Porn scenarios slay me.
What if your Sgt listens to her too thoI wonder how much shit I'd get if my Sgt found out I'm listening to Carly Rae Jepsen
What if your Sgt listens to her too tho
Then he doesn't know what he's missing tbhI highly doubt it
Do you have that video of that really bad gay porn with just the story clips
That shit was hilarious
I can't find it rn but this is killing me.
"Truth be told, I'd love to fuck your ass."
Sounds like a typical night for Vazra.dsfjkldsfkjslkf
I can't find it rn but this is killing me.
"Truth be told, I'd love to fuck your ass."
Porn scenarios slay me.
Sounds like a typical night for Vazra.
I can only imagine who's the bottom.
Unless it's one of those films that break the mold and don't equal active with manly and buff.
Nah, lesbian sex is fine and here to stay!!!Gay and lesbian sex is of the devil
Repent, sinners
What about str8 people performing ungodly acts as described in the scriptures. Are we ok?
Nah, lesbian sex is fine and here to stay!!!
What about str8 people performing ungodly acts as described in the scriptures. Are we ok?
But that's no fun!!!=OPerv I ain't recording shit
Catholic heaven sounds like a hippy nightmare, tho. I guess there has to be a non judgamental religion with plenty of mead and thirsty wenches out there.
Perv I ain't recording shit
Yes, if ur a white, straight male ur fine
Enjoy heaven
I'm going to whatever updated version of Valhalla is available to me.
I'm going to whatever updated version of Valhalla is available to me.
I'm going to whatever updated version of Valhalla is available to me.
Oh shit. The kitten is already going to the cat toilet on its own after 4 days of trainig.
Now you gon and done it.
Em's writing the Sansa/Margaery fanfic as I type.
I wonder if Melisandre is peeking through the keyhole.
You're not a viking, you're Australian
I'm Norwegian and Swedish so I'm in, sucks to suck
Now you gon and done it.
Em's writing the Sansa/Margaery fanfic as I type.
Yeah, the last name means bold warrior so I'm pretty sure I get entrance on that alone.
Just had a dream about banging an Indian businesswoman
I blame this thread
Preggo fetishist?
Time to bail.
I said the words, Sam thought again, but one of her nipples found its way between his lips. It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good.
Preggo fetishist?
Time to bail.
This is the same sex scene that gives us "fat pink mast" which was disgracefully not used in the show.
As a general rule of thumb, I don't read sex scenes. They either read like a car owners manual or are weird as fuck.
Fat pink mast.
As a general rule of thumb, I don't read sex scenes. They either read like a car owners manual or are weird as fuck.
Fat pink mast.