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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Worst thing of getting banned is no more black theme.

It's pretty jarring to have to go back to white theme for a few weeks/months when banned. :(

Because she texted me while we were messaging on WhatsApp.

I found it weird.

1) It's not that weird

2) Why'd you ask it like that? I know you're the direct type, but sometimes that can come off as rude. What you did was kinda rude which is why she went all funny.


The other day I got that shit all over my face. And it doesn't come off easy, my uniforms are gonna get nasty sooner or later.
I have a tendency to scratch my nose pretty often so when I worked a CNC machine I would come home with a grease colored nose pretty much everyday. I can imagine that would be much worse
It's pretty jarring to have to go back to white theme for a few weeks/months when banned. :(

don't get banned :p


I'm like 99.99% sure I coulda gotten this nurse's number if I gave a shit.

And "coulda" is basically the same as "did" in my corrupted mind


That's why I mostly post in here and in DOTA GAF, it's safer for me. As soon as I start venturing out into the wider forums I get banned.


Alright so I'm getting this mixer:


Anyone have any impressions? It's smallish, has 48v, and usb interface, but I'm afraid because Behringer's I've used in the past have had too much noise.

That LiteBrite looks cool.

This is so easy to say and so hard to do with some of the fuckery I witness in Off Topic.

To be fair, I've only been banned twice in nearly three years.

I get worked up from time to time reading OT because really do feel like i'm arguing with terribly socially inept mouth breathing neckbeards alot of the time.

I've been banned twice but the one time I deserved it for making fun of soccer.


Alright so I'm getting this mixer:


Anyone have any impressions? It's smallish, has 48v, and usb interface, but I'm afraid because Behringer's I've used in the past have had too much noise.

Never tried that one, but I have an Alesis Multimix 8 and it's never given me any problems.

This is so easy to say and so hard to do with some of the fuckery I witness in Off Topic.

To be fair, I've only been banned twice in nearly three years.

In three years I've never been banned because I have danger sense. So far I seem to know what to avoid saying.
That LiteBrite looks cool.

I get worked up from time to time reading OT because really do feel like i'm arguing with terribly socially inept mouth breathing neckbeards alot of the time.

I've been banned twice but the one time I deserved it for making fun of soccer.

Football's shit though, making fun of it should be acceptable
This guy just asked me if I wanted to go up to some cabin on a mountain and spend the weekend fishing with him and share a hotel room...breh I barely know you

I deserve better than this shit


Dark on mobile is the best for late night/early morning gaffing without making the room too bright for your significant other sleeping beside you.


This guy just asked me if I wanted to go up to some cabin on a mountain and spend the weekend fishing with him and share a hotel room...breh I barely know you

I deserve better than this shit

I've seen this movie before. Gratz on working with a serial killer I guess
I feel I have at least 50 points in discretion. Maybe more.

(Incidentally both times I was banned, I was a little drunk. Got a little too fearless.)

understandable. I do my best to avoid posting when I don't think I'm going to agree with myself


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Nobody knows when they walk by. It all looks similar unless there are weird gifs happening.

Look at those adorable couple pictures.

I went on a 2nd date in the woods overlooking a giant ravine with nobody else around.

A girl I went on a date with told me she sends guys pictures to her friends in case they are serial killers. Now I understand.



No, I am her.


*image of a puzzle piece sliding into place and then zoom out to show finished puzzle*


Girls go to college, to get more knowledge; boys go to Jupiter, to get more stupider

This doesn't make sense, if boys are going to Jupiter then that means they're astronauts and astronauts have to be pretty smart, your rhyme is a god damned lie.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
This guy just asked me if I wanted to go up to some cabin on a mountain and spend the weekend fishing with him and share a hotel room...breh I barely know you

I deserve better than this shit

What the fuck is with dudes wanting to take you into the mountains?


Yo, middle school throwback.
I have no idea where that came from but everyone seemed to know it
Um I like that it rhymes but anyone going to Jupiter would clearly be a world class educated person so yeah that is very funny though

This doesn't make sense, if boys are going to Jupiter then that means they're astronauts and astronauts have to be pretty smart, your rhyme is a god damned lie.



Also I'd like to point out that "more stupider" is grammatically incorrect, however linguistically we have to remember that language is fluid and what is grammatically incorrect today may be generally accepted by the majority of native speakers tomorrow.


I also remember the "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these" one. Complete with mimicking Chinese and Japanese eyes.

Which you know is incredibly racist looking back on it as an adult.

Most school house stuff like that is still in wide use today because parents are fucking idiots.


It's sad seeing racism develop in my son's friends and knowing that it's coming from cultural osmosis and from their parents. Like, seriously so depressing that I try not to think about it.
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