Funky Papa
Too bad I won't be able to play Cyberpunk in my lifetime.
What's been happening here
Getting ready to get pounded by snow this weekend.
Has K-pop gone too far?
You don't understand, there's an explanation for this. Korean girls are not exposed to porn and hold no impure feelings unlike unrefined Western women. They are so pure and innocent~![]()
Has K-pop gone too far?
El Nino is slacking. Winter came and it's as shit as ever.
Norwegian Wood said:Finding out about his penis size was easy enough. I just went to the dorm's communal shower with him. He had a big one, all right. But 100 girls was probably an exaggeration. "Maybe 75," he said. "I can't remember them all, but I'm sure it's at least 70." When I told him I had slept with only one, he said, "Oh, we can fix that, easy. Come with me next time. I'll get you one easy as that."
It has.
Is that real or some parody?
This thread has so many beautiful people.
What's Zee up to anyway?
Chimera cubs aren't so bad
they are cute <3
LINK - 6 Second Video
Is it bad that I laughed at the video?
I laughed harder the 2nd time watching.
Got some Steam keys, you dissolute wretches.
To The Moon
Freedom Planet
I'm up for Freedom Planet, you hot slut.
I may even regale you with a silly picture for you all to laugh over Skype.
I already have Stalker and Magicka and I don't know what the rest are :[
Why aren't we Steem buddies yet anyway?
Enjoy your Sonic OC fanfic gameI'm up for Freedom Planet, you hot slut.
I may even regale you all with a silly picture of me so you can mock me over Skype.
Enjoy your Sonic OC fanfic game
Can confirm the American perception is 100% true.
[1/28/2016 10:25:33 PM] Feeble: Jake smells like hay
[1/28/2016 10:25:48 PM] Feeble: Kevin smells like garlic
[1/28/2016 10:25:56 PM] Feeble: Josh smells like Axe
[1/28/2016 10:26:09 PM] Feeble: Lisa smells like vanilla and raspberry
THIS!? This is the fucking shit I come home to?
[1/28/2016 10:25:33 PM] Feeble: Jake smells like hay
[1/28/2016 10:25:48 PM] Feeble: Kevin smells like garlic
[1/28/2016 10:25:56 PM] Feeble: Josh smells like Axe
[1/28/2016 10:26:09 PM] Feeble: Lisa smells like peaches
THIS!? This is the fucking shit I come home to?
[12:08:08 AM] Kevin: Why the fuck is there a Joker looking guy staring at me in this Starbucks? Like an old white dude with botox lines
[12:09:06 AM] Jake: (rofl)
[12:09:30 AM] Kevin: dude was intently staring at me for a good 30 seconds straight
[12:09:33 AM] Kevin: so i got up and left
[12:10:14 AM] Jake: He wanted your [redacted]
[12:10:33 AM] Kevin: probably. he had the gay accent and i think makeup on
[12:10:37 AM] Kevin: but he was like 50
[12:10:44 AM] Kevin: and a guy
[12:10:51 AM] Kevin: and creepy
[12:15:46 AM] Kevin: yessssss
[12:15:48 AM] Kevin: yessssssssssss
[12:15:52 AM] Kevin: give it to meeeeeee
[12:16:39 AM] Jake: Is that what you told the creepy old man in Starbucks?
[10:26:29 PM] Kevin: adam isn't irish
[10:27:33 PM] Jake: I don't know. He's pale and his beard is reddish. He could have some Irish blood.
[10:28:10 PM] Kevin: we must find his pot of gold, then
[10:28:38 PM] Jakerobably in his ass that's why he won't let Lisa go near it.
[10:29:01 PM] Kevin: rip
[10:29:56 PM] Jake: I have Irish blood tho and I don't have any pots of gold in my ass. ;_;
[10:30:12 PM] Kevin: you just never had someone go digg--wait. nvm.
[10:30:53 PM] Jake: (makeup)
[10:31:10 PM] Kevin: (disgust)
[10:34:39 PM] Jake: Let's see you're brown so your ass probably has I dunno. Curry in it.
[10:35:35 PM] Jake: Or an idea for a Bollywood musical.
[10:36:25 PM] Kevin: nah i got trail mix
[10:36:58 PM] Kevin: i'd prefer to eat 3 boxes of trail mix at once than have a plate of curry and rice or curry and roti
[10:37:37 PM] Jake: I'd eat it all tbh.
[10:39:51 PM] Jake: Talking about the food not your ass.
[10:40:00 PM] Kevin: uh-huh.
[10:40:29 PM] Jake: Whew lord, three beers getting me lit. (drunk)
[10:44:31 PM] Jake: Not everything I do is about your ass, Kevin. Stop being so solipsistic.
[10:46:22 PM] Kevin: dunno what that last word is
[10:47:28 PM] Jake: like a philosophy that only the self can truly exist.
[10:49:14 PM] Kevin: o
the fuck
Dear FakeGAF,
Are you ready to repent of your sins and accept XCOM 2 as your personal saviour?
I don't even know what that is. So no.
I still have to play XCOM1.
Backlog 2 strong.
Well, I don't have a good enough computer NO!Dear FakeGAF,
Are you ready to repent of your sins and accept XCOM 2 as your personal saviour?
The hell is an xcom, Funky?