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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Funky Papa

That moment when you switch protein powders and the new one gives you THE WORST FLATULENCE EVER.

I'm grossed out by myself.

Edit: Fuck, top of the page. The shame will live on.
Marvel subplots just seem silly on a larger scale. Like the Mandarin. His plans for a war economy seem stupid when you've got to contend with things like the infinity gauntlet.

This about sums it up -



That could be it. I never block so I get thrown off a lot. What I also have a problem with is keeping track of where I am. The fighters in the 3DS version are tiny when it is zoomed out so if I play Link (who is pretty thin, compared to the rest) and I get distracted by something the AI does then it happens a lot that I lose sight and make him easy prey.

Oh, and I need to train my reflexes. I get thrown off the stage and I always react way too late and can't come back up. :D

Little Mac is almost impossible to recover with.

Lucian, who is nevermind.


There's no Thanksgiving here in Europe so no Thankgiving avi for me.

I only played the demo so far so I don't know his moves and pros/cons. I'll just take your word for it. :)

Pros-unstoppable on the ground, fast,instant KO move

Cons-can't jump for shit. If you get knocked too far away from the platform on a level with a pit you are screwed.

Funky Papa

I'm an adult. I can make eggnog whenever I want.

Which reminds me that Optimum Nutrition actually sells eggnog flavoured whey protein, and it tastes surprisingly legit.

Unrelated: all that hype and 24: Live Another Day is still kinda garbage.
And they shake and they shiver
As I cut through skin and bones
Can you solve the riddle

Shadowshow darkens the river
Turn hearts into stone
We run, we run
Terrified what have we done
Is this how it goes
Silence grows
Loudly bigger
Its heartrending crow
You run, you run
Terrified what have you done
Is this how it goes


I feel sad for the foreigners here who have yet to experience the utter joy that comes from a Thanksgiving feast.


Too bad egg nog is TRASH.

Funky Papa

And they shake and they shiver
As I cut through skin and bones
Can you solve the riddle

Shadowshow darkens the river
Turn hearts into stone
We run, we run
Terrified what have we done
Is this how it goes
Silence grows
Loudly bigger
Its heartrending crow
You run, you run
Terrified what have you done
Is this how it goes


Too bad egg nog is TRASH.
Eggnog is delicious. That said, warm milk with rum and honey is still my favourite form of dairy.

Funky Papa

I had two terrible nosebleeds yesterday. And I'm pretty sure they were caused by a combo of dry winter air and alcohol dilating my blood vessels. I've decided to swear off liquor for a bit.
Ouch. That def sounds like a good idea. I never had nose problems due to drinking, but I've fucked up my throat a few times during winter. Understandable.

And what's going on with that G4 bet? I can't find jack on mobile.
Ouch. That def sounds like a good idea. I never had nose problems due to drinking, but I've fucked up my throat a few times during winter. Understandable.

It was especially scary the first time because I'd never seen so much blood gush out of my nose and also because it started while I was sleeping. So I literally kind of choked awake. Fuck that shit.

Second time it happened while I was still awake and it didn't last as long. But yeah, I need some dry months I think.


Back from mah trip and holy shit it was freezing.

Also I think I need to avoid Facebook because I'm seeing too many stupid things and calling them out. I had another argument recently on Stephens cover photo but the guy I was arguing with deleted all of his comments while mine are still there lmao.


Back from mah trip and holy shit it was freezing.

Also I think I need to avoid Facebook because I'm seeing too many stupid things and calling them out. I had another argument recently on Stephens cover photo but the guy I was arguing with deleted all of his comments while mine are still there lmao.

No matter how many stupid people you put down, two more will rise up against you, Wazzy. There's no winning.

Adam I'm waiting for the day when you and Em get matching Other M avatars. Windam can be The Baby.


I know but this time I had to argue because it was someone being a douche to Stephen.

By acknowledging them you give them power. If you ignore them they'll die. Frozen and alone. But you'll track them down, just for the pleasure of burying their bones! *ahem* Sorry, I watched too much of the old X-Men series.

The people behind me are having a loud conversation about anal. My delicate ears can't take that kind of dirty subject.
I'm sorry we'll quiet down.

By acknowledging them you give them power. If you ignore them they'll die. Frozen and alone. But you'll track them down, just for the pleasure of burying their bones! *ahem* Sorry, I watched too much of the old X-Men series.

I think Megan's more the type to crush and grind their bones. Then seal them in an urn and throw the urn into a volcano.


I think Megan's more the type to crush and grind their bones. Then seal them in an urn and throw the urn into a volcano.

Pretty accurate tbh.

I mean my first response that started the whole argument was "Good thing no one cares what you think!" and it just spiralled from there.

At least there was about 5 others that called the guy out too, though.


Pretty accurate tbh.

I mean my first response that started the whole argument was "Good thing no one cares what you think!" and it just spiralled from there.

At least there was about 5 others that called the guy out too, though.

I saw that and loved every comment. Amazing how the dude implied he was just "2dark2edgy" for y'all lololololol
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