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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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New Xcerts is fucking rad

From the interview at that link:
We’re a rock band but we’re not afraid to say we’re writing big pop hooks. We wanted to bring back genuine heart and emotion into guitar pop music because we feel like it’s lacking a little bit right now.

Pretty much sums up my opinion. Aggressive, real, poppy rock is fucking awesome and we need more of it.
Oh damnit

I've just remembered what week it is

I fucking hate Fest week

Everyone's in America except me

*cries into my work keyboard*



Leaves are turning yellow, the air is comfortably crisp, and Windam's avatar is upside down. This is a story of blood, lust, and poutine.


This should certainly get some use in GAF.



I hate that feeling.

So NONE of you have a One, huh?

I have a PS4. I'll get an Xbox One closer to Christmas if that price drop is still in effect.

I get the feeling of needing to shut myself down whenever I start to overcontemplate life. In this case, it's because all of my friends are going traveling and either have someone to go traveling with them, or have someone to return to when they're done. I do not. It makes me feel a little shitty, and if I keep thinking down that train of thought, it goes into a slippery slope of "what am I doing with my life" and I'll start to panic, so it's best to stop myself before then. That kind of problem is the worst because you can't talk to anyone about it without sounding alone and bitter, and really only the first part of that is true for me. I'm not bitter that other people are doing well. I'm just disappointed in myself. And that thought keeps me from functioning at 100%. I've tried discussing it with my friends but the best that I ever get in response is "I'm sorry." I don't know what kind of response I would have expected but I'm always hoping for a different one and it never comes.

People have far bigger problems to deal with than I do. I get that. I get that having that issue isn't all that bad on a large scale, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't bother me.


I love space sims(Freespace!) and I've always wanted to play the X-wing/TIE fighter games, so I'm super excited by those.

I already have KotOR as well, haven't played past the first hour tho :(


I have a PS4. I'll get an Xbox One closer to Christmas if that price drop is still in effect.

I get the feeling of needing to shut myself down whenever I start to overcontemplate life. In this case, it's because all of my friends are going traveling and either have someone to go traveling with them, or have someone to return to when they're done. I do not. It makes me feel a little shitty, and if I keep thinking down that train of thought, it goes into a slippery slope of "what am I doing with my life" and I'll start to panic, so it's best to stop myself before then. That kind of problem is the worst because you can't talk to anyone about it without sounding alone and bitter, and really only the first part of that is true for me. I'm not bitter that other people are doing well. I'm just disappointed in myself. And that thought keeps me from functioning at 100%. I've tried discussing it with my friends but the best that I ever get in response is "I'm sorry." I don't know what kind of response I would have expected but I'm always hoping for a different one and it never comes.

People have far bigger problems to deal with than I do. I get that. I get that having that issue isn't all that bad on a large scale, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't bother me.

You can talk about any problems with me man.

There will always be people with bigger problems, doesn't change the fact that you don't feel 100%. It's not selfish to recognize one's own feelings.

It's all about perspective, nobody is on a level playing field when it comes to feels. I get depressed when I stub my toe, other people get depressed when their water well is dry. I won't ever know that situation but it doesn't mean I'm not just as sad in mine.

I wouldn't recommend shutting yourself down when you start to contemplate. Embrace the downs, they make the ups so much better.
It's dumb to dismiss your own problems just because other people have it worse anyway. It would be like saying you should never feel happy because someone, somewhere invariably has it better than you.

Unless you're in the top 1%. Then I guess no one else does.
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