Prine said:I was prompted to download an update... but no explanation why.
Looks like it fixes the dupe glitch, not much else unfortunately.
Prine said:I was prompted to download an update... but no explanation why.
Speedymanic said:Looks like it fixes the dupe glitch, not much else unfortunately.
Warnen said:Graphics look much better, everything looks washed out in part 2.
Speedymanic said:Looks like it fixes the dupe glitch, not much else unfortunately.
Ben2749 said:Started playing Fable III today, and after about two and a half hours, I'm not really all that impressed. I didn't play much of Fable 1 or 2, so I can't really draw comparisons, but as it stands, the core gameplay doesn't seem like anything special, and I got tired of having to hold down the A button to impress strangers *very* quickly. I also agree that the removal of Fable II's expression "wheel" is just stupid.
Square Triangle said:Lol I don't think I've ever seen an OT where the creator of it bashes it so frequently.
HadesGigas said:How doesCOST money? Shouldn't a lot more money roll in?removing the limit on amount of booze sold a day
Mr. Sam said:I just remembered the most ridiculous decision you have to make as king:
"CHOOSE, SUPERHERO!"This wallpaper is good. This wallpaper is evil.
sillymonkey321 said:I thought they were going to give me options tobut then that would be a logical decision therefore wasn't needed.either decorate your castle lavishly or sparsely in order to save money
dralla said:The best thing about Fable 2 was how much stuff you found when you didn't follow the bread crumbs. So many hidden areas with chests or sidequests, it made me want to explore everywhere. Like jumping off Brightwood tower in a certain spot and you'd land in a hidden cave with a legendary weapon. Or saving the guy from the bandits, only to than later go back and buy his farm and get a key to his cellar to find another legendary weapon. Or random bandits dropping pieces of a hit contract taken out on you. Or buying the pirate a beer in bloodstone and getting the captain dread sidequest, ect ect. The "oh shit look what I just found" factor is missing from 3.
luxarific said:So I just got married on a bridge and now I can't move. Can't go to the sanctuary, can't save, can't reload. Am I screwed?
EDIT: If anyone with the game in this thread would be willing to help me out, I'd like to try the possible fix below:
slasher_thrasher21 said:So... maybe I'm blind but I don't see the side jobs in town anywhere!!! When they told me to get a job and make money, I ended up just selling stuff to get the money to buy the disguise stuff... so where the HELL are the jobs?
aidan said:Sign-posts with huge ! above them.
7echnicolor said:All in all, Fable 3 is a much better game than Fable 2. In my opinion of course.
The ending wasn't exactly sudden, and it made sense for it to hit when it did.Prine said:My friend was playing the game yesterday morning and out of the blue the game ended he said. He then traded it in for Fallout LV out of frustration.
I didnt know what to say (haven't beat it yet).
Again, what were Lionhead thinking?? During development you have meetings after meetings with top creative heads about every single facet of the game, given Molynuexs experience and the rest of the highly talented people at the studio, what compelled them to think such an ending would be ok???
This game is all over the place, something major must have happened, im thinking Kinnect implementation screwed up deadlines and they had to scrape what was sort of working and gelled it together.I keep asking myself "How did this get green lighted?".
Prine said:My friend was playing the game yesterday morning and out of the blue the game ended he said. He then traded it in for Fallout LV out of frustration.
I didnt know what to say (haven't beat it yet).
cjelly said:The ending wasn't exactly sudden, and it made sense for it to hit when it did.
Snuggler said:Uh..yeah, better bail out now cause that'll be a reoccurring thing throughout the game. Follow the golden trail, tedious combat, fast travel, hold button - that about sums it all up.
I'd return it if I were you. I'm gonna finish it over the next couple days since I feel like I have to but I don't plan on playing it again so I'll probably sell it next wait and wait to play it again when Microsoft accidentally puts it up for free on Xbox Live
If you didn't like Fable 2 you don't have a chance at liking this game.Ranger X said:Oh man, I was just entering the thread to see if I'd try that game 'cause I was on the fence (I really didn't like F2) but reading your post here really turns me off.
Looks like I will pray for Skyward Sword to be good or something in order to fix my "third person adventure" fix...
The Chosen One said:Btw, once I start a new character, is there any way to load my original character from the same hard drive? The load screen doesn't give me any options to select a specific file.
I loved Fable 2 and still thought this game was rotten, in far too many ways already explained in previous pages.Aquavelvaman said:If you didn't like Fable 2 you don't have a chance at liking this game.
NullPointer said:I loved Fable 2 and still thought this game was rotten, in far too many ways already explained in previous pages.
But I want to know WHY anybody thought it was a good idea to ditch the expression wheel and varied villager personalities. That one decision ripped the very soul out of the game. Everything else is details.
Snuggler said:Same here. I'll play Fable II again when I have nothing else going on so I can properly compare the two, but when I played it a couple years ago I had a great time with it despite the flaws. I was already reading GAF back then and I remember being surprised by all the negative reactions since I enjoyed it so much.
Still, I agree with the sentiment that if you didn't like II that you won't like III.
FTWer said:I hated Fable II, but loved Fable III.
Snuggler said:What even happened to Oakvale? It's been a while since I played Fable II, maybe it was destroyed and I forgot about it, but I was bummed that it didn't show up in III. I still 'member my first quest there in Fable I <3.
Snuggler said:What even happened to Oakvale? It's been a while since I played Fable II, maybe it was destroyed and I forgot about it, but I was bummed that it didn't show up in III. I still 'member my first quest there in Fable I <3.
les papillons sexuels said:after giving it a good amount of time I've come down to my biggest complaint of fable 3.
Why were so many things removed from fable 2 which didn't need to be removed, never have I seen a sequel where so many things were removed which didn't need to be removed.
trolls, bugs, wraiths, etc.
oakfield, westcliff, bloodstone.
Worldly things, quests:
moving statues, jobs(wood cutting and bar tending), pub games, traveling traders.
I also wonder if Aurora was originally going to be a much bigger location, both in size and things to do.The Chosen One said:It hasn't been mentioned much in this thread, but the enemies in Fable III are smaller in number and there wasn't a single HUGE enemy. In the first two Fables, you had giant trolls and other big bosses.They also had creepy wraiths and a variety of other enemies in the old games. Fable III axed it seems over half of the existing enemies while only adding a few new ones, none of them really being stand out.Heck, The Creeper in Fable III just ends up being Walter when it comes to the actual battle... There were a couple of sentinels dragon things, but they were just as easy to beat as the big bandit magic guys.
It really does feel Lionhead was distracted during the development of Fable III and it needed another 8-12 months to be fully fleshed out.
I"m guessing they probably had some Kinect feature in mind for the Expression system. That's the only explanation I can figure out for why the took it out.The whole 121 day point of no return thing also feels like they just hit a development deadline, instead of it being an actual design decision.
I didn't mind that quite as much because it made dates and fetches much easier. But at the same time it's a little screwy. "Take me on a date 15 feet from my house!" "I lost a very important item, it's right over there somewhere."cjelly said:I also wonder if Aurora was originally going to be a much bigger location, both in size and things to do.
It feels 'tacked on' because there's so little there
Jinaar said:Fable 3 is... well after beating it I felt nothing.