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Fable III |OT| King for a day...fool for a lifetime

vhfive said:
Range: Small downgade but not because it feels under powered (I think you just have a bad weapon my "Chickenbane is a beast) but beause you lack the ability to aim at certain parts of the body.
Thats because ranged was overpowered in 2. You could shoot the an enemy six times in the head and kill him in the time it takes to hit him once or twice with a melee weapon.


erotic butter maelstrom
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous rant is how fucking sick and tired I am of holding down buttons, and I'm barely halfway through. Like about 1/3 of the game seems to consist of just holding down a button and releasing, it's so ridiculously lazy.
well i'm enjoying fable 3 even though some of the changes make no sense. why take out the expression wheel only to replace it with random choices? not to mention how dumb transitioning to another screen when you interact with an NPC is.

and the game is glitchy as fuck. my jasper is mute, my dog constantly gets stuck in shit, and i've had my melee weapon disappear off my back several times.


erotic butter maelstrom
this isn't really a glitch but I selected one of those books with the voice overs when I was on a mission, and since there is no way to stop it the voice kept playing as the NPCs in-game were having a discussion in front of me so I couldn't understand either since they were both talking at the same time

very impressive

on a more positive note, I'm pretty sure the Alister/Flynn voice actor is in this game, I like that guy
Snuggler said:
this isn't really a glitch but I selected one of those books with the voice overs when I was on a mission, and since there is no way to stop it the voice kept playing as the NPCs in-game were having a discussion in front of me so I couldn't understand either since they were both talking at the same time

very impressive

on a more positive note, I'm pretty sure the Alister/Flynn voice actor is in this game, I like that guy
This happened to me too, drove me nuts. Was it in the part where you were underground saving that lady's husband?


erotic butter maelstrom
Aquavelvaman said:
This happened to me too, drove me nuts. Was it in the part where you were underground saving that lady's husband?

Yep. That exact part.

I'm playing right now, trying to get through this game. The combat was actually somewhat challenging during this session because my cat decided to jump up and stand right in front of the TV so that made things more interesting I guess.

I just wanna get up to the king part for a change of pace, I'm done with hold a button and tiresome combat missions.
I've found some decent guides for finding every book, gnome and key- anyone recommend a specific guide they've found though? I want to get through the collecting as quick as possible because as with others, it's growing very tiresome on me with 19 hrs in.


yeah i'm stuck too after 'The Game' mission, if anyone can invite me to something to fix my game would be appreciated. Gamertag 'Newduck'


I've had dirty disc errors while playing (installed) on both Fable III and New Vegas, pretty sure my 360 is crapping out. If so, this one lasted ten months, which might actually be a world record.

Anyone else having disc read errors while playing?


Having been King for a few hours think I might be losing patience, all the shortcomings become grating after a while and are just slightly too frequent. They've been documented v well by others in this thread but for me the frequent slowdowns do my head in, Jaspar shilling constantly for the sodding shop, not being able to check out my inventory at will. Its also too easy, I can well understand having a game be accessible but give us the option to play a tougher game. Combat has become meaningless and is too easy. The quests which are "follow a trail and press a button" seem a bit too frequent. The huge decision making thing is interesting but I simply don't care about the promises I made because I had no choice in making them!

I think I enjoyed F2 more but that might be rose tinted spectacles talking, I might give that another go to check. Will give F3 one more big play session, think I will step away from the main storyline and muck around for a while.


daycru said:
I've had dirty disc errors while playing (installed) on both Fable III and New Vegas, pretty sure my 360 is crapping out. If so, this one lasted ten months, which might actually be a world record.

Anyone else having disc read errors while playing?
Aaaaaaand a freeze while fighting the Hollow men under the library. That's great.


daycru said:
Aaaaaaand a freeze while fighting the Hollow men under the library. That's great.
It's locked up in the same spot three times in a row, thinking a bad disc maybe? Now, to hunt around my apartment for the Best Buy receipt.
Peter Molenyux should be forced to take Game Design 101 class 10 times minimum. Even 80 yrs old illiterate grandma, who has never heard/seen video games, can come up with better user interface.


Warnen said:
Man just popped in fable 2, don't see how anyone can say it's better than 3.

I find 3 better. The environments, the story, the characters, the mood, even Jasper. The thing is for some reason some things that were okay in 2 like the dog, inventory, frame rate etc were really lacking in this one. And to me its shocking because Fable 3 is a great game that is really lacking or did really bad in the basics( the damn golden trail doesn't work correctly half of the time, no repair all? ) and those are things that fable 2 did alright, so that means the team took a step back to then move forward?

Also: I loved the kid stage and the imprisoned stage in 2, they were brilliant ways to move the story. Don;t know why it was changed, maybe because this games focus is okay and the overall story seems better, deeper.

All in all this game seems rushed, the changes are not all bad, maybe the interacting was personalized more. It's about individuals not groups like the other ones. But why o why?!?! did the basic stuff get screwed. I wouldn't mind the game at all with the changes if there were no glitches, dips in framerate(horrible ones worse than fallout NV from my experience)
Oh how I hate that Lionhead hasn´t finished anything in this game. I thought I should try to pick up one the maids in the castle, and even she behaves like every other NPC in this game. It´s the same f*cking story with a couple or found of pat-and-cake, tickling, chatting where I don´t hear a word she´s saying, and then a stupid fetch-quest.

I´m the King ffs! :) The NPC´s should make a different if I´m just starting the game, and when I have become the most well known character in the world.

And oh, the first thing I heard after being crowned was one of my servants calling me a wanker in front of my face.

Now I´m trying to raise the needed money by buying properties. It took me about an hour to buy 90% av the properties in 3 of the cities/villages. I just maxed out the rents, because the only downside of it seem to be the people are calling me names. Bo-frickin-ho. :D

And why does the games areas feel fever and more restricted than in Fable 1?

It´s without a doubt, the most stupid game I have ever played. And not in a funny way, it´s just tragic.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Mr. Sam said:

Graphics look much better, everything looks washed out in part 2. Also my hero is but ugly compared to part 3. No wonder I kept a helmet on him.

The old menu was a mess, hard to keep track of quest and such. Never got all the gargoyles but damed if I know how many and where they are.

Combat is way loose, and you have to suck in the exp.

Only played it for a few mins, can't see how anyone would say part 3 is a step back unless they haven't played part 2. Only thing I miss is the ability to pick my expression.
I loved Fabe 2, but these impressions. Holy cow. Glad I decided to wait on this one until the impressions came back. The lack of pre-release buzz had me worried, and now I know why.

Hope it doesn't mean the beginning of the end for Lionhead.


Fable 3 has better quests (both main and side), and I like the Sanctuary even though a non-lagging menu would still be faster. The bugs (and retarded design decisions) really ruin everything though. Jasper becoming a mute after leaving the Dweller Camp, my create-a-character wife literally vanishing into thin air and causing all future marriage ceremonies at the castle to result in a system hard-lock, having to do a fetch quest and return to the gnome hut after a few days to enable the talking gnomes, the emotion wheel's neutering, etc.

And now my character looks like a complete witch even though I'm at maximum good morality.

Normally I'd say Lionhead needed another year of development (not only to squash bugs but to also expand the ending), but many other developers release games in the same period of time and they don't have so many major bugs. And aside from the Sanctuary and the further dumbing down of elements Fable 3 doesn't really do anything different from Fable 2.
Just finished it. Garbage of the year.

Second part of the game is nothing but cut-scenes with one or two quests in between. Treasury room to throne room. Back and forth. It is so bad that you just don't want to take any good decisions. Somebody has to pay the price for this crap.

Donating your own money doesn't fast forward boring gameplay. All it does is gives good fame which I think is the reason I finished this as a hero even after taking evil decisions.
MirageDwarf said:
Just finished it. Garbage of the year.

Second part of the game is nothing but cut-scenes with one or two quests in between. Treasury room to throne room. Back and forth. It is so bad that you just don't want to take any good decisions. Somebody has to pay the price for this crap.

Donating your own money doesn't fast forward boring gameplay. All it does is gives good fame which I think is the reason I finished this as a hero even after taking evil decisions.

You do realize there's game-play AFTER
the battle with The Crawler/Shadows
? You get to see the results of all of your decisions you made as king/queen.
"Garbage of the year" :lol Come on guys, Fable 3 isn't as shitty as most of you are making it out to be. I just don't understand the hate. I didn't run into nearly as many of the problems most of you complained about (I did run into the mute-Jasper glitch, though it was fixed after
saving Albion from The Crawler
). I love Fable 3, but then again.. I loved Fable 2 as well.

All in all, Fable 3 is a much better game than Fable 2. In my opinion of course.


Fable 3 is better when it comes to basic things like player movement and load times and it has better visual design (Fable 3's Hero clothes are miles better than Fable 2's), but it's inferior in every other department: Lower poly models with lower res textures, simplified expressions system, simplified job minigames, linear character progression (Road to Rule), more completely black & white choices, and three times as many bugs. There's also the issue of recycled assets (textures, animation and voice samples). And I haven't gotten to the end yet so maybe that's worse, too.

Edit: Just glimpsed at a post above mine and I agree that so far Fable 3's side quests are superior.
I really don't get peoples complaints about the choices? Fable 2 had pretty much one choice and if you didn't pick dog you fucked yourself over if you missed any of the dig spots. Fable 3 had great choices which were ruined by the huge amounts you make from owning property.

I also think the leveling system was a step up, the combat in all the games is so easy that it's a little silly to limit an already limited set of actions by making them focus on leveling one at a time. That obviously didn't fix all the other problems with the combat though.


The best thing about Fable 2 was how much stuff you found when you didn't follow the bread crumbs. So many hidden areas with chests or sidequests, it made me want to explore everywhere. Like jumping off Brightwood tower in a certain spot and you'd land in a hidden cave with a legendary weapon. Or saving the guy from the bandits, only to than later go back and buy his farm and get a key to his cellar to find another legendary weapon. Or random bandits dropping pieces of a hit contract taken out on you. Or buying the pirate a beer in bloodstone and getting the captain dread sidequest, ect ect. The "oh shit look what I just found" factor is missing from 3.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I can't even make pies in this game because of the frame rate issues. I was just trying to play for one more day before I sold it but wtf... can't even enjoy the little shit.


Any tips to make quick money while being king? I've got quite alot of property and I'm doing as much blacksmithing as I can handle.


mjc said:
Any tips to make quick money while being king? I've got quite alot of property and I'm doing as much blacksmithing as I can handle.
You have every property you can buy? Go afk.


well not really...yet
mjc said:
Any tips to make quick money while being king? I've got quite alot of property and I'm doing as much blacksmithing as I can handle.
Buy all the stores, bars, etc, youll be filthy rich in no time
mjc said:
Any tips to make quick money while being king? I've got quite alot of property and I'm doing as much blacksmithing as I can handle.

If you don't mind cheating, exploiting gold glitch is the easiest way.


Deficit spend, I thought. I own all the properties, I'll make bank. 119 days? Yeah, I've got a couple more rounds to play, it's ok that my treasury is in the red.

Game over! Ha, ha,
everybody died and your kingdom is bereft of people
. Can't buy anything now, cap'n! And somehow I'm still pulling in rent.

This game got real dumb real fast.

My non gamer wife was asking me why I was picking everyone up in town like Patrick Swayze, and I didn't have an answer.

Keeping track of fetch quests from villagers is tedious and way too complex. And broken, I'll add. To check for a particular villager's quest, just press start, then move forward, then press a. Then press y. Then scroll down to one of the possible quests. Then press a. Oops wrong one, press b. Whups back to the main map, so press y. Now try the next one in line. Press a. That's it! Now press a. Now press it again. Ok, press a again, and you're warped to exactly where the villager is! Or not really, you're actually across the area, gotta walk through it to find the villager. Ok, breadcrumb trail.... Come on.... Screw it. Start walkin. Hey balverines. Again!

All that for one guild seal.

I could predict where dig spots were before my dog found them. Actually I made a new game, how do I draw my dog out of the loop he is stuck in, in order to get him to the obvious dig spot?

John Cleese: "They turned me into a mute!"

I love the world of Albion, I just feel like this game doesn't belong in it. I just want the poster art (the Albion Girl Ale and the Bessie posters are sublime), and the sound direction.
HadesGigas said:
WTF why are there balverines EVERYWHERE. Is this supposed to happen once you become king?

I´m wondering that myself. Why do they walk around right outside the fanciest houses in Albion, with any explanation at all?

Spirit of Jazz said:
I really don't get peoples complaints about the choices? Fable 2 had pretty much one choice and if you didn't pick dog you fucked yourself over if you missed any of the dig spots. Fable 3 had great choices which were ruined by the huge amounts you make from owning property.

I also think the leveling system was a step up, the combat in all the games is so easy that it's a little silly to limit an already limited set of actions by making them focus on leveling one at a time. That obviously didn't fix all the other problems with the combat though.

What leveling up system? Please do not say the Road to Rule, because that is not a leveling up system. I openened up every chest there, except the "work" related for piemaking, etc and the last one, before I even became king.
So I finished the game yesterday. I liked the King-bit, but not as much as I hoped because it's extremely short. The
boss fight was ridiculous though. Way too easy and you're fucking fighting Walter, not even The Crawler. I know he's inside him but it would've been way cooler if you've actually have fought the Crawler itself. The fight ended really lame as well, with some slow-motion sword move which didn't really do anything because he was dying from my Fire/Shock-spell at the time. I hoped the Crawler would shoot out of Walter's eyes in the last scene and completely destroy Albion while fighting you inside a giant ball of Godly light or something. Not just; 'Oh he's dead, Walter we'll miss you, sob sob'.
I liked the game, I honestly did. But it's horribly broken in some places. I hope this is the last we see of Fable and that Molyneux takes a step back, looks at what he has accomplished in the last few years (Fable, Black&White, The Movies etc.) and then makes a game that for once isn't bug-riddled and actually undoubtedly good. All their games up until now kind of had the British charm saving it from criticism, but it should be good by itself from now on.
CecilRousso said:
I´m wondering that myself. Why do they walk around right outside the fanciest houses in Albion, with any explanation at all?

Yeah, they're just sorta hanging out by some mansions then when you get close they start mauling everyone. Fun to watch. But baffling.

Could see if it were part of a quest or something. Would be pretty easy to explain too. "Balverines all across Albion have become frenzied, their keen animal instincts perhaps sensing the impending darkness." There, quest written...
CecilRousso said:
I´m wondering that myself. Why do they walk around right outside the fanciest houses in Albion, with any explanation at all?

What leveling up system? Please do not say the Road to Rule, because that is not a leveling up system. I openened up every chest there, except the "work" related for piemaking, etc and the last one, before I even became king.

So what is it?

I loved Fabe 2, but these impressions. Holy cow. Glad I decided to wait on this one until the impressions came back. The lack of pre-release buzz had me worried, and now I know why.

Hope it doesn't mean the beginning of the end for Lionhead.

To be honest, if you liked Fable 2 you will probably like 3, it has issues but no more than 2, & they fixed some of the issues I had with 2 so give it a shot.

I just realised Max is the voice over guy from Come Dine With Me. Lol.
:lol I knew I recognised the voice.
Started playing Fable III today, and after about two and a half hours, I'm not really all that impressed. I didn't play much of Fable 1 or 2, so I can't really draw comparisons, but as it stands, the core gameplay doesn't seem like anything special, and I got tired of having to hold down the A button to impress strangers *very* quickly. I also agree that the removal of Fable II's expression "wheel" is just stupid.

I'm probably going to return it, as now that I've switched it off, I don't see myself being inclined to pick it up again. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but there are more than enough other games right now (old and new) that interest me far more.
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