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Fable Question


Im on the quest where I lead the trader to the camps... anyway, one died... how much will that hurt me? Also, how can I save!?!?! All it says is hero save... WHY
If one dies, it's not that big of a deal. Those kind of quests are just minor anyway.

As far as saving goes, I always just played until it Autosaved. There also should be a World Save, as well as the Hero Save.


Gas Guzzler
The trader escort missions constantly respawn.

I would always take their money, then lead them part way, then kill them.



when you are on a quest, you can hero save (this includes your entire pre-adult playtime)
when you are not on a quest, you can world save

using hero saves, you can open chests hundreds of times and get RICH or so i've heard

Hero saves store differences in your character, his appearance, stats, inventory, etc.
World saves store changes in everything, from you and your quests to the items and people around you

Deku Tree

Hero Save is for saving your stats in the middle of a quest. If you quit you'll keep your experience and stuff but you'll have to start the quest over. Kind of cool for some later quests actually cause you can redo them and amass lots of experience.

World save will save everything but you can only do it when your not on a quest.
Don't worry about it. None of the missions are of consequence. The nature of the game is to let you get away with anything you want all the way through with a few exceptions. And when you break one of those exceptions, you just retry it again anyway. No biggie.


wow... that was close, turns out this was a very important mission... as it led me back to that guy who saw my potential first, he talked to me more about my sister and now I guesse a big part of my journey begins
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