She looks good (despite the meth abuse), but I wouldn't rim her even if they paid me. I bet she tastes of oxide and dirty scabs.

She looks good (despite the meth abuse), but I wouldn't rim her even if they paid me. I bet she tastes of oxide and dirty scabs.
Back to being fake ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She looks good (despite the meth abuse), but I wouldn't rim her even if they paid me. I bet she tastes of oxide and dirty scabs.
She looks good (despite the meth abuse), but I wouldn't rim her even if they paid me. I bet she tastes of oxide and dirty scabs.
I just checked my pantry and noticed that I've run out of my precious beer preserve.
I didn't remember that I finished it last Sunday with some buttery croissant. And now I'm sad.
I'm attempting to read at least 50 books this year. I've read two already, and I'm about to finish a third. I'm also already one book ahead of schedule. This will be cake. #nerd
How do you do it?
Not that hard if you have the time/put other hobbies aside.
Back in high school I used to read around one book per week.
Edit: I guess you also need to be a fast reader.
I just checked my pantry and noticed that I've run out of my precious beer preserve.
I didn't remember that I finished it last Sunday with some buttery croissant. And now I'm sad.
I have a completely average reading speed. 210WPM last I checked.
Most books that I read tend to take three to four days max.
I thought you posted a picture of jenkem for a second there.
Confession time:
I'm not actually Negman.
I need to get my GPA up if I'm ever going to get an internship.
Take easy classes like Nutrition 101.
I think they'd catch on. I'm just gonna work my ass off.
Confession time:
I'm not actually Negman.
Oh my god, no. You're hot. Scandinavian genes win again. I hate GAF. :negman:
ariana grande is okay.
My genes don't win at hair tho(((
Thx beb <3<3<3
ariana grande is okay.
Look at this basic gamer who doesn't have a haswell CPU and a 970GTX.
Oh god, this again. *thuds head onto table*Join the console plebs instead.
But yeah, I'm excited for Witcher 3. But damn, Cyberpunk is going to be the GOAT. I can feel it. Can't wait until Witcher 3 is out, so they can fully focus on it.
Oh god, this again. *thuds head onto table*
Thread is 3spooky5me.
The Taman Shud case is so baffling. Not saying aliens killed him. But it was probably aliens.
That was always very obvious... Biology 101 >.>
Fake edit: Dar peer reviewed first reply.
Actual edit: Oh, the profound knowledge of the female anatomy exhibited by some posters there.
I can't handle all these compliments!You rock that haircut tho. 5real, bae.
Thread is 3spooky5me.
The Taman Shud case is so baffling. Not saying aliens killed him. But it was probably aliens.
I can't handle all these compliments!
Shit. Nosleep2nite
I can't handle all these compliments!
Funky Papa's first sex advice column is now available on the shelves. Bring your girlfriends for an empirical demonstration.
Next issue: Circumcision.
If I give anymore, things could become Lewd
Educate them.
Circumcision threads always get too heated and everyone catches feelings. If it's about dick, it's personal I guess.
My GAF thread rules:
1) Never enter a circumcision thread
2) Never enter a tipping thread
3) Never enter an abortion thread
In all three instances, you're guaranteed to encounter a bunch of people who will do nothing except piss you off.
5) Never enter a Spider-Man thread because most people are so wrong forever
Those "[Celebrity] sure is looking good these days" threads usually get a few bans from people ogling too hard. Good laughs.
Those "[Celebrity] sure is looking good these days" threads usually get a few bans from people ogling too hard. Good laughs.
I should also add
4) Never enter a minimum wage thread. It's all clearly about bootstraps, y'all. Some people can be borderline sociopaths I swear.
We need a Fergie one.