this intermediate step between exploring the world and accessing important information starts to make the game feel ponderous after a while.

I don't get this. It loads instantly between pressing start to go to the sanctuary and then back to the game. You change clothes or see the map RIGHT away!

In-game, you no longer see helpful things like a life bar, so you never know exactly how close to death you are
Screen gets red when you're close to dying like almost every game without a health meter now... plus I mean really - when are you dying in this gam - oh it's Brad right!

The game has some other rough spots of a mostly technical nature. I had quests randomly disappear from my quest log on occasion, and the light-up breadcrumb trail that guides you to the quest locations in the game world would always disappear along with them.
The manual specifically says that the bread trail will disappear if you wonder too far off the path and do your own thing.

Reloading the game took me right back to that exact same state, which made me think I was going to have to start the game over at the beginning and throw out almost 20 hours of progress. I eventually figured out a way to find the enemy's location by the sounds it was making, and used area-of-effect magic to kill it, but for about 10 minutes there I sort of felt like I was going to be sick.

Glad it wasn't only me on this one. I agree with Brad here.


Giantbomb said:
I was willing to forgive all those interface issues as long as I was enjoying the adventure on offer in Fable III, which I really was for most of the game. But there's a significant shift in the storyline and, consequently, the game mechanics in the last few hours of the game, once your revolution succeeds and you take the throne, that alters the tone and the pacing of what you're doing. You're still getting to hack up hobbes and hollow men, and completing quests in exotic lands, but there's an extra layer of responsibility on top of that which feels like it introduces more urgency into the Fable experience than I'm comfortable with. And when I finally felt like I had a handle on the new stuff that was going on, I got dragged without warning past the point of no return, into a lackluster endgame scenario before I'd had time to finish up all the business I knew I wanted to take care of. Not finishing those few tasks significantly affected the way my ending turned out, and left my version of Albion in such a state that, despite having a stack of side quests and achievements to finish up, I kind of don't ever want to visit it again. I know this sounds like the world's vaguest complaint (getting more specific would require me to detail most of the story's major plot points), but the way the game wrapped up in the last few hours really lessened my experience with the package as a whole.
That paragraph is just... weird.


I expected a 4/5 review from Brad, but his complaints seemed justified. Basically the game forced him into the point-of-no-return endgame without giving him a chance to finish a bunch of sidequests, which ultimately had a big effect on the game's ending. I'd be pretty frustrated too. Plus, he thought the end section was lackluster, which seems like a common complaint.

Doesn't seem like Jim Sterling even finished the game.
Big Ass Ramp said:

Somehow I expect this will be GAF's reaction, lol. Poking fun a little, but did anyone expect this to get glowing reviews and 10's across the board? It's Fable. I imagine the new GUI will be pretty divisive in an already divisive franchise. I actually look forward to the discussions about whether Lionhead dropped the ball or not mechanics-wise.


DevelopmentArrested said:
He's right in a sense but a) the point of no return is pretty obvious and b) it isn't really a point of no return considering you can continue to do quests and shit after the endgame.
But the ability to do sidequests after completing the game is kind of a moot point if they really do affect the game's ending.
First major bug... pressed the sanctuary button and black screen. Press dashboard button, Xbox completely locks up. *sigh*

btw, does anyone know how to access downloaded content? I've got stacks of stuff from the LCE, but can't seem to find it anywhere. I've unlocked all my weapons, clothes and cosmetic abilities.
sdornan said:
But the ability to do sidequests after completing the game is kind of a moot point if they really do affect the game's ending.

True. Someone is going to have spoiler tag the point of no return down the line. It's a good thing I take my sweet ass time playing a game like this.
It's really a shame that all they did with Co-op was to get it working this time. I truly wish that Fable 4 had a real fully-fledged co-op mode where quests work for both people, etc.

BastardSamurai said:
Brad is specifically talking about
the sudden jump from day 118 to day 1, without warning. By the time it's day 1, you can't try to dump money into the treasury. A heads-up about how day 118 is the last time he can add to the royal coffers is something he would have appreciated.
It's true.
A warning would have been nice

sdornan said:
But the ability to do sidequests after completing the game is kind of a moot point if they really do affect the game's ending.
Also true.
DevelopmentArrested said:
He's right in a sense but a) the point of no return is pretty obvious and b) it isn't really a point of no return considering you can continue to do quests and shit after the endgame.

Brad is specifically talking about
the sudden jump from day 118 to day 1, without warning. By the time it's day 1, you can't try to dump money into the treasury. A heads-up about how day 118 is the last time he can add to the royal coffers is something he would have appreciated.


BastardSamurai said:
Brad is specifically talking about
the sudden jump from day 118 to day 1, without warning. By the time it's day 1, you can't try to dump money into the treasury. A heads-up about how day 118 is the last time he can add to the royal coffers is something he would have appreciated.
Consider me warned. :D


DevelopmentArrested said:
Anyone who's put major time in it know how to unlock Driftwood Island?

Eventually there will be a guy who asks for a cash donation to rebuild a bridge in Millfield. That will open the route to Driftwood. Second quest is to take a gambler from Bowerstone Market to Driftwood. Third is to ask the woodworker in Silverpine to move to Driftwood. After that it will be fully built.


Well it seems like alot of reviews are talking about bugs and glitches etc. This along with Fallout Vegas has be wondering what the hell is going on? I am still getting Fable3, but damn it I wish they would do more testing and fix issues before releasing games. Although I have not had many issues with past games, several friends have lost the game saves in Fallout Vegas (yes they patched it), but the point is for "Day 1 Owners" it's like you are "at risk" due to issues.

I just hope that they have a patch really soon to fix some of the issues that the pro-reviews are pretty much universally mentioning.


Do destructoid just aim to piss people off with shitty reviews? This Fable review, the horrible Vanquish review, the ridiculous review calling Castlevania: LoS 'the worst game in recent memory'.

I'm all for using the 10 point scale to it's fullest but their reviews are absurd and poorly written most of the time.


Anyone having trouble downloading the limited Edition content? It's doing the same thing as Reach and saying I've already downloaded it. It seems to think the free content from MS is the same thing as the LE content.
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