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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Some of the responses in that thread are hilarious


Seriously though I open GAF this morning and the first things I see are threads about being a gentleman and getting out of the friend zone. What year is this?

Excellent. Also now I want pizza. Thanks

I don't? I go to town all the time yo.
I must be confusing you with someone else then XD

You best bring your A-Game bro cause just paying for my dinner isn't going to get my pants off I'm a proper gentleman
It wouldn't work on me either (asking probably would though).

tbh for me being a man means respecting other peoples right to pay
I try to insist enough that people know I'm serious about paying then immediately back down and let them do what they want.


tbh for me being a man means respecting other peoples right to pay

Check the thread.

Yes. Or else I'll call you Danny boy.

That is not advisable.

You best bring your A-Game bro cause just paying for my dinner isn't going to get my pants off I'm a proper gentleman


I'm not going to let a man pay for me.

Drinks are on Mish!


Maybe. Though I do live a million miles out.
When you were drunk the other night and said to come hang out I asked Google Maps how to bus there and it just returned a shrug emoticon. Usually it will at least give me a route that starts at 6am I've never seen it actually give up before.

Well you don't have to
Yeah you can always just do this

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
When you were drunk the other night and said to come hang out I asked Google Maps how to bus there and it just returned a shrug emoticon. Usually it will at least give me a route that starts at 6am I've never seen it actually give up before.
Lol. It was only in nuriootpa. Not like I'm out Renmark way. Fuck that noise.


I try to insist enough that people know I'm serious about paying then immediately back down and let them do what they want.

I don't care about anyone thinking I'm willing to pay. I don't care about appearing to be a "man" who pays things. I don't want to pay things but I'll pay my fair share if needed


I have to think some of these threads are not real. They just want to see what kind of tire fire they can start

HBO Now isn't working for a huge swath of people, myself included. I don't understand how they can charge so many people so much money and still have the shittiest web player this side of IGN.

Dude. HBO Now is such shit, and there's no possible way I'll be dropping it fast enough once the season wraps.

The stream quality is consistently crap on XB1 or PC.

And now this!
I paid for my family's lunch today. I'm pretty sure that left my dad and two brothers feeling hyper emasculated. They're so weak.

If anything add another n to make a difference. Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnny


Dude. HBO Now is such shit, and there's no possible way I'll be dropping it fast enough once the season wraps.

The stream quality is consistently crap on XB1 or PC.

And now this!

Yeah, I'm going to find someone who still has cable next year or just... wait an hour and a half after it airs.


I don't care about anyone thinking I'm willing to pay. I don't care about appearing to be a "man" who pays things. I don't want to pay things but I'll pay my fair share if needed
There's always a lot of "No I'll pay" in my family, it's not even gendered (it's usually my mum and Nonno fighting about it) its just how we roll. Personally I like to pay for my own stuff so I resist other people doing it.

Lol. It was only in nuriootpa. Not like I'm out Renmark way. Fuck that noise.
I'm not allowed to say bad things about Renmark, but if I was this is where I would do so.



Only pair of glasses I have in the house, at least they're comfy tho


That "should I pay" thread is hilarious is so many ways.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
There's always a lot of "No I'll pay" in my family, it's not even gendered (it's usually my mum and Nonno fighting about it) its just how we roll. Personally I like to pay for my own stuff so I resist other people doing it.

I'm not allowed to say bad things about Renmark, but if I was this is where I would do so.
This is a safe place. Only you and I know Renmark lol. I did my hospital placement there last year. So many addicts.

Only pair of glasses I have in the house, at least they're comfy tho


That "should I pay" thread is hilarious is so many ways.
Yep they sure are dorky haha.


If you were my shirt I'd get you off as fast as I could

They were my old safety glasses before I got contacts

Funny tho, had some hipster come up and ask me "where did you get those man they're so cool"


They look like you're ready to work in a machine shop


It sure is.
Also guys love buying drinks for girls. I don't remember how many I had on Friday :S I lost track after my Twitter post.

I don't. You can buy me drinks tho


There's always a lot of "No I'll pay" in my family, it's not even gendered (it's usually my mum and Nonno fighting about it) its just how we roll.

I'll join your family and just call their bluff immediately until the tradition is completely dead


This is a safe place. Only you and I know Renmark lol. I did my hospital placement there last year. So many addicts.
It was in jest. I don't really have that strong a memory of the town itself, only three notable things happened there all within like 3 metres of each other:

- I fell asleep when we arrived and my friends drew half a moustache on me with permanent marker. Then we discovered that there was no running water on the houseboat.
- Getting together with my first ex on the roof while everyone else was asleep*.
- Awkwardly watching the sunrise with our mutual good friend who had a thinly veiled thing for her and getting this awesome shot of it.

*I'm pretty sure they still haven't realised this after 8 years




Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I paid for my family's lunch today. I'm pretty sure that left my dad and two brothers feeling hyper emasculated. They're so weak.

How dare you attempt to subvert the patriarchy by minimizing our impact on the ritual of eating.
what do you mean by "forcing" lgbt stuff into a game? that's the part that aroused confusion in my cerebral vortex

Oh. I meant the suggestion of using it as a selling point, not something that should be available anyway. If I wanted to roleplay a character as the gayest man ever (or whatever), I already can and should be able to. But it gets weird you start to design and market it as a specific feature.

Let me use Mass Effect 2 & 3 as an example of that versus Fable 2 (and further). In Fable, when someone has gained sufficient love for you as a hero, you can give them a ring and marry them, no questions asked. Man or woman, you can swing whatever way you want (though I don't remember gay marriage trigging a cutscene like the hetero version does), and the game lets you have it all. I might be misremembering the game(s) in this regard, but I don't recall any limits on that feature.
Mass Effect 2 introduced a rather disturbing "romance" feature where you could romance everything with a hole in it (oh, hello port side access hatch, how are yoooouu), but as soon as you wanted some man-action it went to "well hold on now, let's not get crazy". It's kind of sick in how it went from "scifi epic" to "space pussy wagon" because it presented the woman as very specific lust objects, and not much else. Jack and Miranda in particular are just there to be Pokemons -gotta f*** ém all! - of desire.
Mass Effect 3 made it much less creepy (even when it's still there, and very obviously so with ehm... the fembot) by making it into a singular commitment instead of the Fuckboat, but you still had only one option for gay romance. Despite being somewhat classier about it than most (then and now), it was still just the one guy. When you also had Kaiden and the hunk-o-meat that was introduced at the start, Vincent Vega, where off-limits. I'm not even gay and even I was slightly offended that romancing Vega was just not gonna happen. Like, the guy is there as the biggest prime slab of meat you've ever seen, but somehow he's off-limits. "Am I not good enough for you?!"
Anyway, EA of course marketed this an an actual feature, which also happened to be about the one good thing about the whole game. But it still came across as shouting: "We got ONE whole gay romance in this shit!", which is what I mean by making it weird. Gay relationships should not be made to be weird, even if the times allow you to make it a selling point. And really, ME3 did pretty well with this, I should reiterate that.

But it's preferable if, like Fable, the game doesn't force a gender definition on you by default. Just give people the options and let them work it out. It never stopped anyone in the pen & paper stage or text game or Massive User Dungeon (MUD) type setup, so why should it now? And it's worth pointing out that in terms of gender and sexism MMO's in particular have actually gone backwards rather than the pleasant gender-bending possibilities they provided before (in text format, unfortunately).
How is someone supposed to empathize with a perspective they can never choose to play as? Like how different Fallout 3 gets when you play it just with a female avatar and you suddenly notice how fucked-up sexist that game is (though the defence there is the setting, but even beyond that) versus you play it as a male character.

And in all this, I didn't even bring up the issue of writing female characters, which fantasy writer, like FUME5 pointed out, seem to be almost inherently incapable of.


Soooo what is airdrop and what happens if I accidentally turn it on? Does it do anything dumb like automatically upload my pics to other peoples phones? I don't think so but that would be a problem


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Airdrop sounds like a pro wrestling move.
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