My brother is way cuter than I am
Another pet peeve of mine: People who end their sentences with "but still" and don't use the "..." to cap it off.
I don't think I should clarify any further on what I have to say.My friend is opening up a moonshine operation because he recently discovered how to build the contraption you need to brew the beer, so tonight we're going to go take a look at his debut still
You would think, but stillI don't think I should clarify any further on what I have to say.
I don't think I should clarify any further on what I have to say.
My brother is way cuter than I am
Pics and address?My brother is way cuter than I am
Im kidding but I've seen himY'all crazy if you think I'm gonna post a pic of my bro without his permission
Creep my FB if you're that interested
I only remember seeing a picture of him like five years ago when he was like what 14-15.
He got taller and less awkward
My brother is a less muscular, older, balding version of me, who's less smart and WON'T FUCKING MOVE OUT JESUS CHRIST MATTHEW YOU'RE 25 GET THE FUCK OUT!!!.
...:cMy brother is a less muscular, older, balding version of me, who's less smart and WON'T FUCKING MOVE OUT JESUS CHRIST MATTHEW YOU'RE 25 GET THE FUCK OUT!!!.
27 and still with my parents (not for long tho)...:c
*is 25 and still lives with parents*
What are rent prices like where you live?
That will probably explain a lot.
*is 25 and still lives with parents*
High but it's not like London is the only fucking place to live in England, god damn most of our family lives in a cheap part of Nottingham anyway, he's too god damn attached to a city and because he won't leave he's burdening the family financially (beyond a measly rent he contributes no money to the family, wouldn't lend me a pound yesterday because he's so fucking cheap), mentally and emotionally, because of him me and my sister have struggled to get everything we've needed over the years, wether that be attention or money and it's becoming more painfully obvious by the day that neither me or my sister will be able to go to Uni because he decided he was going to go and fail to get a pointless Japanese degree and put the family into greater debt so he could go and try and convince himself he's not an idiot, but It;s pointless because you are a fucking moron Matthew, every fucking day of my life you demonstrate it you fucking stupid alcoholic......That ah...Tapped into some built up emotion.
Let it all out.
it's just good to vent, he took my nail clippers and he keeps eating my spinach.
I know the feeling. Well at least about nail clippers. You need them and then go looking for them and then see they're not where they're supposed to be because some fuck decided they didn't have to put them back and then it turns into a a game of Where's Waldo and all you want to do is scream and smother them in their sleep.
AhI don't know your situation, it's not just that he still lives with us at that age, it's his fucking refusal to even try and get out, any money he get's he squanders on fucking weed and alcohol (he's stolen from me many times to pay for his booze he's an alcoholic like myself accept I quit) and he refuses to give any money to the family besides paying back what he borrows (usually hundreds of pounds at a time) and a tiny amount of rent.
I know the feeling. Well at least about nail clippers. You need them and then go looking for them and then see they're not where they're supposed to be because some fuck decided they didn't have to put them back and then it turns into a game of Where's Waldo and all you want to do is scream and smother them in their sleep.
He sounds a bit like my shitty dead uncle who we all hated
this is why I have four nail clippers, three or four box cutters and a dozen pair of scissors around the house. They're not expensive and it's annoying when one isn't handy.
i find the feeling of nail clippers creepy. I only trim my nails by using tiny scissors.
I've seen worse. Just subscribe to New England Journal of Medicine on Facebook.
I've seen worse. Just subscribe to New England Journal of Medicine on Facebook.
Is this from the anime where the girl German suplex's a reindeer?
But...but I live with my parents D:The so called socialist making fun of people living with their parents.
I Ron E.
I'm just taking the piss. I love Rob. :3
Is this from the anime where the girl German suplex's a reindeer?
But...but I live with my parents D:
And I was just saying that my uncle was a fucking cunt because he was (not saying your brother is Fluvian though, there are just parallels). Like, when my grandad was dying from cancer, he still smoked all around the house and invited his friends round to get drunk and shit. My dad straight up refused to come with us when we'd visit my grandparents because he would just punch him on sight.
He died by rupturing his oesophagus while puking. Which tbh is a fitting way for him to fucking go. I mainly just feel sorry for my nan.
And <3 :3
Hello there handsome how are you?
Okay. Didn't sleep great, but I have my coffee, and a doughnut. How are you?
-_-I did. I never see stuff like this.
God, I love a good doughnut. Best thing is donut shop here have awesome bahn mi sandwiches.Oh god. I need a doughnut so bad right now.
(The chances are good I'll be hitting the road tomorrow. I need to get my energy up by eating sugary carbs!)
Ah, that's it. Thanks! Think I'll finally watch this. It looks so ridiculous.