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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
No there are buttons at the front

I see, that makes sense.

Signed my termination today, feels weird after all that time. Soon I'll be worrying about how to not look like an idiot on TV. Geez.
George Clooney was good in Tomorrowland. I really liked that movie more than most people seem to.

I was invited to Sausage Party tonight by a group of girls. I wanted to see the movie anyway, but it's fun to stop and appreciate the irony.
I'm the only one of my friends that thinks Tomorrowland was really good. Everyone else I know who saw it thinks it's trash. It feels good knowing I have superior taste. :p


it's a little too big...I might actually enjoy wearing it as a top
I'm sorry, but...Lordt.
I see, that makes sense.

Signed my termination today, feels weird after all that time. Soon I'll be worrying about how to not look like an idiot on TV. Geez.
You'll be on screen?😀

Thx for the kind feedback guys ❤️🐈💕


I'm the only one of my friends that thinks Tomorrowland was really good. Everyone else I know who saw it thinks it's trash. It feels good knowing I have superior taste. :p

I liked Tomorrowland up to a certain point. It shits the bed for its finale, though. Still worth watching for the very fine Giacchino score and its visuals.


I liked Tomorrowland up to a certain point. It shits the bed for its finale, though. Still worth watching for the very fine Giacchino score and its visuals.

fun fact I watched tomorrowland with my mom when I first got sick and loved it.

(it was probably the drugs I was on)


Alright after the pics cute is changed to extremely attractive.

Opened new box of cheez its at work. Trying best to not keep eating these.
I liked John Carter if for no other reason than it's one of the few movies/shows/games that understand other planets most likely don't have 9.81 m/s^2 gravity (along with Superman and Interstellar kind of).

Fly to a new planet in No Man's Sky/Star Wars/Star Trek. Same exact gravity. Ugh.


I liked John Carter if for no other reason than it's one of the few movies/shows/games that understand other planets most likely don't have 9.81 m/s^2 gravity (along with Superman and Interstellar kind of).

Fly to a new planet in No Man's Sky/Star Wars/Star Trek. Same exact gravity. Ugh.

IIRC that's the basis of his superpowers though, because he was acclimated to earth's gravity or something


in any case I didn't see anyone else floating around all floaty, I just saw john carter flying

right? I can't remember exactly
do a drunk movie review plz

this sounds like fun but I feel uncomfortable to get wasted alone by myself, watching a movie. gosh I really need drinking buddies.

Hence that trend of making flannel shirts into diy skirts

man flannel shirts are just the best aren't they. as long as I can't find a guy who wears them I'll just wrap them around my bum.
I'll be my own hot dude.


Yeah, John Carter's a mess. But again, a very fine Giacchino score. :p

(A better leading man might have helped but the script had a lot of issues too.)


I disliked speed racer but I feel like that's mostly because I really liked the old show and was hoping for something similar. That ended up being like an even more flamboyant f zero with speed racer characters


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Warlord of Mars is a great series of novels

Just got called a detriment to humanity because I am only attracted to white guys


Purple Drazi
Alright, so, I've spent some time trying to figure out how I can condense all the craziness from the past half a year that's kept me away from you glorious folks (and the rest of the internet, too, really) and I realized it's surprisingly easy to trim it all down to a few key sentences. Of course, the experience therein is the sort of thing I could write a damned novel off of, but that's how it goes in life sometimes.

Ultra-long story hyper-short: I met a marvelous young woman and we hit it off but then things went pretty badly because of reasons that'd take more time to explain but we stuck together anyway and she wound up pregnant and we resolved to make it work and raise the baby together but two months into the pregnancy (a little less than a week ago) we had a miscarriage.

Our relationship had a lot of strain by the time conception happened and I put on a facade of overarching pleasantry in public and online to mask the pain but frankly the level of stress between us might well have had a lot to do with her having a miscarriage and while we were still in the first trimester when it happened we were both pretty excited. It stings a sting I've never before felt and it fucking sucks.

We're hardly together anymore, but she's pretty clearly confused about her feelings toward me because she sort of alternates on this stuff, and I'm not angry with her at all about that or... anything else, really. I mean, we've had enough fights that that's why we're where we are now, yeah, but I couldn't possibly be upset with her for not knowing quite where she stands on us. I can't blame her. I mention that because some of my friends have said stuff like that... and it's like, dude, no, I don't necessarily approve of everything she did in our relationship (nor does she approve of everything I did, for that matter) but we just lost our unborn kid, and it hurts a lot more than I ever expected it would. She's allowed to feel confused. It's all I can do to try to be supportive; whatever I feel, it's likely worse for her.

Also, I've had an as-yet-unidentified health issue that's been really bad, and that's lasted a couple of months and counting. I'm seeing a specialist about it in a little under a week, finally, but I'd been admitted into the hospital over it in the past because the pain was so bad. The good news is, they ran a CT scan and that came up negative, so it's probably not the dreaded "c" word, at least.

Well, that was a fairly gloomy update. My apologies. Life's been crazy. I've been in a few different states as a result of all this -- literally and figuratively.
Okay now let's see it as a hat!
I just got out of the shower so my hair is wet but it helped with the Calvin Klein feel. probably the fanciest version yet
Wuh. I do this all the time.

Also I'm heading to my impending doom lol. I hate hospitals.

a glass of wine/one beer maybe but getting wasted alone at home? very concerning if done on a regular basis.

Alright, so, I've spent some time trying to figure out how I can condense all the craziness from the past half a year that's kept me away from you glorious folks (and the rest of the internet, too, really) and I realized it's surprisingly easy to trim it all down to a few key sentences. Of course, the experience therein is the sort of thing I could write a damned novel off of, but that's how it goes in life sometimes.

Ultra-long story hyper-short: I met a marvelous young woman and we hit it off but then things went pretty badly because of reasons that'd take more time to explain but we stuck together anyway and she wound up pregnant and we resolved to make it work and raise the baby together but two months into the pregnancy (a little less than a week ago) we had a miscarriage.

Our relationship had a lot of strain by the time conception happened and I put on a facade of overarching pleasantry in public and online to mask the pain but frankly the level of stress between us might well have had a lot to do with her having a miscarriage and while we were still in the first trimester when it happened we were both pretty excited. It stings a sting I've never before felt and it fucking sucks.

We're hardly together anymore, but she's pretty clearly confused about her feelings toward me because she sort of alternates on this stuff, and I'm not angry with her at all about that or... anything else, really. I mean, we've had enough fights that that's why we're where we are now, yeah, but I couldn't possibly be upset with her for not knowing quite where she stands on us. I can't blame her. I mention that because some of my friends have said stuff like that... and it's like, dude, no, I don't necessarily approve of everything she did in our relationship (nor does she approve of everything I did, for that matter) but we just lost our unborn kid, and it hurts a lot more than I ever expected it would. She's allowed to feel confused. It's all I can do to try to be supportive; whatever I feel, it's likely worse for her.

Also, I've had an as-yet-unidentified health issue that's been really bad, and that's lasted a couple of months and counting. I'm seeing a specialist about it in a little under a week, finally, but I'd been admitted into the hospital over it in the past because the pain was so bad. The good news is, they ran a CT scan and that came up negative, so it's probably not the dreaded "c" word, at least.

Well, that was a fairly gloomy update. My apologies. Life's been crazy. I've been in a few different states as a result of all this -- literally and figuratively.

oh shit man :( so sorry to hear all this. but glad you made it back...if you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you!


Alright, so, I've spent some time trying to figure out how I can condense all the craziness from the past half a year that's kept me away from you glorious folks (and the rest of the internet, too, really) and I realized it's surprisingly easy to trim it all down to a few key sentences. Of course, the experience therein is the sort of thing I could write a damned novel off of, but that's how it goes in life sometimes.

Ultra-long story hyper-short: I met a marvelous young woman and we hit it off but then things went pretty badly because of reasons that'd take more time to explain but we stuck together anyway and she wound up pregnant and we resolved to make it work and raise the baby together but two months into the pregnancy (a little less than a week ago) we had a miscarriage.

Our relationship had a lot of strain by the time conception happened and I put on a facade of overarching pleasantry in public and online to mask the pain but frankly the level of stress between us might well have had a lot to do with her having a miscarriage and while we were still in the first trimester when it happened we were both pretty excited. It stings a sting I've never before felt and it fucking sucks.

We're hardly together anymore, but she's pretty clearly confused about her feelings toward me because she sort of alternates on this stuff, and I'm not angry with her at all about that or... anything else, really. I mean, we've had enough fights that that's why we're where we are now, yeah, but I couldn't possibly be upset with her for not knowing quite where she stands on us. I can't blame her. I mention that because some of my friends have said stuff like that... and it's like, dude, no, I don't necessarily approve of everything she did in our relationship (nor does she approve of everything I did, for that matter) but we just lost our unborn kid, and it hurts a lot more than I ever expected it would. She's allowed to feel confused. It's all I can do to try to be supportive; whatever I feel, it's likely worse for her.

Also, I've had an as-yet-unidentified health issue that's been really bad, and that's lasted a couple of months and counting. I'm seeing a specialist about it in a little under a week, finally, but I'd been admitted into the hospital over it in the past because the pain was so bad. The good news is, they ran a CT scan and that came up negative, so it's probably not the dreaded "c" word, at least.

Well, that was a fairly gloomy update. My apologies. Life's been crazy. I've been in a few different states as a result of all this -- literally and figuratively.

Shit, dude. It sounds like you need a hug, so voila! *hug*

I'm very sorry for your loss. :(


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright, so, I've spent some time trying to figure out how I can condense all the craziness from the past half a year that's kept me away from you glorious folks (and the rest of the internet, too, really) and I realized it's surprisingly easy to trim it all down to a few key sentences. Of course, the experience therein is the sort of thing I could write a damned novel off of, but that's how it goes in life sometimes.

Ultra-long story hyper-short: I met a marvelous young woman and we hit it off but then things went pretty badly because of reasons that'd take more time to explain but we stuck together anyway and she wound up pregnant and we resolved to make it work and raise the baby together but two months into the pregnancy (a little less than a week ago) we had a miscarriage.

Our relationship had a lot of strain by the time conception happened and I put on a facade of overarching pleasantry in public and online to mask the pain but frankly the level of stress between us might well have had a lot to do with her having a miscarriage and while we were still in the first trimester when it happened we were both pretty excited. It stings a sting I've never before felt and it fucking sucks.

We're hardly together anymore, but she's pretty clearly confused about her feelings toward me because she sort of alternates on this stuff, and I'm not angry with her at all about that or... anything else, really. I mean, we've had enough fights that that's why we're where we are now, yeah, but I couldn't possibly be upset with her for not knowing quite where she stands on us. I can't blame her. I mention that because some of my friends have said stuff like that... and it's like, dude, no, I don't necessarily approve of everything she did in our relationship (nor does she approve of everything I did, for that matter) but we just lost our unborn kid, and it hurts a lot more than I ever expected it would. She's allowed to feel confused. It's all I can do to try to be supportive; whatever I feel, it's likely worse for her.

Also, I've had an as-yet-unidentified health issue that's been really bad, and that's lasted a couple of months and counting. I'm seeing a specialist about it in a little under a week, finally, but I'd been admitted into the hospital over it in the past because the pain was so bad. The good news is, they ran a CT scan and that came up negative, so it's probably not the dreaded "c" word, at least.

Well, that was a fairly gloomy update. My apologies. Life's been crazy. I've been in a few different states as a result of all this -- literally and figuratively.
Wow. I'm glad to see you again, and I'm glad you seem to be doing (relatively...) alright compared to the past few months.

Sorry all that stuff happened to you.


Alright, so, I've spent some time trying to figure out how I can condense all the craziness from the past half a year that's kept me away from you glorious folks (and the rest of the internet, too, really) and I realized it's surprisingly easy to trim it all down to a few key sentences. Of course, the experience therein is the sort of thing I could write a damned novel off of, but that's how it goes in life sometimes.

Ultra-long story hyper-short: I met a marvelous young woman and we hit it off but then things went pretty badly because of reasons that'd take more time to explain but we stuck together anyway and she wound up pregnant and we resolved to make it work and raise the baby together but two months into the pregnancy (a little less than a week ago) we had a miscarriage.

Our relationship had a lot of strain by the time conception happened and I put on a facade of overarching pleasantry in public and online to mask the pain but frankly the level of stress between us might well have had a lot to do with her having a miscarriage and while we were still in the first trimester when it happened we were both pretty excited. It stings a sting I've never before felt and it fucking sucks.

We're hardly together anymore, but she's pretty clearly confused about her feelings toward me because she sort of alternates on this stuff, and I'm not angry with her at all about that or... anything else, really. I mean, we've had enough fights that that's why we're where we are now, yeah, but I couldn't possibly be upset with her for not knowing quite where she stands on us. I can't blame her. I mention that because some of my friends have said stuff like that... and it's like, dude, no, I don't necessarily approve of everything she did in our relationship (nor does she approve of everything I did, for that matter) but we just lost our unborn kid, and it hurts a lot more than I ever expected it would. She's allowed to feel confused. It's all I can do to try to be supportive; whatever I feel, it's likely worse for her.

Also, I've had an as-yet-unidentified health issue that's been really bad, and that's lasted a couple of months and counting. I'm seeing a specialist about it in a little under a week, finally, but I'd been admitted into the hospital over it in the past because the pain was so bad. The good news is, they ran a CT scan and that came up negative, so it's probably not the dreaded "c" word, at least.

Well, that was a fairly gloomy update. My apologies. Life's been crazy. I've been in a few different states as a result of all this -- literally and figuratively.

Dude I'm sorry I can't imagine how that feels, I had an abortion with my highschool girlfriend and it still haunts me but it was a choice and something we prepared for, i can't imagine what it would have been like to just have the baby taken away.
I hope everything works out for you and gaf is here when you need us friend.


Warlord of Mars is a great series of novels

Just got called a detriment to humanity because I am only attracted to white guys

I've been called worse for turning down offers from black guys and girls. I like black girls but the ones who asked me out weren't my type, and all the guys were like super doms, i've never met a black twink so far and I only go for twinks.
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