Well done son
OTP reunion <3
Hmmm... something went wrong then. Did you give her the look?
edit: like this
Hey. We were almost OTP.I just couldn't get it up.
PM me when you can. :3
lettuce cabbage carrots and SAUCE!
You should see the cock monster he's PM'd me.
You should see the cock monster he's PM'd me.
Anyone who hasn't seen Silence of the Lambs(and then the show) is making bad life-decisions.
I spend all my time correcting ignorance in Tolkien threads.![]()
That's awful
You didn't even pick something good to correct people about
That's awful
You didn't even pick something good to correct people about
Shots fired.
I kind of want to give LotR another chance because I do like the films. But man, all I remember from my last attempt to read the books is I gave up out of sheer boredom.
If you can sit through reading A Song of Ice and Fire and Martin's terrible writing style and obsession with wieners, you can read LotR.
Have you ever read The Riftwar Saga, Kevin? It's really good. Quite LotR-ish but with some of ASoIaF's more grounded political intrigue thrown in as well.
Stop describing Tolkien. Except replace obsession with wieners with obsession with scenery.
Well, get into it!
This gif is perfect.
I will most likely be drankin' wine tn.
I'm just posting f1 stuff to get you watch it, and support the DREAMTEAM.Y
Bonus: Happy car on the left
Badger just swoops in and steals all the guys ITT, hah!
I was aiming for man swallower.
wouldn't it be more accurate to say "potential child swallower"?
wouldn't it be more accurate to say "potential child swallower"?
Is this a reference to what I think it is? ;_____;
That sounds so wrong on so many different levels.
But because the risk of conception from gay sex is exactly 0%, I don't think the term could really apply. It only works with the breeders.
It took me a while to word it in a way that didn't sound like anything illegal. :/
And fak u man, what if one of the dudes has ovaries and his butt leads to it? Huh?
Then it still doesn't matter unless he has a uterus too!
He's got a peen and testes, but has the inner reproductive system of a woman, fully functional. Everything in and out through the butt.
You've got a good basis here for a male pregnancy fanfic.
Time to write it.
I don't even know what's going on right now.....
Sonic and Shrek are madly in love and trying to conceive, but there's trouble brewing in both Mobotropolis and Shrek's Swamp... Sonic's greatest rival, and his mirror image, Shadow is back in town, and he's none too pleased that the Blue Blur has won the handsome ogre's favour...
Title: It's All Ogre Now
Who gets pregnant, Shrek or Sonic?
Does Shrek haveovariesogre-ies?
You'll just have to buy my book and see! I'll be using Amazon's self-publish thing.
You'll just have to buy my book and see! I'll be using Amazon's self-publish thing.
What are you going to spend your billions on?
All quality.
Uuuughhh, I'm trying to resist going to the store for some chocolate/chips/donuts/fattystuff, but now I can't stop thinking about it. HELP