lets keep it going https://clydefrog.andchill.tv/
Regina Spektor is so beautiful ;_;
Podcasts are the fucking best for my cardio workouts. Just did a hard 40 minutes on the bike and it flew by listening to Blueprint for Armageddon. Blurs the subconscious timekeeping problem I have with listening to music. Following with weights I'm more focused on counting my reps so I put music on, but when it's a run or a bike podcast transform the exercise into sweaty white noise. Love it.
Challenging myself to see how long it takes me breach onto the 85kg mark. I'm currently 93kg, after having lost ~20+kg down to ~88kg last year. Stacked on that bit more due to nabbing the goddamn office job. General exercise has always been part of the routine, but I want to return to more focused, scheduled, regular hard workouts. Plus it'll help me fit into my weird American sized tshirt with less dad-bod.
And that's the end of that diary entry.
poor thing
I know it's from 2013 leave me alone
I really gotta start working out
What would you recommend as a starter?
I really gotta start working out
What would you recommend as a starter?
Battle of the crushes: Regina Spektor, Joanna Newsom, 90s Tori Amos.
I really gotta start working out
What would you recommend as a starter?
What do you want to achieve?
How much time are you willing to dedicate?
Hmm thanks for the advice y'all
I'd say I'm probably willing to dedicate a few hours before giving up forever.
Is there like a magic pill instead?
Hmm thanks for the advice y'all
I'd say I'm probably willing to dedicate a few hours before giving up forever.
Is there like a magic pill instead?
I'm stuck on Day 4, currently. There's EIGHT days, so... D:don't encourage him
The difficulty ramps up a lot near the end, but it's worth it.
I wish more people made games like Catherine.
I was being facetious, as my build should show.
Yeah, I was just commenting on that for no particular reason. I used to hang around with pro bodybuilders, so I've seen some stuff.
I cannot recommend enough Les Mills' fitness programmes.
Bodypump and Bodycombat are just plain fun. You also get the combined benefits from high intensity cardio with strenght training. While they are not the most efficient for building mass, they are fantastic to get fit and trimmed, specially with some dieting.
Bodycombat may destroy you as a newbye, though. Try Bodypump before -or do some heavy threadmill work- or you'll never want to return to class.
Obligatory picture of myself training at my rathole gym
Nothing wrong with liking stuff you're not "supposed" to like. Just enjoy whatever you enjoy. I like all kinds of dumb shit. I enjoyed BvS rather a lot.![]()
I can't take that list seriously without Shirley Manson, tbh. She still gives me the hots in I Think I'm Paranoid.
I'm stuck on Day 4, currently. There's EIGHT days, so... D:
I do like the mature atmosphere in this game, if only because it's so different from 100% of other anime-style games.
Re: working out: As I say a lot, I run every day, and that is some kind of God damn miracle for me as I am an inherently lazy man who hates moving his body. I really wish I had the discipline or drive to lift/do more structured cardio, but I think I'm at peace with running an hour a day right now.
Yea, i know. But sometimes I can't help but feel like I'm in the wrong somehow.
I used to look down on others for not sharing my opinion (because I was a shithead kid like most kids) but now I love disagreeing with people. It shows that there are other ways of viewing things besides my own, and broadens my perspective on life as a whole to hear why someone likes something I don't.I'm with Jobbs on this one. I get so much shit for liking some of the things I like around here but who cares? At the end of the day the person that has to live with what you enjoy is you. Who is anyone else to effect that?
I do enjoy learning about cool new stuff from people though.
Watching Community bloopers, judging by the show I would have never guessed the cast is so crude on set, Alison Brie mimes giving Chevy Chase a bj at one point in season 3.
Community was the best. It will always hold a special place in my heart since I watched the whole thing while I was out of work for two months last year when I first got sick
I still haven't watched season 6, they still haven't added it to the netflix here in England.
Bodybuilding.com is so weird. Like in Iraq or Afghanistan it took most things 2 to 3 weeks to be delivered, but bodybuilding orders took like 3 days.
O mighty Lord Satan,What is with Ceallach's AV?