So Money in the Bank was pretty shit overall but fuck yessssss at that ending
So Money in the Bank was pretty shit overall but fuck yessssss at that ending
Why is there so much hate flung towards Curry?
Yeah, fucking bummed that Rory ddnt pull through. Wonderboy is a beast though.
Rizin the other day was good too. Minus the chicanery in the main. Though I think Fedor won, the scores were fucking weird.
He's a punk and he showed that in game 6 when he threw his mouthguard at the fan giving him shit. A good shooter who played lights out for a long time when it didn't even matter but fell asleep when it did.
They aren't even getting into the Finals next year, mark my words.
I thought he threw his mouthguard out of frustration from the shit tier call that had happened a second before?
Either way, I'm not a huge NBA fan. It just surprised me how much of a 180 was made in regards to Curry after he was voted MVP.
What happened in GoT I don't care about spoilers
Okay, that was one of the best episode of GOT ever. Probably the best.
The battle scene was pretty remarkable. One of the best shot, choreographied, and edited battle scenes I can remember. The long unbroken shot early on with Jon was sublime.
I'd go so far as to call this episode a feat of television.
Nah, if you watch the reply you'll see him eye the fan up and fling his mouthguard right at him.
Dude can hit a 3 from the locker room you don't think he knows where that mouthguard is going? lol
I was never too hot on calling Curry a best ever, but he put on a show in the regular season that won't be matched for a long ass time, he's a very good player, but he's not a GOAT like Bron is.
Nah, if you watch the reply you'll see him eye the fan up and fling his mouthguard right at him.
Dude can hit a 3 from the locker room you don't think he knows where that mouthguard is going? lol
I was never too hot on calling Curry a best ever, but he put on a show in the regular season that won't be matched for a long ass time, he's a very good player, but he's not a GOAT like Bron is.
A gushing Game of Thrones post from you.
The world really is ending.
Cleveland won a championship and Jobbs called a GoT episode a "feat of television"
I never left that river, I'm dead and this is some kind of purgatory where I wait to be judged
A gushing Game of Thrones post from you.
The world really is ending.
Yeah, I went back and watched it again and you're right. From the first angle I saw it looked like he just tossed it haphazardly, but he definitely aimed it. That fan most likely deserved it though seeing as you can tell he was heckling the shit out of Curry right before. 6 fouls called and 3 were blatant bullshit, I'd be pissed too.
Thrones is nothing if not inconsistent, though it has been pretty entertaining this season.
I don't know if you saw the episode but the execution of thebattle scene in nearly every regard was outstanding.
Thrones is nothing if not inconsistent, though it has been pretty entertaining this season.
I don't know if you saw the episode but the execution of thebattle scene in nearly every regard was outstanding.
until, well, you know
You mourning Ramsey? How long can he just go on being evil before it gets boring? There was nowhere else for him to go. At some point you have to move on. Though I think his "fitting end" was a bit on the nose. I'd have preferred a clean kill or just keep him around as a prisoner for some reason.
I'm notmourning Ramsay. I'm trying to figure out how we're supposed to believe that Jon dodged all those arrows, how he managed to be saved by the cavalry in the trap at the beginning, and how he climbed out of the body pit (and did so without dozens of broken bones and both his lungs collapsed).
People seem to think Ihate the Starks and want them to lose. I don't. But the show has pretty consistently said the Starks lose because they're stupid. Honorable, maybe, but fucking stupid. Ned harped on about his honor for too long, Sansa wouldn't betray Joffrey at the beginning, Robb's wedding betrayal, et cetera. I want the Starks to learn from that failure, to grow. Sansa actually has in a lot of ways, but Jon is still dumb as fuck. He just lost so many men who would have been useful against the Long Night. He just rushed in when Rickon was on the line despite warnings from Sansa. If the show was consistent, that should have gotten Jon killed again. I want things to turn around for them, but I want it to be earned.
The Dishonored 2 thread keeps heaping more tires into the conflagration.
It's amazing.
.it's hotter than homemade sin in here.
Why is this thread such a disaster. Homophobes, y'all lost the culture war. Eat my ass
I found sexuality in The Witcher 3 to be gross. Geralt would have like seven different kinds of herpes IRL
I don't want to see his ass. Or hear his gravelly voice. Or deal with the fact that he's an insufferable bore. Makes it hard to make my way through the game, which is a shame because the game is pretty cool other than him.
Nah, Geralt is a champ.
Does he suddenly become interesting sometime after the 2-3 hour mark?
Geralt reminds me of Kratos. They're both boring as fuck.
Yeah, I'll get over it.
I need to turn the AC back on. It's still way too hot out.
"Sexuality doesnt need to be in the game"
"Meh this is pandering"
"Gay Agenda"
Things are already back to normal xD
Geralt's far more layered than Kratos.
But I'm speaking as someone with a lot of exposure to book Geralt. I feel he is kind of one note in the games.
Exactly. He can sod right off and take his gravely voice and tough guy bullshit with him (which clashes with his froofy stupid looking sword moves, btw, everything about this character is fucking lame)
If I keep playing it'll be in spite of him.
edit: not sure if froofy is an offensive term or not, come to think of it. if it is I take it back and suffice it to say his combat moves look stupid as hell
I've been saying the same exact shit about Geralt for aged. I am utterly consistent
Btw Soma is cool.. if you needed a dose of positivity
Because it would make total sense for him to have a high pitched voice and be....not tough?
Guys, am I a fucking failure?
I refuse to accept that a video game cliche is the only person who can helm a video game like this
There is nothing interesting about him. He's a standard protagonist. Aka shit.
Guys, am I a fucking failure?
Guys, am I a fucking failure?
I refuse to accept that a video game cliche is the only person who can helm a video game like this
There is nothing interesting about him. He's a standard protagonist. Aka shit.
I think I'm gonna enter it.
Link me to the best bigot posts so I can yell at them, Vaz.
Guys, am I a fucking failure?
No way man. You have a game on Steam.Guys, am I a fucking failure?