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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Funky Papa

I've always wanted to play the DQ series, but I know I will never find the time. I'm really tempted to give Star Ocean 4 a try just for this moment, though. #notalljrpgs

Unrelated: It just hit me that my girlfriend left for Germany just in time for the Oktoberfest. Yet here I am. This is some bullshit.


... I was just looking at the OT on Gaming side.


I was about to
but apparently it's backordered.

Well that was a very rushed ending

Ok, so I only saw maybe the last half an hour, but it definitely seemed like it could have been so much better as an original film. Having to shoehorn in that final confrontation was dumb as fuck, there were much more interesting paths they could have taken

I just hope that one day we'll get a real Dr Doom on screen


So, Mr Robot's Elliot.

Is it wrong that I find him attractive? Is my straight compass that busted up?

I found the character a lot more attractive than the actor Rami Malek, I don't know something about Elliot reminds me of this guy I used to be obsessed with in high school who had similar ticks and mannerisms. Plus I think it's god damn impossible to not wanna give Elliot a hug after all the shit he goes through.

Funky Papa

I'd wanna be friends with him. Bang him? not so much.

I'm too busy gawking at the females on that show

Yeah, I mean, it's not like I want to touch his butt, specially with Shayla and Darlene (oh, the filth) around. But I can appreciate an attractive dood and he has something going on. Kind of like a lowkey hunk.


Yeah, I mean, it's not like I want to touch his butt, specially with Shayla and Darlene (oh, the filth) around. But I can appreciate an attractive dood and he has something going on. Kind of like a lowkey hunk.

Word. I get it. Kind of had a similar thing with the guys on New Girl. They are just so damn likable that it's kind of infectious.

And, I have no shame in admitting that I'm perched for New Girl S5 to drop on Netflix September 20 :)
Someone told me I look just like one of the guys from Supernatural and I was like "Misha Collins is so hot, I know" and they were like "... blah blah blah side character".
I've always wanted to play the DQ series, but I know I will never find the time.
They vary in length a lot but DQ1-5 can each be finished in under 30 hours (DQ1 in about 10 hours and DQ2 in about 16-20 hours). Maybe the phone versions would help you find the time?

I played 8 mainline Dragon Quests (that's all but DQ7 and DQ10, which hadn't been released here) beginning to end between September 2014 and May 2015. So people might gather that I'm really looking forward to DQ7. :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Friday night selfie. Goodnight.


Weekend fucking duty



Blair Witch Friday night. Going to a party for a 2 year old at a park Saturday. My former infatuation will be there. Pray for my dick.

Let me know how Blair Witch goes, and I'm sending thoughts to your cock.

dinner party Sunday night, and I think I'm being dragged to a kickball game earlier in the day, but otherwise I'm locking myself in my room and going to try to get a bunch of programming done.

Love a good dinner party.


Internet is finally back up in my office.

I've done busy work to pass the day. But now I can go back to goofing off.

What's good everyone?


irresponsible vagina leak
This is the best co-op game ever made, provided you spend the small fortune to get the materials you need or have the convenience to play it with three other people who already have them

That said, this is me from 2004 speaking. I don't know if the game holds up in 2016, and I almost don't want to find out.

You can play it for cheap on the emulator. You can emulate the game boy controllers and have everyone around helping which is nice.

Internet is finally back up in my office.

I've done busy work to pass the day. But now I can go back to goofing off.

What's good everyone?

Eating oatmeal and throwing more shit away to prepare for the move. Not much really.


Also EatChildren is a very handsome fellow

I mean this platonically of course as this thread hasn't made me gay

Eating oatmeal and throwing more shit away to prepare for the move. Not much really.

I can't deal with oatmeal or any food that has a mushy texture really!


Redmond's Baby
Been watching Monty Python's Life of Brian for n-th time today (n >=30)

First scene, where three wise men arrive to the wrong stall, still slays me

Funky Papa

So, Mr. Robot...

Had one of the protagonists ending
in some other dude's butt.

And then there was this CRAZY
scene, which wasn't graphic at all, but gat damn.

This show is way intense.


So, Mr. Robot...

Had one of the protagonists ending
in some other dude's butt.

And then there was this CRAZY
scene, which wasn't graphic at all, but gat damn.

This show is way intense.

Dude you haven't even seen the most intense part of season one yet, you'll know when you see it happen.


Yeah I was thinking it's a good combo of smaller crowds on Thursday and also the performers ought to be pretty enthusiastic by then. Usually when I go late October they've kind of given up a little. But who knows? It's worth finding out.

We're going right at open, then my roommates' boyfriends are meeting us a couple hours later. I'm assuming you and your crew will probably be there for the whole time too? Maybe we can find some time to meet up, especially if the park is empty and we have time to do everything well before close.

A few of my friends also got the pass so they might be going opening too but I'm not sure. The main group that I'm going with is only going once.


Things you missed: I've come out as bi, have become a lot more cheerful and more comfortable with myself
and also I banged a guy

I dunno about anyone else I don't care about them :3

Jus' kidding <3

I actually didn't miss that part (the coming out as bi part, anyway) That was one of the last things I saw. But I'm happy that you're doing better.


irresponsible vagina leak
Friday here. What's on for the weekend y'all?

Furious masturbation. self loathing masturbation and automatic non emotional masturbation. Oh and maybe more Necropolis and possibly if I get in the mood Bioshock to see if its as TRASH as I remember.


Furious masturbation. self loathing masturbation and automatic non emotional masturbation. Oh and maybe more Necropolis and possibly if I get in the mood Bioshock to see if its as TRASH as I remember.

what the fuck man?

Bioshock series was one of the best from last gen


irresponsible vagina leak
what the fuck man?

Bioshock series was one of the best from last gen

First game had interesting story and mediocre gameplay
Second had mediocre story and ok gameplay
Infinite was good looking and thats about it. Also Elizabeth is the new Navi. Booker Catch!, Booker Catch!, blah blah blah


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Bout to go trade in one of my extra Genesis 2s and a 6 button controller. I hope there is something cool at my local shop.
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