Shit, now TDM is going to come in here with some Rule Britannia noise.
It's true.
She founded Australia on July 20, 1993. Her most notable achievements include the invention of lesbianism on February 25, 2015 and lesbian sex on March 3, 2016.
Good morning
Nice sunny day finally
How are you fakers?
Link the stream, so I can see.
And also so you can trigger Jobbs.
It's almost midnight for me and the AC is still going haha
It's almost midnight for me and the AC is still going haha
That avatar is awesome Dragonz. You should keep it for a long time. It suits you!
Tbh I'm scared to tell this girl my favorite thing in life is bad puns
Why are you liveblogging your date?
We will get the first heat wave in next few days, but it will be short-lived. And I have room in the attic, without AC :\
Tbh I'm scared to tell this girl my favorite thing in life is bad puns
I'm not? I'm at work
I want live tweets during dammit.
Tbh I'm scared to tell this girl my favorite thing in life is bad puns
test the waters a little bit. Throw a softball pun at her and see if she takes or not
Today's the summer solstice.
Unless you're weird and Strayan then it's the opposite.
I can picture her getting directions from you on a little earpiece.
Ya really want to start calling the Aussie contingent weird?
Don't test me, mate.
I've seen maybe 2-3 rom coms in my life.
Actually, your statement stands.
While I appreciate the semantic twist you posited, I disagree with your analysis.
Rom-coms are lifeblood. Just don't take them too seriously.
I'm O-
I can be inside anyone
why...does this this sentence fit you so well
I'm O-
I can be inside anyone
I'm O-
I can be inside anyone
I'm O+
Unfortunately as that's not the universal recipient type, I can't make a joke about everyone being inside me.
O+ is the universal recipient
O- is the universal donor
But Google told me AB+ is the universal recipient and O+ is the most common blood type.
Oop my bad
The blood center calls me every 8 weeks for abooty callblood donation like clockwork because they need O- so much
I was getting a lot of emails from the Red Cross a few weeks ago. They were running low on O+ blood I guess.
(I didn't donate because of buttsex reasons.)
I just had a second cupcake
Someone entertain me I'm bored
How may I entertain you my queen?
Oop my bad
The blood center calls me every 8 weeks for abooty callblood donation like clockwork because they need O- so much
I don't know tbh
As a queen you really ought to be a bit more decisive...don't be a Tommen.
I just had a second cupcake
Someone entertain me I'm bored