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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Unconfirmed Member
I refuse to buy a PS4 or XBONE or a PC but want to play Fallout 4.

Funky Papa

I refuse to buy a PS4 or XBONE or a PC but want to play Fallout 4.

Will upgrade my PC for Doom and Fallout 4.

Will buy a PS4 for all the new, badass gaemz being introduced at the E3.

Will do all of that when prices come down, because I'm a cheap bastard.



I don't know why so many people are upset with Ninty's conference. At least the games announced had actual gameplay to back them up.

Also, considering that Nomura is the director for the VII remake, are we to expect real time combat? I don't think he has any experience with the turn based stuff.
Definitely real time imo. Anyone expecting anything other than full real time or at least mostly real time for a mainline Final Fantasy game in 2025 (when it will actually release lbr) is fooling themselves.

Funky Papa

I don't know why so many people are upset with Ninty's conference. At least the games announced had actual gameplay to back them up.

Also, considering that Nomura is the director for the VII remake, are we to expect real time combat? I don't think he has any experience with the turn based stuff.
Not only Nintendo buried the WiiU, but believes it can release a Starfox game without multiplayer in 2015.

At least they tried.


AMD's Fury X will cost $650. If it performs on par with Titan X or even slightly better as leaked benchmarks suggest then we have a real winner.

It's gonna be another Titan vs 290x once again.
AMD's Fury X will cost $650. If it performs on par with Titan X or even slightly better as leaked benchmarks suggest then we have a real winner.

It's gonna be another Titan vs 290x once again.

The reason it's 650 is because two weeks ago Nvidia preempted the Fury X (previously rumoured to be 850) with the 980ti, which gives essentially identical performance to the Titan X at 650. The Fury X isn't really competing against the Titan X anymore, it's competing against the 980ti. Which has 6GB of vram, rather than 4gb of faster vram on the Fury X.

Wait for benches as always but it's not as clear cut as you're saying. They'll need to throw in a promotional game with it too, since Titan X owners got Witcher 3 and now all Nvid high end cards are coming with Batman.

Funky Papa

Prolly the best edition in... I don't know, five years or so? I was watching it from the sidelines with no expectations at all and it pretty much blew my socks off.
Me before and after reading this book:



Incredible, but I don't think I have the fortitude to ever read it again. Sobbed on and off for the final four chapters.


How can people be upset at Nintendo for not having a lot of new games but people have not been mad at Sony for the past year, and since the PS4 released.

Psshhh... Gamers. :p


People get mad at Nintendo for not releasing new IP's then get upset when they release new IP's and not sequels. There's really no winning. I pay very little attention to Nintendo complaints that don't involve complaining about lack of adequate stock of good items.

Funky Papa

Come on, kids. Nintendo's showing has been incredibly lackluster. A poor looking Starfox game with no multiplayer and a Metroid that makes a joke of its name have been its biggest outings this year... amidst a sea of nothing.

But that's not the worst. The most idiotic part is that Nintendo pretty much told the public that the Wii U is dead and that they basically forget about getting any significant number of new top quality games for the next couple of years.

Nintendo really screwed the pooch this year. But I'm mostly a PC gamer, so


Funky Papa

I just got done with the first episode of the second season of House of Cards.

Let me tell you what I think about that thing that just happened.

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