Yeah and I'm even more excited that it's looking like there's a big chance that's a female lead.
It would be worse than electing a Kardashian to the presidency.
A glimpse into the horrible future that Windam has in store for us.
White theme, 100ppp GAF is GAF Master Race.
I C. :eyes:
You forgot her biggest competitor.
Drake only doesn't like P because he's never met me tbh.And he and Flynn totally had some sexual tension. Lbr.
He's obviously addicted to that Elena V; they probably even have kids by now. He looks wicked old.
He's obviously addicted to that Elena V; they probably even have kids by now. He looks wicked old.
Some people stress eat. I stress video game shop.
I still need to play Uncharted 3. I beat 1 and 2 but just never got around to playing 3.
That can't be good for the wallet dude. I just stress sleep. Better that way.
I still need to play Uncharted 3. I beat 1 and 2 but just never got around to playing 3.
I still need to play Uncharted 3. I beat 1 and 2 but just never got around to playing 3.
You mean if Naughty Dog didn't break them up again in the interim BECAUSE THEY SURE LOVE TO DO THAT.
Also, Drake and I will get married and adopt little Korean babies and you will deal.
Someone should put Emily's avatar on the scythe and our avatars on the wildings
I also have yet to play UC3 ;_____;. I gotta get on that. It's such a good series.
and more cutscenes to fap to.
Uncharted 3 was alright. It looked pretty (even though Elena, well, didn't look like Elena), but the story was very predictable and had quite a few plotholes in it. They didn't even explain half the things that they established questions for. I remember not having any real problems with the gameplay, but then again, it's been a while since I've played it.
I'm not a mod though.
I should watch the recent episode of GoT so I can avoid being surprised by gifs.
I'll join you tbh. (makeup)
Just take out the 'banned' part.
Oh. GAT-DAMMIT! *removed*
I legitimately have fapped to Drake.. is that bad? ;_;
Room for one more, shug. (makeup)
No because I have too.
Let me get that 55 gallon barrel of lube...
I legitimately have fapped to Drake...
they don't make the controllers vibrate for nothing o_o
Gun oil or no oil tbh (makeup)
Please tell me your FFXIV character does not look like that.
This GIF just about sums up the thread right now
My FFXIV character is dreamy as fuck.i've fapped to him too.
This GIF just about sums up the thread right now
No need to waifu. Same sex marriage in XIV y'all!!I'm getting Mononoke vibes here. I like. Will waifu when I sub again (probably next Thursday after I get double fisted by my Bio final and Calculus midterm).
Chloe is the best Uncharted girl.
Chloe is the best Uncharted girl.
No need to waifu. Same sex marriage in XIV y'all!!![]()
I haven't even opened my copy. It's still in the wrapping.I have a copy of UC3 sitting on my bedside table for 6 months that I haven't even put into my PS3 yet.
I played it at launch a bit with my mate who had it, but we weren't too hot on it compared to 2.
It's not that good tbh. I mean I think the vitriol it gets thrown at it might be a bit much. But so much of it is retread ground. The set pieces while great felt like they were ripped from UC2. The gunplay is worse. The game constantly throws enemy waves at you and does it all in a very cheap way. There's a whole section that is literally there to pad the game out, show off pretty set pieces, and make you want to murder the enemy AI. The story doesn't wrap up nicely or satisfactorily. Too many plot holes. It could have used at least six more months of dev time.