A rough estimate of Bernie's chances is 0%.. Just a rough guess. Between 0% and 0%

A rough estimate of Bernie's chances is 0%.. Just a rough guess. Between 0% and 0%
he'd have to grow a mustache first
a mustache and body hair are mandatory to be tom selleck. dimple is optional
Keep fucking up AmericaA rough estimate of Bernie's chances is 0%.. Just a rough guess. Between 0% and 0%
I can do both with a little bit of time.
can I borrow some of your shoulder muscles bruv?
Standing straight bar military press m8
Imagine if I showed ya my Adults Only gifs.god damnit
:: unzips ::
Standing straight bar military press m8
here's another one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apatheismthanks to gaf I just became aware of possibilianism
I used to feel pretty comfortable identifying myself agnostic but this label is even better tbh
I believe in facts. Facts guide me. I'm a factist.
Call me that in person Halcyonlooked that whore straight in the eyes
A Jehovas Witness came up to me as I was getting out of my car on Saturday. I had both of my hands full and she's like "I just want to invite you to a meeting about our group" and held out a flyer to me.
I took that flyer with my little thumb nub that was peeking out from the bags of bacon and other breakfast foods I was carrying, looked that whore straight in the eyes, and said "thank you mam, I hope you have a great morning".
It felt good to be nice to someone. It was a sunny day and it's great to be alive.
my control panel is invisible :O
cool story mviii
reminds me of the time this kid came up to me peddling his hip hop demo while I pumped gas into my car. he asked me if I liked hip hop and you should have seen his face when I told him that Killer Mike is my hero and handed him a $5
Welcome to the tech industry *confetti*Windows XP. That's not something I've seen for awhile.
Sorry about your control panel. RIP
Was the demo the new hotness.
Every time I open lgbt(etc)GAF it just doesn't seem like I can relate/fit in. Disappointing
Welcome to the tech industry *confetti*
Call me that in person Halcyon
I find it hilarious that I left GAF for literally a full fucking year and this thread still exists
Legacy tech industry?
I find it hilarious that I left GAF for literally a full fucking year and this thread still exists
Had a dream I was kissing my friend and some things were leading to another. I guess he is pretty cute and I wouldn't mind kissing him but gay dreams are increasing lately lol
Had a dream I was kissing my friend and some things were leading to another. I guess he is pretty cute and I wouldn't mind kissing him but gay dreams are increasing lately lol
I find it hilarious that I left GAF for literally a full fucking year and this thread still exists
I find it hilarious that I left GAF for literally a full fucking year and this thread still exists
have we been sharing the same needle? I don't want aids.
Fuck Mondays 4eveeeerrrrr
Yeah some other guy stole my heart.Is that why you don't talk with me lately? Awwww
I'm probably Bi tbh lol still haven't tried so I don't know.
It's Tuesday thoFuck Mondays 4eveeeerrrrr
have we been sharing the same needle? I don't want aids.
It is a bit weird.1) It's not that weird
2) Why'd you ask it like that? I know you're the direct type, but sometimes that can come off as rude. What you did was kinda rude which is why she went all funny.
I'm probably Bi tbh lol still haven't tried so I don't know.
Send nudes
Why'd you get banned?
I'd definitely try cute type of guys. Don't like rough looking guys. I think I care a lot about how slim they are especially their nose. Something about the nose that's scratching my head hahahigh five for the "probably bi but haven't tried club"!
(though I'm of the belief that you don't need to try to know your attractions)
I don't regret sending any ever. I don't even care if someone posts it to my Facebook profile, I'll even say "yep that's me". No nude is a mistake.I don't have any. The only people that have them are the thousands of people on the internet that I made bad decisions with.
I had a nightmare last night where I was in a unisex bathroom that for some reason had urinals. These urinals did not have privacy walls so this female came in and started watching me piss. Her eyes turned black and my piss turned to blood.
What does it mean?