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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I've bought every version of RE4 aside from the PS4 port. I love that game so much, the pacing is too good. It was unreal how good it looked when it first released on the Gamecube. Waiting on the HD mod for PC to play it again.

Wii version was my favorite. The pointer controls felt really smooth.


Unconfirmed Member
Why FUME5 so stylish for an Australian construction supervisor??

There was a council worker/ roadworker sitting behind me today on the bus and let me tell you: she was hot as fuck.

She was so hot it would have been rude to ask her out. Plus we were on a bus. I don't have to explain myself to you.
Friday here. What's on for the weekend y'all?

dinner party Sunday night, and I think I'm being dragged to a kickball game earlier in the day, but otherwise I'm locking myself in my room and going to try to get a bunch of programming done.

Sure. I'm supposed to go with friends in early October but I was planning on going more than once. Plus I've never been on opening night before :D

Yeah I was thinking it's a good combo of smaller crowds on Thursday and also the performers ought to be pretty enthusiastic by then. Usually when I go late October they've kind of given up a little. But who knows? It's worth finding out.

We're going right at open, then my roommates' boyfriends are meeting us a couple hours later. I'm assuming you and your crew will probably be there for the whole time too? Maybe we can find some time to meet up, especially if the park is empty and we have time to do everything well before close.

i hate having that nagging fear that im bothering other people.

aka i dont know the proper way of "hey you're cool let's talk" or w/e.

but at least tomorrow is friday. ive been hella anxious and on edge all week and i dont know why

Then it's possible you are bothering them. When someone lacks confidence like that it can really bring down the mood in a room. Think about what are you doing for other people? Are you being interesting to them? Useful? Funny? Something? If the only reason you're there is to bask in their presence then you're being a drain and eventually that gets old.

"hey you're cool let's talk"... what is it you want to talk about? Why do you want to talk about that thing? Why do you think the other person is the right audience for this conversation? If you're having trouble talking to someone maybe it's because you don't have anything to talk about.



what is hail made out of? :)

Nothing brings about more confidence than saying you are the source of the loser.
Be creative, think of new subjects or threads upon which conversations are built upon. Don't stick to one subject.

I think the way normal, confident people go trough, and the way a socially anxious person goes are the same, but in a tone that isn't so belittling.
Stop being you and whatever forces, whether biological or psychological are you. Fake it! Is the tone I get.

I don't know if it's me being tired and stuff but this is making no sense

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'm just tired of people making suggestions on how some ssuess should be dealt with or their perspective but ultimately down putting that advice can be.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
That is one sleek ass train

Also, I think I get what you meant, Fish: people, especially on the internet, who give advice often do so from their own limited perspective and act like it's the be-all, end-all advice to give while not recognizing the other person's experiences or position in life. Something like that?


I'm planning to view the LOTR trilogy for the first time in quite a few years soon and I can't decide whether to make it the theatrical or the extended. I remember the extended stuff being mostly pointless filler (which is probably why it was cut to begin with..) but it didn't really detract for the most part.

Funky Papa

High speed trains rule. I take the AVE all the time and it has made my life so much better. Fuck commuting to the airport and going through countless security checkpoints only to have to commute again at your destination and/or taking a train.


Over 300 kmph/186 mph yet so smooth you can't even notice when it starts rolling. Bliss.


High speed trains rule. I take the AVE all the time and it has made my life so much better. Fuck commuting to the airport and going through countless security checkpoints only to have to commute again at your destination and/or taking a train.


Over 300 kmph/186 mph yet so smooth you can't even notice when it starts rolling. Bliss.

That is the ugly duckling of hi-speed trains though.


I'm planning to view the LOTR trilogy for the first time in quite a few years soon and I can't decide whether to make it the theatrical or the extended. I remember the extended stuff being mostly pointless filler (which is probably why it was cut to begin with..) but it didn't really detract for the most part.

I like the extended FotR but am iffy on the other two.
It's not. I was talking about Sunday Bloody Sunday, which was about irish protesters being killed by british police

Specifically, it refers to Bloody Sunday during The Troubles, when unarmed Irish civil rights protesters were murdered, exacerbating the tensions between Irish nationalists and unionists, leading to an increase in support for the Provisional IRA.

It's kind of crazy how recent all this was. People talk about ISIS as an existential threat but up until the 90s we had the IRA just next door.

I passed my summer courses and hung out with friends until the WoW expansion started siphoning my life away again.

I'd say I timed that ban request pretty well.

So...what'd I miss?

Things you missed: I've come out as bi, have become a lot more cheerful and more comfortable with myself
and also I banged a guy

I dunno about anyone else I don't care about them :3

Jus' kidding <3

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
When I last visited Spain in 2011, the high speed rail was awesome.

It's a lot less stressful than plane travel and you can bring food.

ETA wasn't peaceful. I remember having to go through checkpoints when I visited my uncle in a Tarragona refinery my first time around in 2002 ish.

They set off bombs somewhere in Spain while I was there. It's surreal


Is it easier to hook up with dudes? You said you haven't hooked up with any girls, but right after coming out as bi you found a guy.
Is it easier to hook up with dudes? You said you haven't hooked up with any girls, but right after coming out as bi you found a guy.

Yes, because men are SWINE.

But seriously, in the gay male world there is so much emphasis on sex and hooking up that it drowns everything else out.
The new Steam Review System is trending on both Facebook and Twitter.

DevCon is gonna be interesting as fuck.

Maybe I should even livetweet it.
Then it's possible you are bothering them. When someone lacks confidence like that it can really bring down the mood in a room. Think about what are you doing for other people? Are you being interesting to them? Useful? Funny? Something? If the only reason you're there is to bask in their presence then you're being a drain and eventually that gets old.

"hey you're cool let's talk"... what is it you want to talk about? Why do you want to talk about that thing? Why do you think the other person is the right audience for this conversation? If you're having trouble talking to someone maybe it's because you don't have anything to talk about.

As someone who's felt similar things, I don't think this is particularly helpful. It comes across as kind of dismissive and doesn't really give any indication as to how the problems can be fixed. I know you well enough to know that this is said with the best intentions, but I think it's one of those things where because you maybe haven't experienced the same feelings your perspective will differ (I'm making an assumption here, I obviously can't know this for sure but you've always seemed incredibly confident)

Smoke, have you spoken to a doctor about anxiety? I would recommend it if you haven't. Chances are you aren't nagging people, but anxiety can definitely make it feel like you are. Also makes it harder for you to think clearly and be able to have a decent conversation because your brain has gone into worry-mode

Is it easier to hook up with dudes? You said you haven't hooked up with any girls, but right after coming out as bi you found a guy.
Maybe not in person, but with apps? Definitely

On Tinder you have to have someone swipe right on you

On Grindr you can message anyone

Not to mention how much more open to dick pics guys are, lol

I guess from a societal perspective, guys don't have to deal with the same level of sexual harrassment as women, plus the whole slut-shaming nonsense means that women are going to be more on gard than doods. It's definitely an interesting thing.
Yeah but people around Europe were never afraid the IRA would commit terrorist acts in their cities.
Sure, I was thinking purely from a UK perspective. Obviously other countries didn't have to deal with the IRA but we did. And it was on a much more regular basis. It's just interesting how apparently people here are massively scared of ISIS when the IRA is so recent and, specifically in terms of terrorist attacks in the UK, a hell of a lot worse (not saying the IRA as a whole are worse than ISIS, as that's clearly not true)

Xiao Hu

High speed trains rule. I take the AVE all the time and it has made my life so much better. Fuck commuting to the airport and going through countless security checkpoints only to have to commute again at your destination and/or taking a train.


Over 300 kmph/186 mph yet so smooth you can't even notice when it starts rolling. Bliss.

Dude, take the maglev from Pudong Airport in Shanghai. That 400+km/h glory &#128553;

I think I'll start with some brokerage to get some experience in that field. I also wanted to buy some Nintendo shares right after the next financial report to have a legitimate reason to bitch about Nintendo &#128540;

Funky Papa

Yeah but people around Europe were never afraid the IRA would commit terrorist acts in their cities.
Europe had a fuckton of local terrorist groups operating in their respective countries from the 60's and well into the 90's. Most of them are no more, like ETA (which seems to be largely deactivated), but the 80's were ROUGH.


Films and music rocked, but I really don't miss those years.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Yeah but people around Europe were never afraid the IRA would commit terrorist acts in their cities.
And they and other terrorists would have warning.

It wasn't until the train attacks by al qaeda and several violent action in Ireland that it got through their heads.

In South America, we are only going through cease fire with those old school terrorists.

Isil is nothing new.

Funky bringing facts.

Let's not forget.

We had the US, had the Weather Underground.

And before then, anarchist terrorists.
I guess there's also the point that there's been a shitload of other-ing of Muslims, in a reds under the bed, yellow peril etc. fashion. With the IRA they were white, and their stated objective of a united Ireland was at least understandable. Meanwhile, whenever ISIS comes up there's talk of how they are a threat to "Western liberal values" and how they aren't like us without any serious attempt to separate that from brown people (if this isn't the right term I'd like to apologise, it's what I've heard people call themselves so I guess t's ok? Just want to make sure though) in general, leading to a general toxic racist atmosphere allowing for more scaremongering from racist fuckheads about refugees and immigration, even though it's total nonsense

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
All it takes is an us vs them institutional upbringing.

Whether it's police, socialist, communist, or nationalist. It just devolves into a shit show.

I'm more of a pessimist, if you haven't already known.
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