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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Also Clyde I think I'm going to San Diego later this month.


edit: also, yes, i was proving to Linius that his Nederlander team is full of children.
lmao @ the Game of Thrones leaks.

I'm officially only in this shit show for an ending now. Hopefully GRRM manages to get TWoW out before season six and then gets the final book or books out in a timely manner.

Funky Papa

More GoT leaks you say? I guess I'l refrain from entering the OT until I'm all caught up.

Meanwhile, on the internets...


Edit: YO.



It's almost like D&D are trolling everyone. Get people's hopes up and deliver one of the series best episodes, redeeming the season in many people's eyes, then just continue their shitstorm crusade.

As I said on the Unmarked Spoilers thread, at least our final telling of the story will be reading A Dream of Spring. George gets the last word in.
Prepare for a precipitous ratings decline next season imo.

People are getting tired of this shit. Especially when any semblance of narrative coherence or characterization is thrown out the window just to make ~shocking and controversial~ scenes possible.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
So I'm at work and was checking Facebook for pics of the new boyfie to show my workmate and I came across a silly photo of him and laughed so hard I spat out my mint nearly hitting my workmate. Good job Lisa


Junior Member
So I'm at work and was checking Facebook for pics of the new boyfie to show my workmate and I came across a silly photo of him and laughed so hard I spat out my mint nearly hitting my workmate. Good job Lisa

This reminds me something that happened a few years back. Threw something at my mate but ended up hitting a female random at work. Worst thing is I was laughing and embarrassed at the same time.

Funky Papa

All caught up with Game of Thrones. I'm way too pissed off at
for form a proper critique of the episode. Everything that happened after that scene felt moot.

I don't know if that also happened in the books or if DD took the biggest one on top of them as per usual, but I'm fuming.

I'm very happy for him. I always enjoyed his posts over the Gaming side when I was still a frequent poster there.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Why's everyone so upset about this thing that happened. I didn't feel a thing lol. Just waiting for the world to burn.
Holy shit.

Does anyone remember that time I got locked in a guy's bathroom for an hour and then threw my lighter out his window after escaping?

Yeah his band has signed to Roadrunner Records. The guys with Slipknot and shit on.

They've finally signed a good band.


All caught up with Game of Thrones. I'm way too pissed off at
for form a proper critique of the episode. Everything that happened after that scene felt moot.

I don't know if that also happened in the books or if DD took the biggest one on top of them as per usual, but I'm fuming.

Yeah, at this point I'd be fine with
Stannis dying.
That was some bullshit. And the worst part is that it was so heavily foreshadowed that you'd assume that they wouldn't do it because it'd be too obvious.


After that I needed a nap. Now I'm going to go watch Ponyo or something.

Aint gonna lie. If the ratings drop, I'll cackle.
All caught up with Game of Thrones. I'm way too pissed off at
for form a proper critique of the episode. Everything that happened after that scene felt moot.

I don't know if that also happened in the books or if DD took the biggest one on top of them as per usual, but I'm fuming.

It hasn't happened in the books yet anyway. And D&D stated that it was GRRM's idea. But when it does happen in the next book, I'm pretty confident that the circumstances surrounding it will be completely different and will you know actually make sense. For one Shireen, Melisandre, and Selyse aren't even with Stannis in the books. So if they do that, I predict it will be Mel and Selyse doing it behind his back. If Stannis somehow goes back to the Wall and does it himself then George has lost it tbh.


Basically, Stannis is very unlikely to be reunited with Shireen in the books. Very far apart in location and, if I recall correctly,
he's already taken Winterfell without any use of magic.



Just beat
(aka Solaire'd)
the Bell Gargoyles in Dark Souls, having a ton of fun. I can feel the stanformation starting already.

So if they do that, I predict it will be Mel and Selyse doing it behind his back. If Stannis somehow goes back to the Wall and does it himself then George has lost it tbh.
Pretty much. Fucking with Stannis' Mannis status is the one thing I won't tolerate.

Oooooh, True Detective's coming back soon! I'm pretty scared/excited, still not sure about Vaughn.

The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face

I fuck with this. End me, Abel.
I refuse to listen to him because of his RIDICULOUS hair. Like, what the hell is it?


Also, if book Stannis needs king's blood ADwD spoilers:
He has Theon and Asha for that.

How does king's blood work, anyway? Most of these kings are self-declared because there's only supposed to be one king of Westeros. I'd you own land and call yourself a king, do you now have kingsblood? If you have the blood of someone who USED to be a king, is it still kingsblood?
How does king's blood work, anyway? Most of these kings are self-declared because there's only supposed to be one king of Westeros. I'd you own land and call yourself a king, do you now have kingsblood? If you have the blood of someone who USED to be a king, is it still kingsblood?

Based on the books, I'd go with anyone declaring themselves a king is fair game. It would make the most sense for it to specifically refer to Targaryen/ancient Valyrian blood (which the Baratheons have due to marriage) but at one point in the books Melisandre wants
to burn Mance's son
and he certainly doesn't have any Targaryen blood. So yeah, based on that I'd say declaring yourself a king and being recognized as one is enough.

You also have to remember that the Seven Kingdoms were at one point seven sovereign kingdoms, so the members of the most prominent house in each kingdom (except the Tyrells) is descended from a line of autonomous kings.


Based on the books, I'd go with anyone declaring themselves a king is fair game. It would make the most sense for it to specifically refer to Targaryen/ancient Valyrian blood (which the Baratheons have due to marriage) but at one point in the books Melisandre wants
to burn Mance's son
and he certainly doesn't have any Targaryen blood. So yeah, based on that I'd say declaring yourself a king and being recognized as one is enough.

You also have to remember that the Seven Kingdoms were at one point seven sovereign kingdoms, so the members of the most prominent house in each kingdom (except the Tyrells) is descended from a line of autonomous kings.

At that point you could get a bunch of homeless guys and declare them kings.
At that point you could get a bunch of homeless guys and declare them kings.


I apparently misremembered about Melisandre. Oop.

tl;dr who the fuck really knows at this point. The books have been ambiguous about it so far.

One point made is the Varys quote that "Power resides where men believe it resides." Getting a bunch of peasants to declare themselves kings wouldn't do much because no one would follow them. I think the recognition of kingship by masses of people is definitely required when it comes to having king's blood. Perhaps belief amplifies the power of the blood for R'hllor's use which is why king's blood is so prized. It would explain why Mance Rayder who was a commoner before he deserted the Night's Watch has king's blood. He convinced hundreds of thousands of wildlings to unite under him as the King Beyond the Wall.
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