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Fable sells 375K first week


You know what? Never mind it. Fable for el presidente!


lot of ppl might be dissapointed by the length, no? 8 hours is too short. and SO3 got overrated by rpgfan...the combat...hehe, i'm enjoying the game, but...


nitewulf said:
lot of ppl might be dissapointed by the length, no? 8 hours is too short. and SO3 got overrated by rpgfan...the combat...hehe, i'm enjoying the game, but...

Now THAT is a legitimate complaint.

Though, I completed most of the side quests and finished the game in more than 28 hours. The game is just very fun, even without the main quest, which admittedly, is way too short.


IJoel said:
Now THAT is a legitimate complaint.

Though, I completed most of the side quests and finished the game in more than 28 hours. The game is just very fun, even without the main quest, which admittedly, is way too short.
Yeah, if people don't find the side quest compelling enough, we might see a lot of people returning it after 10 days.


I could care less about the length of a game. I can't remember the last time I finished a game except for Halo on coop.
Subitai said:
Yeah, if people don't find the side quest compelling enough, we might see a lot of people returning it after 10 days.

10 days?!?


Sorry, I had to do it :D

Actually, I have yet to find a single used copy at my local game stores.


IJoel said:
Now THAT is a legitimate complaint.

Though, I completed most of the side quests and finished the game in more than 28 hours. The game is just very fun, even without the main quest, which admittedly, is way too short.

Hmm, I'm at about 14 hours and I have yet to dip into any of the optional Demon Doors. Not sure how far along in the game I am, but it's a riot (if a flawed riot) so far.

The game deserves to sell great.


Wow. Imagine how much better it could sell if it just had a decent plot, a semblance of a challenge, interesting characters, clever puzzles and dungeons! :D


sonycowboy said:
10 days?!?


Sorry, I had to do it :D

Actually, I have yet to find a single used copy at my local game stores.
Yeah, temptation is hard to resist. :)

We'll have to wait a few more weeks to see what happens.


Miburou said:
Wow. Imagine how much better it could sell if it just had a decent plot, a semblance of a challenge, interesting characters, clever puzzles and dungeons! :D

And less than 90% of the quests being "escort the fucking morons."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
Hmm, not bad. I was hoping for a far, far better sales, though. RPGs as they are now need to extinct like dinosaurs they are, and should all evolve into something more like Fable.

Fable is a nice idea, but it is just loaded with way too many problems...

Star Ocean 3 took me like 50 hours to complete and I had a blast the entire time. I can't even bring myself to complete Fable at this point. There is fun to be had, but it's ultra linear, divided as hell, and not nearly as fun.


Didnt i fucking say? Ninja Gaiden Levels in its first month, look like it'll end up doing 450k in its first month, 700k by the years end, milllion by the time Xbox is finished.

Deseves these awesome sales, GOTY for me. Fucking awesome.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Prine said:
Didnt i fucking say? Ninja Gaiden Levels in its first month, look like it'll end up doing 450k in its first month, 700k by the years end, milllion by the time Xbox is finished.

Deseves these awesome sales, GOTY for me. Fucking awesome.


While it may change, my GOTY still remains Ninja Gaiden. I absolutely LOVED the game.


heh, yeah its sorta embarassing, what the hell did they do for 5 years? the outcome is a short and easy game with no story. ludicrous.

SO3 is fun, but geez, the battle system really works against you...my moron teammates ruin my set up combos ALL THE TIME!!!!! enemies keep falling and messing up combos. sometimes out of nowhere my team mates just stand there and do nothing for no apparent reason!!!!
conversely, when i keep getting whipped, i dont fall at all...so enemies keep whipping me. maps dont mark entry/exit points and they are sooooooooo huge that its too easy to get lost. i'm immensely impressed by the sheer scale of the dungeons but i usually run out of items and MP so i am forced to get out to the nearest town, load up items and return. its a chore at times. worst of all, usually the branching paths only lead to freaking blue/blackberries and no weapons/armour or any loot of considerable value. so the only point of exploration is to get that 100% map completion bonus...i dont have patience for that shit. anyway, i digress.


Prine said:
Didnt i fucking say? Ninja Gaiden Levels in its first month, look like it'll end up doing 450k in its first month, 700k by the years end, milllion by the time Xbox is finished.

Deseves these awesome sales, GOTY for me. Fucking awesome.

Wait until they lower the price on Ninja Gaiden for the holidays and watch them release a Ninja Gaiden: Deluxe as well. It deserves all that sales it can get cause it definitely is GOTY material


Yeah, im just having so much fun with the game. 12 hours in, with 5 core quest complete. Im constantly amazed with Albion. Such a beeeeaaaaaauuuutiful game.

encountered the earth monsters for the first time, just so awesome


open_mouth_ said:
Wait until they lower the price on Ninja Gaiden for the holidays and watch them release a Ninja Gaiden: Deluxe as well. It deserves all that sales it can get cause it definitely is GOTY material

Agreed, Itagaki needs to be rewarded


Took you a while, eh? I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

I guess since you can't refute my points, that's the only option you have.

And here I was nice enough not to make fun of your retarded, overexcited "OMG! Awesome! Earth trolls so awesome" comments.


Miburou said:
Took you a while, eh?

I guess since you can't refute my points, that's the only option you have.

And here I was nice enough not to make fun of your retarded, overexcited "OMG! Awesome! Earth trolls so awesome" comments.

You sensitive fuck. Calm down


I'm not the one name calling, kid. You know you could get banned for stuff like that.

Hey, when you pressed A in front of a door, did it open? AWESOME, SOOOO AWESOME!


Im not here to persuade you why Fable is so great. You didnt like it, so what. I wanted to use the middle finger picture, you post just happened to be easiest one to use it with.


Razoric said:
Agreed. No point in refuting stupid trolling comments anyway.

Look up the word "trolling" before you comment. No where did I say the game was bad (not in this thread, and not in the original Fable thread). I just mentioned that if the game did not have those flaws (which I consider major), it would've been so much better.


Ah the american pc rpg fans came thru huh. Not that surprising, as long rpg genre is never more then 50% this type of style I could care less what happens.


madara said:
Ah the american pc rpg fans came thru huh. Not that surprising, as long rpg genre is never more then 50% this type of style I could care less what happens.

No, it's the eastern rpg fans that came in.

*looks at thread title*

Yep. Fable thread.


Prine said:
I wanted to use the middle finger picture, you post just happened to be easiest one to use it with.

You should've saved it for something more appropriate, like "Xbox fanboys are so desperate that even tripe like Fable gets praised". Or similar.

I guess I'm just pissed that even when you try not to be blunt in your criticism, you still get people yelling "troll!".


Miburou said:
You should've saved it for something more appropriate, like "Xbox fanboys are so desperate that even tripe like Fable gets praised". Or similar.

I guess I'm just pissed that even when you try not to be blunt in your criticism, you still get people yelling "troll!".

You think Fable was disappointing, lacked challenge, story, etc... WE GET IT. MOVE ALONG TROLL.


Miburou said:
I only posted that one comment. It wasn't until some of you faboys got offended that I had to reply back.

Actually you made a smart ass comment and you got a smart ass reply. You were the one that got offended.


I might not be the best person to say this as I do my share of trolling here but your post was definitely trolling with or without the smiley.


Miburou said:
You should've saved it for something more appropriate, like "Xbox fanboys are so desperate that even tripe like Fable gets praised". Or similar.

I guess I'm just pissed that even when you try not to be blunt in your criticism, you still get people yelling "troll!".


The story is pretty average for an RPG. It is not bad, it's actually ok. I don't see the big deal about it, from a negative perspective.

Puzzles? The game has some sort of puzzles, but again, it was never the intent for the game to be puzzle heavy or laden. Fable is all about interactivity and how to handle situations with different approaches. Not to mention, it's about playing YOUR own hero and not some scripted character the developer created for you to loan.

Interesting characters? Fable does have some interesting characters. The lack of a longer story sort of screws some more potential good ones though. Again, in Fable the focus is on you. It's from an egotistical perspective.

The only valid complaint you mention is the lack of true challenge. It's a very easy game.

In the end, Fable is what it is, not for fault, but because it was what the developers intended. Don't like it? Tough luck. Go play some other game. To come into a thread with such an OBVIOUS trolling remark and mask it with the "i didn't say it sucked" excuse is insulting to anyone that reads it.


Grubdog said:
Damn, it would be really sad if this outsold Pikmin 2.

Uh why? Two completely different games on two completely different systems. My god so much hate... cant anyone just enjoy a game anymore?


Shompola said:
I might not be the best person to say this as I do my share of trolling here but your post was definitely trolling with or without the smiley.

I don't see it that way. Sure, if I had posted "Wow, imagine how much better it would sell if it actually was good", but I tried to only list the flaws that I found to be legitimate, and which I haven't even seen anyone refute.

BTW, I think this is the first time I've been called a troll since I changed screen names. Wow, that brings back memories.
I think Fable was a good game, but I agree with the points Miburou made. I took his comment as poking fun at those who gloss over the game's flaws. I like Blinx, but I don't flip out and accuse someone of trolling when someone insults Blinx in a Blinx thread. I don't have that kind of time on my hands! :D


I know I like to rip on Fable, but my outpost order came the other day and I have about 4 hours into the game. And after all the slack I've given this game I uhhh....am enjoying myself so far. Definitely not the best RPG ever made like a certain someone wanted to claim, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless taken for what it is.

I have a couple problems. Mainly the combat system. The camera moves too damn slow when you want to swing it around to attack other enemies. I know you can hit L to move to different targets but that doesn't always work the best, especially when you have townsfolk around the enemies. This is exactly why Ninja Gaiden doesn't have a moveable camera when you are fighting. Anyway, back to Fable, the fighting system is good. The slow camera annoys me. I like being able to mix in magic attacks with melee or ranged attacks. Plus the level up system is nice too, how it breaks everything up depending on how you fight. I'm a stat whore junkie so I love this aspect. Yes, the game is linear, but it hasn't been as big a problem as I thought it would be. The game is quite open ended in its linearity. You have a ton of things to do. Main quests, side quests, leveling up, playing side games, etc. I've been trying to win some money playing black jack but the damn dealers cards are hot. Going to cut this short for now, but at this time the game has really grabbed me in.


Miburou said:
I don't see it that way. Sure, if I had posted "Wow, imagine how much better it would sell if it actually was good", but I tried to only list the flaws that I found to be legitimate, and which I haven't even seen anyone refute.

BTW, I think this is the first time I've been called a troll since I changed screen names. Wow, that brings back memories.

Well when I read it after you have explained yah I guess it wasn't really trolling. But then his reply with the picture wasn't really there to insult/offend you I don't think. He probably posted it to make a "funny". Btw you are pocketfudge right?
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