haha yes all sex. I meant it as in "man, sex should be forboden dudeboy Sir!"
I'm really not all here today. mentally speaking. must be all the tindering making my head weak.
I knew what you meant. I was just being ornery.

haha yes all sex. I meant it as in "man, sex should be forboden dudeboy Sir!"
I'm really not all here today. mentally speaking. must be all the tindering making my head weak.
Yes, but can you make a loud pop by flicking your finger off the inside corner of your mouth?RE: mouth sounds
Sartre said "hell is other people". I tend to agree
If mods want to ban you, they'll just make up a reason.
I knew what you meant. I was just being ornery.
RE: mouth sounds
Sartre said "hell is other people". I tend to agree
don't be so nosey, son. I have chinese blood. the mob will listen to me.
Also I find it shocking that you only discovered that mouth sounds are gross. Mouth sounds have been the bane of my existence for as long as I can remember. I very nearly can't take it if someone is eating an apple near me. If they aren't looking I'll cover my ears.
I'm really not all here today. mentally speaking. must be all the tindering making my head weak.
I like the guy in the upper left corner of this jif
lol, I'm sitting here alone waiting for everyone to get home from work so I'll have something else to do. But yeah sometimes people do annoying stuff
fuck wrong one
how do I edit a post guys help
because it's not actually a gross mouth sound. your mouth isn't moving, it's the brush that is. totally acceptable. and it cleans the gross mouth rather than tainting it further. plus points!
haha yes all sex. I meant it as in "man, sex should be forboden, dudeboy Sir!"
I'm really not all here today. mentally speaking. must be all the tindering making my head weak.
It's okay, we'll all have Virtual Reality Sex in five years on our Xboxes.
All over our Xboxes.
I'm swiping through Tinder and all I see are diseases now.
what is wrong with me
what is wrong with the world?!
maybe the hardcore christian concept of staying together with the first person you slept with forever and ever and ever an ever wasn't so bad after all. pretty effective way of controlling STDs really.
What can I say? I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel
I'd tell you about some of my concerns with respect to germs and STDs but I don't want to subject you to my madness
I think I already have a bit thosorry trabby
Is Germany just incredibly disease ridden or something?
no don't worry I've always been paranoid like that really. it gets worse depending on my current mood. was definitely worst when I was a child tho. I chilled down a little bit.
Phendrana Drifts in real life
Have you seen their porn?
Is Germany just incredibly disease ridden or something?
Have you seen their porn?
lol. the world is. don't think you're save from vagina germs my dear innocent child.
STDs rise with the level of sexual promiscuity in a society. thanks to Tinder and other hook-up apps we can soon prepare for the second circle of hell. plus not all of them show symptoms. like with a lot of germs/diseases a lot of people are passing them on without knowing it.
::dramatic trab::
there's a point when it's not healthy. I get a thought stuck in my head sometimes (with respect to germs) and I can't get it out and it makes me anxious. it's not rational.
I'm not as bad as howie mandel or wahtever, but I do spend much more time thinking about it than I suspect the average person does.
I know exactly how that feels. I used to be like this as a kid. like I couldn't just let that thought go even if it was completely made up neurotic shit. I could bring up so many crazy examples about how I drove my parents crazy but I won't lol. it sometimes happens now too but usually not as bad/only when I'm in a bad place alreadythere's a point when it's not healthy. I get a thought stuck in my head sometimes (with respect to germs) and I can't get it out and it makes me anxious. it's not rational.
I'm not as bad as howie mandel or wahtever, but I do spend much more time thinking about it than I suspect the average person does.
I'd only be really concerned if you're wearing like three condoms.
I have very inconsistent rituals when it comes to germsthere's a point when it's not healthy. I get a thought stuck in my head sometimes (with respect to germs) and I can't get it out and it makes me anxious. it's not rational.
I know exactly how that feels. I used to be like this as a kid. like I couldn't just let that thought go even if it was completely made up neurotic shit. I could bring up so many crazy examples about how I drove my parents crazy but I won't lol. it sometimes happens now too but usually not as bad/only when I'm in a bad place already
I have very inconsistent rituals when it comes to germs
Anyone here backed Mighty No. 9?
Do people not use condoms when sleeping with random people?
I mean there's still a possibility, but it's not like you're going to shrivel up an die just by having sex with someone. If it's a huge concern just ask.
Anyone here backed Mighty No. 9?
not all of them. plus after you've gotten closer with someone and decide to leave the condom you can still pass shit on.
Anyone here backed Mighty No. 9?
zit popping videos relax me
not all of them. plus after you've gotten closer with someone and decide to leave the condom you can still pass shit on.
'Mutters Fotzensaft'
Mother's twat juice
o_ozit popping videos relax me