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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Junior Member
Greensburg, PA. Boring town.

If you're free, go do something randomly if you feel like going out. I did this once and it was great. Another time I went on a date on my bday and it was horrible. Otherwise a BBQ sesh with family and/or friends is nice too.


If you're free, go do something randomly if you feel like going out. I did this once and it was great. Another time I went on a date on my bday and it was horrible. Otherwise a BBQ sesh with family and/or friends is nice too.


Me and my buddy Dave are probably gonna box and hang tomorrow. A day late but I have the day off.







There are only select people in my real life who know the extent of my Hunger Games obsession

I know one person who seems to become obsessed with every single new successful franchise and has no respect for the rules of spoilers. Scrolling through my Instagram feed was like disarming a bomb because I was trying to avoid her Game of Thrones posts. I think she actually posted
Joffrey's death
screenshot on Instagram. Also, everyone seems to have some kind of hidden obsession with American Horror Story. I don't see the appeal.

Not the worst experience that I've had with spoilers. That award goes to TMZ who spoiled
Walter White dying
in Breaking Bad before I could see the series finale because one of my parents left the TV on that show and I was trying to turn it off.

Prim dying
got spoilered for me too while I was about halfway through Mockingjay. I still continued reading. It was still a pretty great book, bittersweet ending and all.

But they can't spoil Walking Dead for me because I read most of the comics already. I've noticed that they've split up a lot of characters' story arcs in that show to cover for characters who either died earlier than their comic book counterpart or lived longer.
I know one person who seems to become obsessed with every single new successful franchise and has no respect for the rules of spoilers. Scrolling through my Instagram feed was like disarming a bomb because I was trying to avoid her Game of Thrones posts. I think she actually posted
Joffrey's death
screenshot on Instagram. Also, everyone seems to have some kind of hidden obsession with American Horror Story. I don't see the appeal.

Not the worst experience that I've had with spoilers. That award goes to TMZ who spoiled
Walter White dying
in Breaking Bad before I could see the series finale because one of my parents left the TV on that show and I was trying to turn it off.

Prim dying
got spoilered for me too while I was about halfway through Mockingjay.

But they can't spoil Walking Dead for me because I read most of the comics beforehand.

Ygritte dying
and the
Red Wedding
got spoiled for me, but I refused to believe either of them so when they actually happened I was just really really sad that they were true.

Let me tell you though, the last five chapters or so of Mockingjay turned me into an emotional sobbing mess. ;_;


Ygritte dying
and the
Red Wedding
got spoiled for me, but I refused to believe either of them so when they actually happened I was just really really sad that they were true.

Let me tell you though, the last five chapters or so of Mockingjay turned me into an emotional sobbing mess. ;_;

I liked the way that Mockingjay's ending was written.
Katniss having a life with Peeta and kids who won't have to be in the Hunger Games should be a good thing, but they make it feel pretty bittersweet with the knowledge of how much she's lost and what she's gone through. At the end of it all, there's no way that it could end that would make her entire ordeal worth it.
For some reason, her final sentence reminds me of the ending to Ready Player One.

No book has ever caused me to cry, to my knowledge. Plenty of movies and games have though. I cried at the ending to Sonic Adventure 2 and Kingdom Hearts. I completed Crisis Core on a plane and I was crying for half of the flight. That one definitely hit me the hardest. As for movies, the most recent one to make me cry was Les Miserables, mostly because of Eponine.

What's normal?

I just try to be myself and be decent/not an asshole to people.

Normal for me would be not spazzing out and having a sense of humor that doesn't require an extensive knowledge of pop culture.
I liked the way that Mockingjay's ending was written.
Katniss having a life with Peeta and kids who won't have to be in the Hunger Games should be a good thing, but they make it feel pretty bittersweet with the knowledge of how much she's lost and what she's gone through. At the end of it all, there's no way that it could end that would make her entire ordeal worth it.
For some reason, her final sentence reminds me of the ending to Ready Player One.

It was very similar, yes.

I loved the ending, too. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I'm so excited to see it on screen!


It was very similar, yes.

I loved the ending, too. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I'm so excited to see it on screen!

I'm expecting a tone along the lines of
True Grit's ending. No triumphant soundtrack, no happy love filter. Just Katniss and her thoughts, and maybe a small hint of some kind of hope as it pans over the primroses.
Kind of like that feeling when
Hiccup saw his amputated leg
in How to Train Your Dragon.


Well, just try to chill man.

......That probably sounds like shallow advice.

Nah, it's pretty rational advice. I just have a tendency to panic when I think people are judging me. That's where the spazzing out comes in. It's like I become so wrapped up in trying to impress them so they don't label me as a mute freak that I get weird and annoying.

Hope you had a good birthday, by the way.


Nah, it's pretty rational advice. I just have a tendency to panic when I think people are judging me. That's where the spazzing out comes in. It's like I become so wrapped up in trying to impress them so they don't label me as a mute freak that I get weird and annoying.

Hope you had a good birthday, by the way.

Thanks. It was a peaceful day at least.

Obviously, people are going to judge one way or another. Some negatively, most indifferently. Anyone who might think your a freak is probably an asshole anyway. Everyone's got their own identity to figure out.


Thanks. It was a peaceful day at least.

Obviously, people are going to judge one way or another. Some negatively, most indifferently. Anyone who might think your a freak is probably an asshole anyway. Everyone's got their own identity to figure out.

It'd be a lot easier to figure myself out if I wasn't the living embodiment of a contradiction.


Have you beaten the Taurus Demon yet, breh?

Because I totally did yesterday.

Yeh, I beat the game on my cousins PS3 last year.

Waiting for GFWL to get out of the way (next week I think?) before I play through on PC. Might do a dex/parry build.

Also havn't played the DLC, looking forward to that.
Yeh, I beat the game on my cousins PS3 last year.

Waiting for GFWL to get out of the way (next week I think?) before I play through on PC. Might do a dex/parry build.

Also havn't played the DLC, looking forward to that.


I thought we were on the same part and our fates were linked. But it was all a lie. :negman:
Oh, our fates are linked more then you know. You shall discover soon enough
In Dark Souls lore

Where are you now?

Currently at the bonfire contemplating whether I should kill the undead merchant or not.

He drops a sword. And I've bought what I need off him. But it's not as good as the Drake Sword, so I should probably just let him live.

You guys are making me want to play Dark Souls, pls no.

Give in.


Currently at the bonfire contemplating whether I should kill the undead merchant or not.

He drops a sword. And I've bought what I need off him. But it's not as good as the Drake Sword, so I should probably just let him live.

Give in.

What has he ever done to you?! poor guy.

You best not be using a wiki boy.

You guys are making me want to play Dark Souls, pls no.

Its got a lot of fans for a reason


Song for my B-Day even though I'm a couple hourse late. :p

Meaning you subconsciously change your mind a lot?

No (well technically yes), I mean that I have a tendency to contradict myself. For example. I have a pool and like swimming and rainy days but I hate getting wet.

Currently at the bonfire contemplating whether I should kill the undead merchant or not.

He drops a sword. And I've bought what I need off him. But it's not as good as the Drake Sword, so I should probably just let him live.

Give in.

You're going to have to ditch the Drake Sword at some point because it doesn't scale, probably around the time you finish Blighttown, which is where one of my other characters is right now.

Funky Papa

I still have to play Demon's Souls.


I really want to, but this suddenly-having-a-friendgirl thing is destroying my gaming routine.

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