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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I can't wait for E3.

Here's a totally irrelevant gif that I bet will make some of you wish you were the car:



Spam spam spam!

Tiddums can't stop me. :3

I changed the theme color to black and Gaf feels like a whole different site.



Unconfirmed Member
"When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light , for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself."


Dark theme sucks.

Funky Papa

So about that DUMb reveal...


  • Nice fatalities
  • Dem GIBS.
  • Temporal power-ups/loot


  • Easily mistakable enemy designs.
  • Trash Mancubus.
  • Trash Hell Baron or whatever that thing is.
  • Nerfed single barreled shotty.
  • Poor machinegun.
  • It really looks like it's Doom 3 on steroids. And Doom 3 wasn't a very good game to begin with.

It's like nobody at Bethesad or id software managed to read the original game's design document or realize what made Doom awesome.

I need dozens of unique looking enemies on screen, well lit rooms and the ability to dodge their blasts or turn their numbers into my avantage by starting massive infighting. None of this has been shown so far.

I'm sad now.
Jesus Christ, that GoT season finale.

They are really going for the shock value, aren't they?

To be fair, the Jon scene is in ADwD. It's the show's fault for making it seem somewhat random because they've rushed everything to accommodate 10 million storylines at once. In the books
Jon is getting very, very involved in the politics of the realm and is about to have the Night's Watch march to join Stannis and retake Winterfell. His men turn on him and stab him because of this.
I'm just glad I'll finally know what the fuck happens next year after waiting nearly five years. Whether it's in book form or show form, I'll finally know!



FINALLY.Shame it looks a bit janky, but they'll probably fix that before release.
This new RPG from Guerrilla looks dope af.

No guns in sight either. Yaaaaaaaassss.

Horizon looks chillingly good.

Yessss! I officially forgive Guerrilla for KZ: Shadow Fall.

Sony knocked it out of the park, and EA and Ubisoft had some great stuff as well. Nintendo just need to announce a new Metroid (lol)and this will be one of the best E3s I can remember.

Funky Papa

So I go to bed and when I wake up Shenmue 3 has become a thing.

Da fug.

Edit: Horizon may push me towards a PS4 and Star Wars: Battlefront looking like HOLY SHIT. This E3, man.
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