Yeah I was talking about this with my cousin from Sydney when she came over, your minimum wage is crazy high, but it seems like all the costs scale upwards too. Must be great for traveling though, with how strong the AUD is now
So what have I missed in the last 30 or so pages?
I live in Belgium.
Our tax is crazy high.
19,810.01 36,300 a year -> 45% tax
Over 36,300.01 -> 50%
And not only do you lose almost half of your pay, we also have 21% tax on most stuff in shops. Videogams are like 55 minimum. There's even a pretty popular shop selling sony exclusives for 69,99. Not Australia levels of bad but yeah.
I am worried they will find a way to tax stuff like buying from amazon etc soon.
Kanji's shadow monster oh god I can't stop laughing
Our highest tax bracket is 45%, which kicks in at 180,000 / year.
I feel like we should be taxed slightly more than we are, especially the mining industry. It's not going to last forever and we need to make some long term investments with that money instead of just letting it line the pockets of corporations.
So what have I missed in the last 30 or so pages?
Lol, 180K vs 36K... SMH!
Just preordered X/X-2HD and ordered DanganRonpa.
I'm ready.
Just preordered X/X-2HD and ordered DanganRonpa.
I'm ready.
The Australian dollar is worth much less than the Euro, though. 180K AUD is the same as 117k EUR. Still a big difference in tax brackets, but...
Tax free threshold in Aus is set at 18,200. After that, you get 19% up to 37k. Then you get 32.5% on each dollar earned between 37 and 80k. 37% up to 180k, and 45% beyond.
get ready for the despair that is DR.
I had been planning to order it before it even came out(I told BB about it) but put it off due to my backlog. I've seen BB addicted to it so I decided to just bite the bullet. By the time I finish BD I'll probably receive it and then I can beat it before X/X-2HDDR is... Interesting.
Ready Player One is a must read for everyone
I'm getting back into it after a few weeks and I'm hooked
Ready Player One is a must read for everyone
I'm getting back into it after a few weeks and I'm hooked
Still making my way through Discworld.
It's super good.
Also super good.
Also super good.
We never did "awards" like that.
We never did "awards" like that.
If we did I would have got "biggest nerd" for sure. If not worse things.
"Guy whose fly was unzipped"
Finished my Genetics homework! And so now it's time for me to continue Chapter 5 of DR.
I'm scared.
Er, when did the thread title change?
It's gonna get real good. Choose carefully!
Smelly, are you on NG+ yet with your obsession? :lol
I always felt bad for the weird kids in my class.
I never really experienced bullying. Except for a few times in third or fourth grade I think. Can't remember. Basically your standard, "faggot" name calling.
I can only assume the guy who did it went on to accept his latent homosexual desires and is now taking it up the ass in dark alleys.
So jealous! I was bullied a lot X_X. Wazzy didn't go to my high school, but if she was, she would have fended off the bullies for me <3.
I'll be there!
You better say you're a piece of shit.
I lost my dragons
Because I'm a piece of shit